
A single task in a multi-task configuration.

Main aliases

tfdf.keras.core.MultiTaskItem, tfdf.keras.wrappers.MultiTaskItem

Models trained to predict label with primary=False are used to help the training of models with primary=True. If primary is true for all the tasks, each task will be trained independently.

label Key of the label.
task Task for the label.
primary The predictions of primary tasks are returned by "model.predict()", the output of non-primary tasks are not returned by "model.predict()". Non-primary tasks can be used to improve the primary task quality.
output If None, "model.predict" returns a dictionary of prediction indexed by "label" values. If set, "model.predict" returns a dictionary of predictions indexed by "output".

label A namedtuple alias for field number 0
task A namedtuple alias for field number 1
primary A namedtuple alias for field number 2
output A namedtuple alias for field number 3