
Encapsulates configuration parameters for building a graph.

Used in the notebooks

For more information, see nsl.tools.build_graph_from_config.

id_feature_name The name of the feature in the input tf.train.Example objects representing the ID of examples. Defaults to 'id'.
embedding_feature_name The name of the feature in the input tf.train.Example objects representing the embedding of examples. Defaults to 'embedding'.
similarity_threshold Threshold used to determine which edges to retain in the resulting graph. Defaults to 0.8.
lsh_splits On each LSH bucketing round, the space containing the input instances will be randomly split/partitioned this many times for better graph builder performance. See the nsl.tools.build_graph_from_config documentation for details. Defaults to 0, in which case all pairs of inputs will be compared, probably resulting in slow running times on larger input sets.
lsh_rounds The number of rounds of LSH bucketing to perform when lsh_splits > 0. This is also the number of LSH buckets each point will be hashed into. Defaults to 1.
random_seed Value used to seed the random number generator used to perform randomized LSH bucketing of the inputs when lsh_splits > 0. By default, the generator will be initialized randomly, but setting this to any integer will initialize it deterministically. Defaults to None.



Method generated by attrs for class GraphBuilderConfig.


Method generated by attrs for class GraphBuilderConfig.


Method generated by attrs for class GraphBuilderConfig.


Method generated by attrs for class GraphBuilderConfig.


Method generated by attrs for class GraphBuilderConfig.


Method generated by attrs for class GraphBuilderConfig.