yeniden çevir


Bu veri kümesini TFDS'ye yüklemek için aşağıdaki komutu kullanın:

ds = tfds.load('huggingface:re_dial')
  • Tanım :
ReDial (Recommendation Dialogues) is an annotated dataset of dialogues, where users
recommend movies to each other. The dataset was collected by a team of researchers working at
Polytechnique Montréal, MILA  Quebec AI Institute, Microsoft Research Montréal, HEC Montreal, and Element AI.

The dataset allows research at the intersection of goal-directed dialogue systems
(such as restaurant recommendation) and free-form (also called chit-chat) dialogue systems.
  • Lisans : CC BY 4.0 Lisansı.
  • Sürüm : 1.1.0
  • Bölünmeler :
Bölmek Örnekler
'test' 1342
'train' 10006
  • Özellikler :
    "movieMentions": [
            "movieId": {
                "dtype": "string",
                "id": null,
                "_type": "Value"
            "movieName": {
                "dtype": "string",
                "id": null,
                "_type": "Value"
    "respondentQuestions": [
            "movieId": {
                "dtype": "string",
                "id": null,
                "_type": "Value"
            "suggested": {
                "dtype": "int32",
                "id": null,
                "_type": "Value"
            "seen": {
                "dtype": "int32",
                "id": null,
                "_type": "Value"
            "liked": {
                "dtype": "int32",
                "id": null,
                "_type": "Value"
    "messages": [
            "timeOffset": {
                "dtype": "int32",
                "id": null,
                "_type": "Value"
            "text": {
                "dtype": "string",
                "id": null,
                "_type": "Value"
            "senderWorkerId": {
                "dtype": "int32",
                "id": null,
                "_type": "Value"
            "messageId": {
                "dtype": "int32",
                "id": null,
                "_type": "Value"
    "conversationId": {
        "dtype": "int32",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"
    "respondentWorkerId": {
        "dtype": "int32",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"
    "initiatorWorkerId": {
        "dtype": "int32",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"
    "initiatorQuestions": [
            "movieId": {
                "dtype": "string",
                "id": null,
                "_type": "Value"
            "suggested": {
                "dtype": "int32",
                "id": null,
                "_type": "Value"
            "seen": {
                "dtype": "int32",
                "id": null,
                "_type": "Value"
            "liked": {
                "dtype": "int32",
                "id": null,
                "_type": "Value"