TFX is an end-to-end platform for deploying production ML pipelines

When you're ready to move your models from research to production, use TFX to create and manage a production pipeline.

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Guides explain the concepts and components of TFX.

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Additional TFX components contributed by the community.

How it works

A TFX pipeline is a sequence of components that implement an ML pipeline which is specifically designed for scalable, high-performance machine learning tasks. Components are built using TFX libraries which can also be used individually.

Solutions to common problems

Explore step-by-step tutorials to help you with your projects.

Train and serve a TensorFlow model with TensorFlow Serving

This guide trains a neural network model to classify images of clothing, like sneakers and shirts, saves the trained model, and then serves it with TensorFlow Serving. The focus is on TensorFlow Serving, rather than the modeling and training in TensorFlow.

Create TFX pipelines hosted on Google Cloud

An introduction to TFX and Cloud AI Platform Pipelines to create your own machine learning pipelines on Google Cloud. Follow a typical ML development process, starting by examining the dataset, and ending up with a complete working pipeline.

Use TFX with TensorFlow Lite for on-device inference

Learn how TFX can create and evaluate machine learning models that will be deployed on-device. TFX now provides native support for TFLite, which makes it possible to perform highly efficient inference on mobile devices.

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