以下文档概述了 TensorFlow Lite 的 8 位量化方案的规范,旨在为硬件开发者提供使用量化 TensorFlow Lite 模型进行推断的硬件支持。
8 位量化近似于使用以下公式得到的浮点值。
按轴(即卷积运算中的按通道)或按张量权重由 int8
补码值表示,范围为 [-127, 127]
,零点等于 0。按张量激活/输入由 int8
补码值表示,范围为 [-128, 127]
,零点范围为 [-128, 127]
量化。用于 8 位量化的新工具、参考内核和优化内核将使用此规范。
TensorFlow Lite 量化将主要优先考虑用于 8 位的 int8
工具和内核。这是为了方便由等于 0 的零点表示的对称量化。此外,许多后端还有针对 int8xint8
按张量量化意味着每个完整张量将有一个尺度和/或零点。按轴量化意味着 quantized_dimension
中的每个切片将有一个尺度和/或 zero_point
。量化维度指定尺度和零点所对应的张量形状的维度。例如,张量 t
(具有 dims=[4, 3, 2, 1]
,量化参数为:scale=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
、zero_point=[1, 2, 3]
)将在 t
t[:, 0, :, :] will have scale[0]=1.0, zero_point[0]=1
t[:, 1, :, :] will have scale[1]=2.0, zero_point[1]=2
t[:, 2, :, :] will have scale[2]=3.0, zero_point[2]=3
是卷积权重的 output_channel
TFLite 为越来越多的运算提供按轴支持。在撰写本文时,已支持 Conv2d 和 DepthwiseConv2d。
激活是非对称的:它们的零点可以位于有符号 int8
范围 [-128, 127]
权重是对称的:强制使零点等于 0。权重值会乘以动态输入和激活值。这意味着将权重的零点与激活值相乘时,会不可避免地产生运行时开销。通过强制使零点等于 0,我们可以避免此开销。
数学解释:这类似于 arXiv:1712.05877 中的 2.3 节,不同之处在于我们允许将尺度值设为按轴。这很容易泛化,如下所示:
A 是量化激活的 mxn 矩阵。
B 是量化权重的 nxp 矩阵。
考虑将 A, aj 的第 j 行乘以 B, bk 的第 k 列,两者的长度均为 n。量化的整数值和零点值分别是 qa, za 和 qb, zb。
(\sum{i=0}^{n} q{a}^{(i)} q_{b}^{(i)}) 项是不可避免的,因为它执行的是输入值和权重值的点积。
∑ni=0q(i)bza 和 ∑ni=0zazb 项由常量组成,这些常量在每次推断调用时保持不变,因此可以预先计算。
由于激活会更改每个推断,因此每个推断都需要计算 (\sum{i=0}^{n} q{a}^{(i)} z_b) 项。通过强制使权重对称,我们可以移除此项的开销。
Int8 量化算子规范
我们在下面描述了 Int8 TFLite 内核的量化要求:
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 1:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point
Input ...:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 1 (Weight):
data_type : int8
range : [-127, 127]
granularity: per-axis (dim = 0)
restriction: zero_point = 0
Input 2 (Bias):
data_type : int32
range : [int32_min, int32_max]
granularity: per-axis
restriction: (scale, zero_point) = (input0_scale * input1_scale[...], 0)
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 1 (Weight):
data_type : int8
range : [-127, 127]
granularity: per-axis (dim = 3)
restriction: zero_point = 0
Input 2 (Bias):
data_type : int32
range : [int32_min, int32_max]
granularity: per-axis
restriction: (scale, zero_point) = (input0_scale * input1_scale[...], 0)
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 1 (Weight):
data_type : int8
range : [-127, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
restriction: zero_point = 0
Input 2 (Bias):
data_type : int32
range : [int32_min, int32_max]
granularity: per-tensor
restriction: (scale, zero_point) = (input0_scale * input1_scale[...], 0)
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
restriction: (scale, zero_point) = (1.0 / 128.0, 0)
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
restriction: (scale, zero_point) = (1.0 / 256.0, -128)
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 1:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
restriction: (scale, zero_point) = (1.0 / 256.0, -128)
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
restriction: (scale, zero_point) = (1.0 / 128.0, 0)
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 1:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
restriction: (scale, zero_point) = (16.0 / 256.0, 127)
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 1:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 1:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 1:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 1:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 1:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 1:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
QUANTIZE (Requantization)
Input 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor
Output 0:
data_type : int8
range : [-128, 127]
granularity: per-tensor