
Getting DICOM Tag Data.

Used in the notebooks

This package has two operations which wrap DCMTK functions. decode_dicom_image decodes the pixel data from DICOM files, and decode_dicom_data decodes tag information. dicom_tags contains useful DICOM tags such as dicom_tags.PatientsName. We borrow the same tag notation from the pydicom dicom package.

The detailed usage of DICOM is available in tutorial.

If this package helped, please kindly cite the below:

    author       = {Marcelo Lerendegui and Ouwen Huang},
    title        = {Tensorflow Dicom Decoder},
    month        = jul,
    year         = 2019,
    doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.3337331},
    url          = {<a href=""></a>}

contents A Tensor of type string. 0-D. The byte string encoded DICOM file.
tags A Tensor of type tf.uint32 of any dimension. These uint32 numbers map directly to DICOM tags.
name A name for the operation (optional).

A Tensor of type tf.string and same shape as tags. If a dicom tag is a list of strings, they are combined into one string and seperated by a double backslash ``. There is a bug in DCMTK if the tag is a list of numbers, only the zeroth element will be returned as a string.