Task Library BertQuestionAnswerer
API 能够加载 BERT 模型并根据给定段落的内容回答问题。有关详情,请参阅问答模型文档。
BertQuestionAnswerer API 的主要功能
对输入文本执行计算图外的 WordPiece 或 SentencePiece 标记。
支持的 BertQuestionAnswerer 模型
以下模型与 BertNLClassifier
API 兼容。
用 Java 运行推断
步骤 1:导入 Gradle 依赖项和其他设置
将 .tflite
模型文件复制到将要运行模型的 Android 模块的资源目录下。指定不压缩该文件,并将 TensorFlow Lite 库添加到模块的 build.gradle
android {
// Other settings
// Specify tflite file should not be compressed for the app apk
aaptOptions {
noCompress "tflite"
dependencies {
// Other dependencies
// Import the Task Text Library dependency (NNAPI is included)
implementation 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite-task-text:0.4.4'
注:从 Android Gradle 插件的 4.1 版开始,默认情况下,.tflite 将被添加到 noCompress 列表中,不再需要上面的 aaptOptions。
步骤 2:使用 API 运行推断
// Initialization
BertQuestionAnswererOptions options =
BertQuestionAnswerer answerer =
androidContext, modelFile, options);
// Run inference
List<QaAnswer> answers = answerer.answer(contextOfTheQuestion, questionToAsk);
用 Swift 运行推断
步骤 1:导入 CocoaPods
在 Podfile 中添加 TensorFlowLiteTaskText Pod。
target 'MySwiftAppWithTaskAPI' do
pod 'TensorFlowLiteTaskText', '~> 0.4.4'
步骤 2:使用 API 运行推断
// Initialization
let mobileBertAnswerer = TFLBertQuestionAnswerer.questionAnswerer(
modelPath: mobileBertModelPath)
// Run inference
let answers = mobileBertAnswerer.answer(
context: context, question: question)
用 C++ 运行推断
// Initialization
BertQuestionAnswererOptions options;
std::unique_ptr<BertQuestionAnswerer> answerer = BertQuestionAnswerer::CreateFromOptions(options).value();
// Run inference with your inputs, `context_of_question` and `question_to_ask`.
std::vector<QaAnswer> positive_results = answerer->Answer(context_of_question, question_to_ask);
在 Python 中运行推断
第 1 步:安装 pip 软件包
pip install tflite-support
第 2 步:使用模型
# Imports
from tflite_support.task import text
# Initialization
answerer = text.BertQuestionAnswerer.create_from_file(model_path)
# Run inference
bert_qa_result = answerer.answer(context, question)
请参阅源代码,了解有关配置 BertQuestionAnswerer
下面是 ALBERT 模型回答结果的示例。
上下文:“The Amazon rainforest, alternatively, the Amazon Jungle, also known in English as Amazonia, is a moist broadleaf tropical rainforest in the Amazon biome that covers most of the Amazon basin of South America. This basin encompasses 7,000,000 km2 (2,700,000 sq mi), of which 5,500,000 km2 (2,100,000 sq mi) are covered by the rainforest. This region includes territory belonging to nine nations.”
问题:“Where is Amazon rainforest?”
answer[0]: 'South America.'
logit: 1.84847, start_index: 39, end_index: 40
answer[1]: 'most of the Amazon basin of South America.'
logit: 1.2921, start_index: 34, end_index: 40
answer[2]: 'the Amazon basin of South America.'
logit: -0.0959535, start_index: 36, end_index: 40
answer[3]: 'the Amazon biome that covers most of the Amazon basin of South America.'
logit: -0.498558, start_index: 28, end_index: 40
answer[4]: 'Amazon basin of South America.'
logit: -0.774266, start_index: 37, end_index: 40
用您自己的模型和测试数据试用简单的 BertQuestionAnswerer CLI 演示工具。
API 需要具有强制性 TFLite 模型元数据的 TFLite 模型。
用于 WordPiece/SentencePiece 标记器的 input_process_units
3 个名称为 "ids"、"mask" 和 "segment_ids" 的输入张量,用于标记器的输出
2 个名称为 "end_logits" 和 "start_logits" 的输出张量,以表示答案在上下文中的相对位置