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The transpose of conv1d.

This operation is sometimes called "deconvolution" after (Zeiler et al., 2010), but is actually the transpose (gradient) of conv1d rather than an actual deconvolution.

input A 3-D Tensor of type float and shape [batch, in_width, in_channels] for NWC data format or [batch, in_channels, in_width] for NCW data format.
filters A 3-D Tensor with the same type as value and shape [filter_width, output_channels, in_channels]. filter's in_channels dimension must match that of value.
output_shape A 1-D Tensor, containing three elements, representing the output shape of the deconvolution op.
strides An int or list of ints that has length 1 or 3. The number of entries by which the filter is moved right at each step.
padding A string, either 'VALID' or 'SAME'. The padding algorithm. See the "returns" section of tf.nn.convolution for details.
data_format A string. 'NWC' and 'NCW' are supported.
dilations An int or list of ints that has length 1 or 3 which defaults to 1. The dilation factor for each dimension of input. If set to k > 1, there will be k-1 skipped cells between each filter element on that dimension. Dilations in the batch and depth dimensions must be 1.
name Optional name for the returned tensor.

A Tensor with the same type as value.

ValueError If input/output depth does not match filter's shape, if output_shape is not at 3-element vector, if padding is other than 'VALID' or 'SAME', or if data_format is invalid.


Deconvolutional Networks: Zeiler et al., 2010 (pdf)