
Conjugate gradient solver.

Compat aliases for migration

See Migration guide for more details.


Solves a linear system of equations A*x = rhs for self-adjoint, positive definite matrix A and right-hand side vector rhs, using an iterative, matrix-free algorithm where the action of the matrix A is represented by operator. The iteration terminates when either the number of iterations exceeds max_iter or when the residual norm has been reduced to tol times its initial value, i.e. ||rhsAxk||<=tol||rhs||.

operator A LinearOperator that is self-adjoint and positive definite.
rhs A possibly batched vector of shape [..., N] containing the right-hand size vector.
preconditioner A LinearOperator that approximates the inverse of A. An efficient preconditioner could dramatically improve the rate of convergence. If preconditioner represents matrix M(M approximates A^{-1}), the algorithm uses preconditioner.apply(x) to estimate A^{-1}x. For this to be useful, the cost of applying M should be much lower than computing A^{-1} directly.
x A possibly batched vector of shape [..., N] containing the initial guess for the solution.
tol A float scalar convergence tolerance.
max_iter An integer giving the maximum number of iterations.
name A name scope for the operation.

output A namedtuple representing the final state with fields:

  • i: A scalar int32 Tensor. Number of iterations executed.
  • x: A rank-1 Tensor of shape [..., N] containing the computed solution.
  • r: A rank-1 Tensor of shape [.., M] containing the residual vector.
  • p: A rank-1 Tensor of shape [..., N]. A-conjugate basis vector.
  • gamma: r˙M˙r, equivalent to ||r||22 when preconditioner=None.