Additional layers that conform to Keras API.
class AdaptiveAveragePooling1D
: Average Pooling with adaptive kernel size.
class AdaptiveAveragePooling2D
: Average Pooling with adaptive kernel size.
class AdaptiveAveragePooling3D
: Average Pooling with adaptive kernel size.
class AdaptiveMaxPooling1D
: Max Pooling with adaptive kernel size.
class AdaptiveMaxPooling2D
: Max Pooling with adaptive kernel size.
class AdaptiveMaxPooling3D
: Max Pooling with adaptive kernel size.
class CRF
: Linear chain conditional random field (CRF).
class CorrelationCost
: Correlation Cost Layer.
class ESN
: Echo State Network layer.
class EmbeddingBag
: EmbeddingBag Layer.
class FilterResponseNormalization
: Filter response normalization layer.
class GELU
: Gaussian Error Linear Unit.
class GroupNormalization
: Group normalization layer.
class InstanceNormalization
: Instance normalization layer.
class MaxUnpooling2D
: Unpool the outputs of a maximum pooling operation.
class MaxUnpooling2DV2
: Unpool the outputs of a maximum pooling operation.
class Maxout
: Applies Maxout to the input.
class MultiHeadAttention
: MultiHead Attention layer.
class NoisyDense
: Noisy dense layer that injects random noise to the weights of dense layer.
class PoincareNormalize
: Project into the Poincare ball with norm <= 1.0 - epsilon
class PolynomialCrossing
: Layer for Deep & Cross Network to learn explicit feature interactions.
class Snake
: Snake layer to learn periodic functions with the trainable frequency
class Sparsemax
: Sparsemax activation function.
class SpatialPyramidPooling2D
: Performs Spatial Pyramid Pooling.
class SpectralNormalization
: Performs spectral normalization on weights.
class StochasticDepth
: Stochastic Depth layer.
class TLU
: Thresholded Linear Unit.
class WeightNormalization
: Performs weight normalization.