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此 Colab 演示如何使用 tfhub.dev/deepmind/i3d-kinetics-400/1 模块识别视频数据中的动作。请点击这里,查看有关检测视频中动作的更多模型。
Joao Carreira 和 Andrew Zisserman 在其论文“Quo Vadis, Action Recognition? A New Model and the Kinetics Dataset”中对底层模型进行了介绍。该论文于 2017 年 5 月在 arXiv 上发表,并被选为 CVPR 2017 会议论文。源代码已在 GitHub 上公开。
“Quo Vadis”介绍了一种用于视频分类的新架构,即膨胀 3D 卷积神经网络或 I3D。此架构通过对上述模型进行微调,在 UCF101 和 HMDB51 数据集上取得了目前最优秀的结果。在 Kinetics 上预训练的 I3D 模型也在 CVPR 2017 Charades 挑战中排名第一。
原始模块在 kinetics-400 数据集上进行了训练,能够识别约 400 种不同动作。这些动作的标签可在标签映射文件中找到。
在此 Colab 中,我们将用它识别来自 UCF101 数据集的视频中的行为。
pip install -q imageio
pip install -q opencv-python
pip install -q git+https://github.com/tensorflow/docs
Import the necessary modules
# TensorFlow and TF-Hub modules.
from absl import logging
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_hub as hub
from tensorflow_docs.vis import embed
# Some modules to help with reading the UCF101 dataset.
import random
import re
import os
import tempfile
import ssl
import cv2
import numpy as np
# Some modules to display an animation using imageio.
import imageio
from IPython import display
from urllib import request # requires python3
2022-12-14 20:22:40.343229: W tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:64] Could not load dynamic library 'libnvinfer.so.7'; dlerror: libnvinfer.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 2022-12-14 20:22:40.343336: W tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:64] Could not load dynamic library 'libnvinfer_plugin.so.7'; dlerror: libnvinfer_plugin.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 2022-12-14 20:22:40.343346: W tensorflow/compiler/tf2tensorrt/utils/py_utils.cc:38] TF-TRT Warning: Cannot dlopen some TensorRT libraries. If you would like to use Nvidia GPU with TensorRT, please make sure the missing libraries mentioned above are installed properly.
Helper functions for the UCF101 dataset
# Utilities to fetch videos from UCF101 dataset
UCF_ROOT = "https://www.crcv.ucf.edu/THUMOS14/UCF101/UCF101/"
_CACHE_DIR = tempfile.mkdtemp()
# As of July 2020, crcv.ucf.edu doesn't use a certificate accepted by the
# default Colab environment anymore.
unverified_context = ssl._create_unverified_context()
def list_ucf_videos():
"""Lists videos available in UCF101 dataset."""
global _VIDEO_LIST
if not _VIDEO_LIST:
index = request.urlopen(UCF_ROOT, context=unverified_context).read().decode("utf-8")
videos = re.findall("(v_[\w_]+\.avi)", index)
_VIDEO_LIST = sorted(set(videos))
return list(_VIDEO_LIST)
def fetch_ucf_video(video):
"""Fetchs a video and cache into local filesystem."""
cache_path = os.path.join(_CACHE_DIR, video)
if not os.path.exists(cache_path):
urlpath = request.urljoin(UCF_ROOT, video)
print("Fetching %s => %s" % (urlpath, cache_path))
data = request.urlopen(urlpath, context=unverified_context).read()
open(cache_path, "wb").write(data)
return cache_path
# Utilities to open video files using CV2
def crop_center_square(frame):
y, x = frame.shape[0:2]
min_dim = min(y, x)
start_x = (x // 2) - (min_dim // 2)
start_y = (y // 2) - (min_dim // 2)
return frame[start_y:start_y+min_dim,start_x:start_x+min_dim]
def load_video(path, max_frames=0, resize=(224, 224)):
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(path)
frames = []
while True:
ret, frame = cap.read()
if not ret:
frame = crop_center_square(frame)
frame = cv2.resize(frame, resize)
frame = frame[:, :, [2, 1, 0]]
if len(frames) == max_frames:
return np.array(frames) / 255.0
def to_gif(images):
converted_images = np.clip(images * 255, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
imageio.mimsave('./animation.gif', converted_images, fps=25)
return embed.embed_file('./animation.gif')
