Additional metrics that conform to Keras API.
class CohenKappa
: Computes Kappa score between two raters.
class F1Score
: Computes F-1 Score.
class FBetaScore
: Computes F-Beta score.
class GeometricMean
: Compute Geometric Mean
class HammingLoss
: Computes hamming loss.
class HarmonicMean
: Compute Harmonic Mean The harmonic mean is a kind of mean.
class KendallsTauB
: Computes Kendall's Tau-b Rank Correlation Coefficient.
class KendallsTauC
: Computes Kendall's Tau-c Rank Correlation Coefficient.
class MatthewsCorrelationCoefficient
: Computes the Matthews Correlation Coefficient.
class MeanMetricWrapper
: Wraps a stateless metric function with the Mean metric.
class MultiLabelConfusionMatrix
: Computes Multi-label confusion matrix.
class PearsonsCorrelation
: Computes Pearsons's Correlation Coefficient.
class RSquare
: Compute R^2 score.
class SpearmansRank
: Computes Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient.
: Computes hamming distance.
: Computes hamming loss.