
Like nsl.tools.build_graph_from_config, but with individual parameters.

This API exists to maintain backward compatibility, but is deprecated in favor of using nsl.tools.build_graph_from_config instead.

embedding_files A list of names of TFRecord files containing tf.train.Example objects, which in turn contain dense embeddings.
output_graph_path Name of the file to which the output graph in TSV format should be written.
similarity_threshold Threshold used to determine which edges to retain in the resulting graph.
id_feature_name The name of the feature in the input tf.train.Example objects representing the ID of examples.
embedding_feature_name The name of the feature in the input tf.train.Example objects representing the embedding of examples.
lsh_splits Determines the maximum number of LSH buckets into which input data points will be bucketed by the graph builder. See the nsl.tools.build_graph_from_config documentation for details.
lsh_rounds The number of rounds of LSH bucketing to perform when lsh_splits > 0. This is also the number of LSH buckets each point will be hashed into.
random_seed Value used to seed the random number generator used to perform randomized LSH bucketing of the inputs when lsh_splits > 0. By default, the generator will be initialized randomly, but setting this to any integer will initialize it deterministically.

ValueError If lsh_splits < 0 or if lsh_splits > 0 and lsh_rounds < 1.