이 튜토리얼에서, 우리는 사용하여 간단한 행렬 인수 분해 모델 구축 MovieLens 100K 데이터 세트 TFRS과 함께합니다. 이 모델을 사용하여 특정 사용자에게 영화를 추천할 수 있습니다.
TFRS 가져오기
먼저 TFRS를 설치하고 가져옵니다.
pip install -q tensorflow-recommenders
pip install -q --upgrade tensorflow-datasets
from typing import Dict, Text
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
import tensorflow_recommenders as tfrs
데이터 읽기
# Ratings data.
ratings = tfds.load('movielens/100k-ratings', split="train")
# Features of all the available movies.
movies = tfds.load('movielens/100k-movies', split="train")
# Select the basic features.
ratings = ratings.map(lambda x: {
"movie_title": x["movie_title"],
"user_id": x["user_id"]
movies = movies.map(lambda x: x["movie_title"])
2021-10-02 12:07:32.719766: E tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_driver.cc:271] failed call to cuInit: CUDA_ERROR_NO_DEVICE: no CUDA-capable device is detected
레이어를 포함하기 위해 사용자 ID와 영화 제목을 정수 인덱스로 변환하는 어휘를 구축합니다.
user_ids_vocabulary = tf.keras.layers.StringLookup(mask_token=None)
user_ids_vocabulary.adapt(ratings.map(lambda x: x["user_id"]))
movie_titles_vocabulary = tf.keras.layers.StringLookup(mask_token=None)
모델 정의
우리는 상속에 의해 TFRS 모델을 정의 할 수 있습니다 tfrs.Model
과 구현 compute_loss
방법 :
class MovieLensModel(tfrs.Model):
# We derive from a custom base class to help reduce boilerplate. Under the hood,
# these are still plain Keras Models.
def __init__(
user_model: tf.keras.Model,
movie_model: tf.keras.Model,
task: tfrs.tasks.Retrieval):
# Set up user and movie representations.
self.user_model = user_model
self.movie_model = movie_model
# Set up a retrieval task.
self.task = task
def compute_loss(self, features: Dict[Text, tf.Tensor], training=False) -> tf.Tensor:
# Define how the loss is computed.
user_embeddings = self.user_model(features["user_id"])
movie_embeddings = self.movie_model(features["movie_title"])
return self.task(user_embeddings, movie_embeddings)
두 모델과 검색 작업을 정의합니다.
# Define user and movie models.
user_model = tf.keras.Sequential([
tf.keras.layers.Embedding(user_ids_vocabulary.vocab_size(), 64)
movie_model = tf.keras.Sequential([
tf.keras.layers.Embedding(movie_titles_vocabulary.vocab_size(), 64)
# Define your objectives.
task = tfrs.tasks.Retrieval(metrics=tfrs.metrics.FactorizedTopK(
WARNING:tensorflow:vocab_size is deprecated, please use vocabulary_size. WARNING:tensorflow:vocab_size is deprecated, please use vocabulary_size. WARNING:tensorflow:vocab_size is deprecated, please use vocabulary_size. WARNING:tensorflow:vocab_size is deprecated, please use vocabulary_size.
피팅하고 평가합니다.
모델을 만들고 훈련하고 예측을 생성합니다.
# Create a retrieval model.
model = MovieLensModel(user_model, movie_model, task)
# Train for 3 epochs.
model.fit(ratings.batch(4096), epochs=3)
# Use brute-force search to set up retrieval using the trained representations.
index = tfrs.layers.factorized_top_k.BruteForce(model.user_model)
movies.batch(100).map(lambda title: (title, model.movie_model(title))))
# Get some recommendations.
_, titles = index(np.array(["42"]))
print(f"Top 3 recommendations for user 42: {titles[0, :3]}")
Epoch 1/3 25/25 [==============================] - 6s 194ms/step - factorized_top_k/top_1_categorical_accuracy: 3.0000e-05 - factorized_top_k/top_5_categorical_accuracy: 0.0016 - factorized_top_k/top_10_categorical_accuracy: 0.0052 - factorized_top_k/top_50_categorical_accuracy: 0.0442 - factorized_top_k/top_100_categorical_accuracy: 0.1010 - loss: 33092.9163 - regularization_loss: 0.0000e+00 - total_loss: 33092.9163 Epoch 2/3 25/25 [==============================] - 5s 194ms/step - factorized_top_k/top_1_categorical_accuracy: 1.7000e-04 - factorized_top_k/top_5_categorical_accuracy: 0.0052 - factorized_top_k/top_10_categorical_accuracy: 0.0148 - factorized_top_k/top_50_categorical_accuracy: 0.1054 - factorized_top_k/top_100_categorical_accuracy: 0.2114 - loss: 31008.8447 - regularization_loss: 0.0000e+00 - total_loss: 31008.8447 Epoch 3/3 25/25 [==============================] - 5s 193ms/step - factorized_top_k/top_1_categorical_accuracy: 3.4000e-04 - factorized_top_k/top_5_categorical_accuracy: 0.0086 - factorized_top_k/top_10_categorical_accuracy: 0.0222 - factorized_top_k/top_50_categorical_accuracy: 0.1438 - factorized_top_k/top_100_categorical_accuracy: 0.2694 - loss: 30417.8776 - regularization_loss: 0.0000e+00 - total_loss: 30417.8776 Top 3 recommendations for user 42: [b'Rent-a-Kid (1995)' b'Just Cause (1995)' b'Land Before Time III: The Time of the Great Giving (1995) (V)']