
A inference sampler that takes the maximum from the output distribution.

Inherits From: Sampler

Used in the notebooks

Uses the argmax of the output (treated as logits) and passes the result through an embedding layer to get the next input.

embedding_fn A optional callable that takes a vector tensor of ids (argmax ids). The returned tensor will be passed to the decoder input. Default to use tf.nn.embedding_lookup.

batch_size Batch size of tensor returned by sample.

Returns a scalar int32 tensor. The return value might not available before the invocation of initialize(), in this case, ValueError is raised.

sample_ids_dtype DType of tensor returned by sample.

Returns a DType. The return value might not available before the invocation of initialize().

sample_ids_shape Shape of tensor returned by sample, excluding the batch dimension.

Returns a TensorShape. The return value might not available before the invocation of initialize().



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Initialize the GreedyEmbeddingSampler.

embedding tensor that contains embedding states matrix. It will be used to generate generate outputs with start_tokens and end_token. The embedding will be ignored if the embedding_fn has been provided at init().
start_tokens int32 vector shaped [batch_size], the start tokens.
end_token int32 scalar, the token that marks end of decoding.

Tuple of two items: (finished, self.start_inputs).

ValueError if start_tokens is not a 1D tensor or end_token is not a scalar.


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next_inputs_fn for GreedyEmbeddingHelper.


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sample for GreedyEmbeddingHelper.