Module: tf.ragged

Public API for tf._api.v2.ragged namespace

boolean_mask(...): Applies a boolean mask to data without flattening the mask dimensions.

constant(...): Constructs a constant RaggedTensor from a nested Python list.

cross(...): Generates feature cross from a list of tensors.

cross_hashed(...): Generates hashed feature cross from a list of tensors.

map_flat_values(...): Applies op to the flat_values of one or more RaggedTensors.

range(...): Returns a RaggedTensor containing the specified sequences of numbers.

row_splits_to_segment_ids(...): Generates the segmentation corresponding to a RaggedTensor row_splits.

segment_ids_to_row_splits(...): Generates the RaggedTensor row_splits corresponding to a segmentation.

stack(...): Stacks a list of rank-R tensors into one rank-(R+1) RaggedTensor.

stack_dynamic_partitions(...): Stacks dynamic partitions of a Tensor or RaggedTensor.