Defines classes to build, save, load and execute TensorFlow models.
WARNING: The API is currently experimental and is not covered by TensorFlow API stability guarantees. See for installation instructions.
The LabelImage example demonstrates use of this API to classify images using a pre-trained Inception architecture convolutional neural network. It demonstrates:
- Graph construction: using the OperationBuilder class to construct a graph to decode, resize and normalize a JPEG image.
- Model loading: Using Graph.importGraphDef() to load a pre-trained Inception model.
- Graph execution: Using a Session to execute the graphs and find the best label for an image.
ExecutionEnvironment | Defines an environment for creating and executing TensorFlow Operation s. |
Graph.WhileSubgraphBuilder | Used to instantiate an abstract class which overrides the buildSubgraph method to build a conditional or body subgraph for a while loop. |
Operand<T> | Interface implemented by operands of a TensorFlow operation. |
Operation | Performs computation on Tensors. |
OperationBuilder | A builder for Operation s. |
EagerSession | An environment for executing TensorFlow operations eagerly. |
EagerSession.Options | |
Graph | A data flow graph representing a TensorFlow computation. |
GraphOperation | Implementation for an Operation added as a node to a Graph . |
GraphOperationBuilder | An OperationBuilder for adding GraphOperation s to a Graph . |
Output<T> | A symbolic handle to a tensor produced by an Operation . |
SavedModelBundle | SavedModelBundle represents a model loaded from storage. |
SavedModelBundle.Loader | Options for loading a SavedModel. |
Server | An in-process TensorFlow server, for use in distributed training. |
Session | Driver for Graph execution. |
Session.Run | Output tensors and metadata obtained when executing a session. |
Session.Runner | Run Operation s and evaluate Tensor s. |
Shape | The possibly partially known shape of a tensor produced by an operation. |
Tensor<T> | A statically typed multi-dimensional array whose elements are of a type described by T. |
TensorFlow | Static utility methods describing the TensorFlow runtime. |
Tensors | Type-safe factory methods for creating Tensor objects. |
DataType | Represents the type of elements in a Tensor as an enum. |
EagerSession.DevicePlacementPolicy | Controls how to act when we try to run an operation on a given device but some input tensors are not on that device. |
EagerSession.ResourceCleanupStrategy | Controls how TensorFlow resources are cleaned up when they are no longer needed. |
TensorFlowException | Unchecked exception thrown when executing TensorFlow Graphs. |