Get the kinetics-400 labels
# Get the kinetics-400 action labels from the GitHub repository.
KINETICS_URL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/deepmind/kinetics-i3d/master/data/label_map.txt"
with request.urlopen(KINETICS_URL) as obj:
labels = [line.decode("utf-8").strip() for line in obj.readlines()]
print("Found %d labels." % len(labels))
Found 400 labels.
使用 UCF101 数据集
# Get the list of videos in the dataset.
ucf_videos = list_ucf_videos()
categories = {}
for video in ucf_videos:
category = video[2:-12]
if category not in categories:
categories[category] = []
print("Found %d videos in %d categories." % (len(ucf_videos), len(categories)))
for category, sequences in categories.items():
summary = ", ".join(sequences[:2])
print("%-20s %4d videos (%s, ...)" % (category, len(sequences), summary))
Found 13320 videos in 101 categories. ApplyEyeMakeup 145 videos (v_ApplyEyeMakeup_g01_c01.avi, v_ApplyEyeMakeup_g01_c02.avi, ...) ApplyLipstick 114 videos (v_ApplyLipstick_g01_c01.avi, v_ApplyLipstick_g01_c02.avi, ...) Archery 145 videos (v_Archery_g01_c01.avi, v_Archery_g01_c02.avi, ...) BabyCrawling 132 videos (v_BabyCrawling_g01_c01.avi, v_BabyCrawling_g01_c02.avi, ...) BalanceBeam 108 videos (v_BalanceBeam_g01_c01.avi, v_BalanceBeam_g01_c02.avi, ...) BandMarching 155 videos (v_BandMarching_g01_c01.avi, v_BandMarching_g01_c02.avi, ...) BaseballPitch 150 videos (v_BaseballPitch_g01_c01.avi, v_BaseballPitch_g01_c02.avi, ...) BasketballDunk 131 videos (v_BasketballDunk_g01_c01.avi, v_BasketballDunk_g01_c02.avi, ...) Basketball 134 videos (v_Basketball_g01_c01.avi, v_Basketball_g01_c02.avi, ...) BenchPress 160 videos (v_BenchPress_g01_c01.avi, v_BenchPress_g01_c02.avi, ...) Biking 134 videos (v_Biking_g01_c01.avi, v_Biking_g01_c02.avi, ...) Billiards 150 videos (v_Billiards_g01_c01.avi, v_Billiards_g01_c02.avi, ...) BlowDryHair 131 videos (v_BlowDryHair_g01_c01.avi, v_BlowDryHair_g01_c02.avi, ...) BlowingCandles 109 videos (v_BlowingCandles_g01_c01.avi, v_BlowingCandles_g01_c02.avi, ...) BodyWeightSquats 112 videos (v_BodyWeightSquats_g01_c01.avi, v_BodyWeightSquats_g01_c02.avi, ...) Bowling 155 videos (v_Bowling_g01_c01.avi, v_Bowling_g01_c02.avi, ...) BoxingPunchingBag 163 videos (v_BoxingPunchingBag_g01_c01.avi, v_BoxingPunchingBag_g01_c02.avi, ...) BoxingSpeedBag 134 videos (v_BoxingSpeedBag_g01_c01.avi, v_BoxingSpeedBag_g01_c02.avi, ...) BreastStroke 101 videos (v_BreastStroke_g01_c01.avi, v_BreastStroke_g01_c02.avi, ...) BrushingTeeth 131 videos (v_BrushingTeeth_g01_c01.avi, v_BrushingTeeth_g01_c02.avi, ...) CleanAndJerk 112 videos (v_CleanAndJerk_g01_c01.avi, v_CleanAndJerk_g01_c02.avi, ...) CliffDiving 138 videos (v_CliffDiving_g01_c01.avi, v_CliffDiving_g01_c02.avi, ...) CricketBowling 139 videos (v_CricketBowling_g01_c01.avi, v_CricketBowling_g01_c02.avi, ...) CricketShot 167 videos (v_CricketShot_g01_c01.avi, v_CricketShot_g01_c02.avi, ...) CuttingInKitchen 110 videos (v_CuttingInKitchen_g01_c01.avi, v_CuttingInKitchen_g01_c02.avi, ...) Diving 150 videos (v_Diving_g01_c01.avi, v_Diving_g01_c02.avi, ...) Drumming 161 videos (v_Drumming_g01_c01.avi, v_Drumming_g01_c02.avi, ...) Fencing 111 videos (v_Fencing_g01_c01.avi, v_Fencing_g01_c02.avi, ...) FieldHockeyPenalty 126 videos (v_FieldHockeyPenalty_g01_c01.avi, v_FieldHockeyPenalty_g01_c02.avi, ...) FloorGymnastics 125 videos (v_FloorGymnastics_g01_c01.avi, v_FloorGymnastics_g01_c02.avi, ...) FrisbeeCatch 126 videos (v_FrisbeeCatch_g01_c01.avi, v_FrisbeeCatch_g01_c02.avi, ...) FrontCrawl 137 videos (v_FrontCrawl_g01_c01.avi, v_FrontCrawl_g01_c02.avi, ...) GolfSwing 139 videos (v_GolfSwing_g01_c01.avi, v_GolfSwing_g01_c02.avi, ...) Haircut 130 videos (v_Haircut_g01_c01.avi, v_Haircut_g01_c02.avi, ...) HammerThrow 150 videos (v_HammerThrow_g01_c01.avi, v_HammerThrow_g01_c02.avi, ...) Hammering 140 videos (v_Hammering_g01_c01.avi, v_Hammering_g01_c02.avi, ...) HandstandPushups 128 videos (v_HandstandPushups_g01_c01.avi, v_HandstandPushups_g01_c02.avi, ...) HandstandWalking 111 videos (v_HandstandWalking_g01_c01.avi, v_HandstandWalking_g01_c02.avi, ...) HeadMassage 147 videos (v_HeadMassage_g01_c01.avi, v_HeadMassage_g01_c02.avi, ...) HighJump 123 videos (v_HighJump_g01_c01.avi, v_HighJump_g01_c02.avi, ...) HorseRace 124 videos (v_HorseRace_g01_c01.avi, v_HorseRace_g01_c02.avi, ...) HorseRiding 164 videos (v_HorseRiding_g01_c01.avi, v_HorseRiding_g01_c02.avi, ...) HulaHoop 125 videos (v_HulaHoop_g01_c01.avi, v_HulaHoop_g01_c02.avi, ...) IceDancing 158 videos (v_IceDancing_g01_c01.avi, v_IceDancing_g01_c02.avi, ...) JavelinThrow 117 videos (v_JavelinThrow_g01_c01.avi, v_JavelinThrow_g01_c02.avi, ...) JugglingBalls 121 videos (v_JugglingBalls_g01_c01.avi, v_JugglingBalls_g01_c02.avi, ...) JumpRope 144 videos (v_JumpRope_g01_c01.avi, v_JumpRope_g01_c02.avi, ...) JumpingJack 123 videos (v_JumpingJack_g01_c01.avi, v_JumpingJack_g01_c02.avi, ...) Kayaking 141 videos (v_Kayaking_g01_c01.avi, v_Kayaking_g01_c02.avi, ...) Knitting 123 videos (v_Knitting_g01_c01.avi, v_Knitting_g01_c02.avi, ...) LongJump 131 videos (v_LongJump_g01_c01.avi, v_LongJump_g01_c02.avi, ...) Lunges 127 videos (v_Lunges_g01_c01.avi, v_Lunges_g01_c02.avi, ...) MilitaryParade 125 videos (v_MilitaryParade_g01_c01.avi, v_MilitaryParade_g01_c02.avi, ...) Mixing 136 videos (v_Mixing_g01_c01.avi, v_Mixing_g01_c02.avi, ...) MoppingFloor 110 videos (v_MoppingFloor_g01_c01.avi, v_MoppingFloor_g01_c02.avi, ...) Nunchucks 