
Public API for namespace

service module: Public API for namespace


class AutoShardPolicy: Represents the type of auto-sharding to use.

class AutotuneAlgorithm: Represents the type of autotuning algorithm to use.

class AutotuneOptions: Represents options for autotuning dataset performance.

class CheckpointInputPipelineHook: Checkpoints input pipeline state every N steps or seconds.

class CsvDataset: A Dataset comprising lines from one or more CSV files.

class DatasetInitializer: Creates a table initializer from a

class DatasetStructure: Type specification for

class DistributeOptions: Represents options for distributed data processing.

class ExternalStatePolicy: Represents how to handle external state during serialization.

class OptimizationOptions: Represents options for dataset optimizations.

class Optional: Represents a value that may or may not be present.

class OptionalStructure: Type specification for tf.experimental.Optional.

class RandomDataset: A Dataset of pseudorandom values.

class Reducer: A reducer is used for reducing a set of elements.

class SqlDataset: A Dataset consisting of the results from a SQL query.

class Structure: Specifies a TensorFlow value type.

class TFRecordWriter: Writes a dataset to a TFRecord file. (deprecated)

class ThreadingOptions: Represents options for dataset threading.


Counter(...): Creates a Dataset that counts from start in steps of size step. (deprecated)

RaggedTensorStructure(...): DEPRECATED FUNCTION

SparseTensorStructure(...): DEPRECATED FUNCTION

TensorArrayStructure(...): DEPRECATED FUNCTION

TensorStructure(...): DEPRECATED FUNCTION

assert_cardinality(...): Asserts the cardinality of the input dataset.

bucket_by_sequence_length(...): A transformation that buckets elements in a Dataset by length. (deprecated)

cardinality(...): Returns the cardinality of dataset, if known.

choose_from_datasets(...): Creates a dataset that deterministically chooses elements from datasets. (deprecated)

copy_to_device(...): A transformation that copies dataset elements to the given target_device.

dense_to_ragged_batch(...): A transformation that batches ragged elements into tf.RaggedTensors. (deprecated)

dense_to_sparse_batch(...): A transformation that batches ragged elements into tf.sparse.SparseTensors. (deprecated)

enable_debug_mode(...): Enables debug mode for

enumerate_dataset(...): A transformation that enumerates the elements of a dataset. (deprecated)

from_list(...): Creates a Dataset comprising the given list of elements.

from_variant(...): Constructs a dataset from the given variant and (nested) structure.

get_next_as_optional(...): Returns a tf.experimental.Optional with the next element of the iterator. (deprecated)

get_single_element(...): Returns the single element of the dataset as a nested structure of tensors. (deprecated)

get_structure(...): Returns the type signature for elements of the input dataset / iterator.

group_by_reducer(...): A transformation that groups elements and performs a reduction.

group_by_window(...): A transformation that groups windows of elements by key and reduces them. (deprecated)

ignore_errors(...): Creates a Dataset from another Dataset and silently ignores any errors. (deprecated)

index_table_from_dataset(...): Returns an index lookup table based on the given dataset.

make_batched_features_dataset(...): Returns a Dataset of feature dictionaries from Example protos.

make_csv_dataset(...): Reads CSV files into a dataset.

make_saveable_from_iterator(...): Returns a SaveableObject for saving/restoring iterator state using Saver. (deprecated)

map_and_batch(...): Fused implementation of map and batch. (deprecated)

map_and_batch_with_legacy_function(...): Fused implementation of map and batch. (deprecated)

pad_to_cardinality(...): Pads a dataset with fake elements to reach the desired cardinality.

parallel_interleave(...): A parallel version of the Dataset.interleave() transformation. (deprecated)

parse_example_dataset(...): A transformation that parses Example protos into a dict of tensors. (deprecated)

prefetch_to_device(...): A transformation that prefetches dataset values to the given device.

rejection_resample(...): A transformation that resamples a dataset to achieve a target distribution. (deprecated)

sample_from_datasets(...): Samples elements at random from the datasets in datasets. (deprecated)

scan(...): A transformation that scans a function across an input dataset. (deprecated)

shuffle_and_repeat(...): Shuffles and repeats a Dataset, reshuffling with each repetition. (deprecated)

snapshot(...): API to persist the output of the input dataset. (deprecated)

table_from_dataset(...): Returns a lookup table based on the given dataset.

take_while(...): A transformation that stops dataset iteration based on a predicate. (deprecated)

to_variant(...): Returns a variant representing the given dataset.

unbatch(...): Splits elements of a dataset into multiple elements on the batch dimension. (deprecated)

unique(...): Creates a Dataset from another Dataset, discarding duplicates. (deprecated)