
TFX ExampleDiff component.

Inherits From: BaseComponent, BaseNode

Computes example level diffs according to an ExampleDiffConfig. See TFDV for more details.

This executor is under development and may change.

examples_test A BaseChannel of ExamplesPath type, as generated by the ExampleGen component. This needs to contain any splits referenced in include_split_pairs.
examples_base A second BaseChannel of ExamplesPath type to which examples should be compared. This needs to contain any splits referenced in include_split_pairs.
config A ExampleDiffConfig that defines configuration for the skew detection pipeline.
include_split_pairs Pairs of split names that ExampleDiff should be run on. Default behavior if not supplied is to run on all pairs. Order is (test, base) with respect to examples_test, examples_base.

outputs Component's output channel dict.



Add per component Beam pipeline args.

beam_pipeline_args List of Beam pipeline args to be added to the Beam executor spec.

the same component itself.