
public final class RemoteFusedGraphExecute

Execute a sub graph on a remote processor.

The graph specifications(such as graph itself, input tensors and output names) are stored as a serialized protocol buffer of RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo as serialized_remote_fused_graph_execute_info. The specifications will be passed to a dedicated registered remote fused graph executor. The executor will send the graph specifications to a remote processor and execute that graph. The execution results will be passed to consumer nodes as outputs of this node.

Public Methods

static RemoteFusedGraphExecute
create(Scope scope, Iterable<Operand<?>> inputs, List<Class<?>> Toutputs, String serializedRemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo)
Factory method to create a class wrapping a new RemoteFusedGraphExecute operation.
Arbitrary number of tensors with arbitrary data types

Inherited Methods

Public Methods

public static RemoteFusedGraphExecute create (Scope scope, Iterable<Operand<?>> inputs, List<Class<?>> Toutputs, String serializedRemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo)

Factory method to create a class wrapping a new RemoteFusedGraphExecute operation.

scope current scope
inputs Arbitrary number of tensors with arbitrary data types
serializedRemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo Serialized protocol buffer of RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo which contains graph specifications.
  • a new instance of RemoteFusedGraphExecute

public Iterator<Operand<Object>> iterator ()

public List<Output<?>> outputs ()

Arbitrary number of tensors with arbitrary data types