This page describes how TF2 SavedModels for image-related tasks should implement the Reusable SavedModel API. (This replaces the Common Signatures for Images for the now-deprecated TF1 Hub format.)
Image Feature Vector
Usage summary
An image feature vector is a dense 1-D tensor that represents a whole image, typically for use by a simple feed-forward classifier in the consumer model. (In terms of classic CNNs, this is the bottleneck value after the spatial extent has been pooled or flattened away, but before classification is done; for that, see image classification below.)
A Reusable SavedModel for image feature extraction has a __call__
method on
the root object that maps a batch of images to a batch of feature vectors. It
can be used like so:
obj = hub.load("path/to/model") # That's tf.saved_model.load() after download.
images = ... # A batch of images with shape [batch_size, height, width, 3].
features = obj(images) # A batch with shape [batch_size, num_features].
In Keras, the equivalent is
features = hub.KerasLayer("path/to/model")(images)
The input follows the general convention for input of images. The
model documentation specifies the permissible range for height
and width
the input.
The output is a single tensor of dtype float32
and shape [batch_size,
. The batch_size
is the same as in the input. num_features
a module-specific constant independent of input size.
API details
The Reusable SavedModel API also provides a list
of obj.variables
(e.g., for initialization when not loading eagerly).
A model that supports fine-tuning provides a list of obj.trainable_variables
It may require you to pass training=True
to execute in training mode (e.g.,
for dropout). Some models allow optional arguments to override hyperparameters
(e.g., dropout rate; to be described in model documentation). The model may also
provide a list of obj.regularization_losses
. For details, see the
Reusable SavedModel API.
In Keras, this is taken care of by hub.KerasLayer
: initialize it with
to enable fine-tuning, and (in the rare case that hparam
overrides apply) with arguments=dict(some_hparam=some_value, ...))
Applying dropout to the output features (or not) should be left to the model consumer. The SavedModel itself should not perform dropout on the actual outputs (even if it uses dropout internally in other places).
Reusable SavedModels for image feature vectors are used in
- the Colab tutorial Retraining an Image Classifier,
Image Classification
Usage summary
Image classification maps the pixels of an image to linear scores (logits) for membership in the classes of a taxonomy selected by the module publisher. This allows model consumers to to draw conclusions from the particular classification learned by the publisher module. (For image classification with a new set of classes, it is common to reuse an Image Feature Vector model with a new classifier instead.)
A Reusable SavedModel for image classification has a __call__
method on the
root object that maps a batch of images to a batch of logits. It can be used
like so:
obj = hub.load("path/to/model") # That's tf.saved_model.load() after download.
images = ... # A batch of images with shape [batch_size, height, width, 3].
logits = obj(images) # A batch with shape [batch_size, num_classes].
In Keras, the equivalent is
logits = hub.KerasLayer("path/to/model")(images)
The input follows the general convention for input of images. The
model documentation specifies the permissible range for height
and width
the input.
The output logits
is a single tensor of dtype float32
and shape
[batch_size, num_classes]
. The batch_size
is the same as in the input.
is the number of classes in the classification, which is a
model-specific constant.
The value logits[i, c]
is a score predicting the membership of example i
the class with index c
It depends on the underlying classification whether these scores are meant to be used with softmax (for mutually exclusive classes), sigmoid (for orthogonal classes), or something else. The module documentation should describe this, and refer to a definition of the class indices.
API details
The Reusable SavedModel API also provides a list
of obj.variables
(e.g., for initialization when not loading eagerly).
A model that supports fine-tuning provides a list of obj.trainable_variables
It may require you to pass training=True
to execute in training mode (e.g.,
for dropout). Some models allow optional arguments to override hyperparameters
(e.g., dropout rate; to be described in model documentation). The model may also
provide a list of obj.regularization_losses
. For details, see the
Reusable SavedModel API.
In Keras, this is taken care of by hub.KerasLayer
: initialize it with
to enable fine-tuning, and (in the rare case that hparam
overrides apply) with arguments=dict(some_hparam=some_value, ...))
Image input
This is common to all types of image models.
A model that takes a batch of images as input accepts them as a dense 4-D tensor
of dtype float32
and shape [batch_size, height, width, 3]
whose elements are
RGB color values of pixels normalized to the range [0, 1]. This is what you get
from tf.image.decode_*()
followed by tf.image.convert_image_dtype(...,
The model accepts any batch_size
. The model documentation specifies the
permissible range for height
and width
. The last dimension is fixed to 3 RGB
It is recommended that models use the channels_last
(or NHWC
) layout of
Tensors throughout, and leave it to TensorFlow's graph optimizer to rewrite to
(or NCHW
) if needed.