Replace symbols in a batch of programs with concrete values.
programs, symbol_names, symbol_values
Used in the notebooks
This function has the ability to partially resolve parameters, so that
can contain fewer symbols than programs
; symbols not listed
remain unresolved in the output programs. Note also that because the output
of this function has type string, the function is not differentiable.
qubit = cirq.GridQubit(0, 0)
symbol = sympy.Symbol('alpha')
my_c = cirq.Circuit(cirq.H(qubit) ** symbol)
tensor_c = tfq.convert_to_tensor([my_c])
tfq.from_tensor(tfq.resolve_parameters(tensor_c, ['alpha'], [[0.2]]))
[(0, 0): ───H^0.2───]
Args |
tf.Tensor of strings with shape [batch_size] containing
the string representations of the circuits to be resolved.
tf.Tensor of strings with shape [n_params], which
is used to specify the order in which the values in
symbol_values should be placed inside of the circuits in
programs .
tf.Tensor of real numbers with shape
[batch_size, n_params] specifying parameter values to resolve
into the circuits specified by programs, following the ordering
dictated by symbol_names .
Returns |
tf.Tensor with shape [batch_size]. Each entry corresponds to the
original circuit in program except with symbols listed in
symbol_names replaced with their corresponding values.