132 videos (v_Nunchucks_g01_c01.avi, v_Nunchucks_g01_c02.avi, ...) ParallelBars 114 videos (v_ParallelBars_g01_c01.avi, v_ParallelBars_g01_c02.avi, ...) PizzaTossing 113 videos (v_PizzaTossing_g01_c01.avi, v_PizzaTossing_g01_c02.avi, ...) PlayingCello 164 videos (v_PlayingCello_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingCello_g01_c02.avi, ...) PlayingDaf 151 videos (v_PlayingDaf_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingDaf_g01_c02.avi, ...) PlayingDhol 164 videos (v_PlayingDhol_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingDhol_g01_c02.avi, ...) PlayingFlute 155 videos (v_PlayingFlute_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingFlute_g01_c02.avi, ...) PlayingGuitar 160 videos (v_PlayingGuitar_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingGuitar_g01_c02.avi, ...) PlayingPiano 105 videos (v_PlayingPiano_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingPiano_g01_c02.avi, ...) PlayingSitar 157 videos (v_PlayingSitar_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingSitar_g01_c02.avi, ...) PlayingTabla 111 videos (v_PlayingTabla_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingTabla_g01_c02.avi, ...) PlayingViolin 100 videos (v_PlayingViolin_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingViolin_g01_c02.avi, ...) PoleVault 149 videos (v_PoleVault_g01_c01.avi, v_PoleVault_g01_c02.avi, ...) PommelHorse 123 videos (v_PommelHorse_g01_c01.avi, v_PommelHorse_g01_c02.avi, ...) PullUps 100 videos (v_PullUps_g01_c01.avi, v_PullUps_g01_c02.avi, ...) Punch 160 videos (v_Punch_g01_c01.avi, v_Punch_g01_c02.avi, ...) PushUps 102 videos (v_PushUps_g01_c01.avi, v_PushUps_g01_c02.avi, ...) Rafting 111 videos (v_Rafting_g01_c01.avi, v_Rafting_g01_c02.avi, ...) RockClimbingIndoor 144 videos (v_RockClimbingIndoor_g01_c01.avi, v_RockClimbingIndoor_g01_c02.avi, ...) RopeClimbing 119 videos (v_RopeClimbing_g01_c01.avi, v_RopeClimbing_g01_c02.avi, ...) Rowing 137 videos (v_Rowing_g01_c01.avi, v_Rowing_g01_c02.avi, ...) SalsaSpin 133 videos (v_SalsaSpin_g01_c01.avi, v_SalsaSpin_g01_c02.avi, ...) ShavingBeard 161 videos (v_ShavingBeard_g01_c01.avi, v_ShavingBeard_g01_c02.avi, ...) Shotput 144 videos (v_Shotput_g01_c01.avi, v_Shotput_g01_c02.avi, ...) SkateBoarding 120 videos (v_SkateBoarding_g01_c01.avi, v_SkateBoarding_g01_c02.avi, ...) Skiing 135 videos (v_Skiing_g01_c01.avi, v_Skiing_g01_c02.avi, ...) Skijet 100 videos (v_Skijet_g01_c01.avi, v_Skijet_g01_c02.avi, ...) SkyDiving 110 videos (v_SkyDiving_g01_c01.avi, v_SkyDiving_g01_c02.avi, ...) SoccerJuggling 147 videos (v_SoccerJuggling_g01_c01.avi, v_SoccerJuggling_g01_c02.avi, ...) SoccerPenalty 137 videos (v_SoccerPenalty_g01_c01.avi, v_SoccerPenalty_g01_c02.avi, ...) StillRings 112 videos (v_StillRings_g01_c01.avi, v_StillRings_g01_c02.avi, ...) SumoWrestling 116 videos (v_SumoWrestling_g01_c01.avi, v_SumoWrestling_g01_c02.avi, ...) Surfing 126 videos (v_Surfing_g01_c01.avi, v_Surfing_g01_c02.avi, ...) Swing 131 videos (v_Swing_g01_c01.avi, v_Swing_g01_c02.avi, ...) TableTennisShot 140 videos (v_TableTennisShot_g01_c01.avi, v_TableTennisShot_g01_c02.avi, ...) TaiChi 100 videos (v_TaiChi_g01_c01.avi, v_TaiChi_g01_c02.avi, ...) TennisSwing 166 videos (v_TennisSwing_g01_c01.avi, v_TennisSwing_g01_c02.avi, ...) ThrowDiscus 130 videos (v_ThrowDiscus_g01_c01.avi, v_ThrowDiscus_g01_c02.avi, ...) TrampolineJumping 119 videos (v_TrampolineJumping_g01_c01.avi, v_TrampolineJumping_g01_c02.avi, ...) Typing 136 videos (v_Typing_g01_c01.avi, v_Typing_g01_c02.avi, ...) UnevenBars 104 videos (v_UnevenBars_g01_c01.avi, v_UnevenBars_g01_c02.avi, ...) VolleyballSpiking 116 videos (v_VolleyballSpiking_g01_c01.avi, v_VolleyballSpiking_g01_c02.avi, ...) WalkingWithDog 123 videos (v_WalkingWithDog_g01_c01.avi, v_WalkingWithDog_g01_c02.avi, ...) WallPushups 130 videos (v_WallPushups_g01_c01.avi, v_WallPushups_g01_c02.avi, ...) WritingOnBoard 152 videos (v_WritingOnBoard_g01_c01.avi, v_WritingOnBoard_g01_c02.avi, ...) YoYo 128 videos (v_YoYo_g01_c01.avi, v_YoYo_g01_c02.avi, ...)
# Get a sample cricket video.
video_path = fetch_ucf_video("v_CricketShot_g04_c02.avi")
sample_video = load_video(video_path)
Fetching https://www.crcv.ucf.edu/THUMOS14/UCF101/UCF101/v_CricketShot_g04_c02.avi => /tmpfs/tmp/tmpy9ha1ihd/v_CricketShot_g04_c02.avi
(116, 224, 224, 3)
i3d = hub.load("https://tfhub.dev/deepmind/i3d-kinetics-400/1").signatures['default']
运行 ID3 模型并打印前 5 个动作预测。
def predict(sample_video):
# Add a batch axis to the sample video.
model_input = tf.constant(sample_video, dtype=tf.float32)[tf.newaxis, ...]
logits = i3d(model_input)['default'][0]
probabilities = tf.nn.softmax(logits)
print("Top 5 actions:")
for i in np.argsort(probabilities)[::-1][:5]:
print(f" {labels[i]:22}: {probabilities[i] * 100:5.2f}%")
Top 5 actions: playing cricket : 97.77% skateboarding : 0.71% robot dancing : 0.56% roller skating : 0.56% golf putting : 0.13%
再试试 Patrick Gillett 的这个视频:
curl -O https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/86/End_of_a_jam.ogv
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 55.0M 100 55.0M 0 0 25.9M 0 0:00:02 0:00:02 --:--:-- 25.9M
video_path = "End_of_a_jam.ogv"
sample_video = load_video(video_path)[:100]
(100, 224, 224, 3)
Top 5 actions: roller skating : 96.85% playing volleyball : 1.63% skateboarding : 0.21% playing ice hockey : 0.20% playing basketball : 0.16%