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# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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Untuk memperlambat penyebaran COVID-19 di awal tahun 2020, negara-negara Eropa mengadopsi intervensi non-farmasi seperti penutupan bisnis yang tidak penting, isolasi kasus individu, larangan bepergian, dan langkah-langkah lain untuk mendorong jarak sosial. Tim Tanggap Imperial College COVID-19 menganalisis efektivitas langkah-langkah ini dalam makalah mereka "Memperkirakan jumlah infeksi dan dampak dari intervensi non-farmasi di COVID-19 di 11 negara Eropa" , menggunakan model hirarki Bayesian dikombinasikan dengan mekanistik sebuah model epidemiologi.
Colab ini berisi penerapan TensorFlow Probability (TFP) dari analisis tersebut, yang disusun sebagai berikut:
- "Model setup" mendefinisikan model epidemiologi untuk penularan penyakit dan kematian yang diakibatkannya, distribusi Bayesian sebelumnya atas parameter model, dan distribusi jumlah kematian yang bergantung pada nilai parameter.
- "Pemrosesan data awal" memuat data tentang waktu dan jenis intervensi di setiap negara, jumlah kematian dari waktu ke waktu, dan perkiraan tingkat kematian bagi mereka yang terinfeksi.
- "Model inferensi" membangun model hierarkis Bayesian dan menjalankan Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) untuk mengambil sampel dari distribusi posterior di atas parameter.
- "Hasil" menunjukkan distribusi prediktif posterior untuk jumlah yang menarik seperti perkiraan kematian, dan kematian kontrafaktual tanpa adanya intervensi.
Makalah ini menemukan bukti bahwa negara telah berhasil mengurangi jumlah infeksi baru ditularkan oleh setiap orang yang terinfeksi (), tapi itu interval kredibel terkandung (nilai di atas yang epidemi terus spread) dan bahwa itu adalah prematur untuk menarik kesimpulan yang kuat tentang efektivitas intervensi. Stan kode untuk kertas di penulis Github repository, dan CoLab ini mereproduksi Versi 2 .
pip3 install -q git+git://github.com/arviz-devs/arviz.git
pip3 install -q tf-nightly tfp-nightly
import collections
from pprint import pprint
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
from tensorflow_probability.python.internal import prefer_static as ps
# Globally Enable XLA.
# tf.config.optimizer.set_jit(True)
physical_devices = tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU')
tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(physical_devices[0], True)
# Invalid device or cannot modify virtual devices once initialized.
tfb = tfp.bijectors
tfd = tfp.distributions
DTYPE = np.float32
1 Pengaturan model
1.1 Model mekanistik untuk infeksi dan kematian
Model infeksi mensimulasikan jumlah infeksi di setiap negara dari waktu ke waktu. Data masukan adalah waktu dan jenis intervensi, ukuran populasi, dan kasus awal. Parameter pengendalian efektivitas intervensi dan laju penularan penyakit. Model untuk jumlah kematian yang diharapkan menerapkan tingkat kematian untuk infeksi yang diprediksi.
Model infeksi melakukan konvolusi dari infeksi harian sebelumnya dengan distribusi interval serial (distribusi selama jumlah hari antara terinfeksi dan menginfeksi orang lain). Pada setiap langkah waktu, jumlah infeksi baru pada saat , , dihitung sebagai
\begin{equation} \sum_{i=0}^{t-1} n_i \mu_t \text{p} (\text{tertangkap dari seseorang yang terinfeksi pada } i | \text{baru terinfeksi pada } t) \end{ equation} dimana dan probabilitas kondisional disimpan dalam conv_serial_interval
, didefinisikan di bawah.
Model untuk kematian yang diharapkan melakukan konvolusi infeksi harian dan distribusi hari antara infeksi dan kematian. Artinya, kematian diperkirakan pada hari dihitung sebagai
\ begin {equation} \ sum_ {i = 0} ^ {t-1} n_i \ text {p (mati pada hari | infeksi pada hari )} \ end {equation} dimana probabilitas kondisional disimpan di conv_fatality_rate
, didefinisikan di bawah.
from tensorflow_probability.python.internal import broadcast_util as bu
def predict_infections(
intervention_indicators, population, initial_cases, mu, alpha_hier,
conv_serial_interval, initial_days, total_days):
"""Predict the number of infections by forward-simulation.
intervention_indicators: Binary array of shape
`[num_countries, total_days, num_interventions]`, in which `1` indicates
the intervention is active in that country at that time and `0` indicates
population: Vector of length `num_countries`. Population of each country.
initial_cases: Array of shape `[batch_size, num_countries]`. Number of cases
in each country at the start of the simulation.
mu: Array of shape `[batch_size, num_countries]`. Initial reproduction rate
(R_0) by country.
alpha_hier: Array of shape `[batch_size, num_interventions]` representing
the effectiveness of interventions.
conv_serial_interval: Array of shape
`[total_days - initial_days, total_days]` output from
`make_conv_serial_interval`. Convolution kernel for serial interval
initial_days: Integer, number of sequential days to seed infections after
the 10th death in a country. (N0 in the authors' Stan code.)
total_days: Integer, number of days of observed data plus days to forecast.
(N2 in the authors' Stan code.)
predicted_infections: Array of shape
`[total_days, batch_size, num_countries]`. (Batched) predicted number of
infections over time and by country.
alpha = alpha_hier - tf.cast(np.log(1.05) / 6.0, DTYPE)
# Multiply the effectiveness of each intervention in each country (alpha)
# by the indicator variable for whether the intervention was active and sum
# over interventions, yielding an array of shape
# [total_days, batch_size, num_countries] that represents the total effectiveness of
# all interventions in each country on each day (for a batch of data).
linear_prediction = tf.einsum(
'ijk,...k->j...i', intervention_indicators, alpha)
# Adjust the reproduction rate per country downward, according to the
# effectiveness of the interventions.
rt = mu * tf.exp(-linear_prediction, name='reproduction_rate')
# Initialize storage array for daily infections and seed it with initial
# cases.
daily_infections = tf.TensorArray(
dtype=DTYPE, size=total_days, element_shape=initial_cases.shape)
for i in range(initial_days):
daily_infections = daily_infections.write(i, initial_cases)
# Initialize cumulative cases.
init_cumulative_infections = initial_cases * initial_days
# Simulate forward for total_days days.
cond = lambda i, *_: i < total_days
def body(i, prev_daily_infections, prev_cumulative_infections):
# The probability distribution over days j that someone infected on day i
# caught the virus from someone infected on day j.
p_infected_on_day = tf.gather(
conv_serial_interval, i - initial_days, axis=0)
# Multiply p_infected_on_day by the number previous infections each day and
# by mu, and sum to obtain new infections on day i. Mu is adjusted by
# the fraction of the population already infected, so that the population
# size is the upper limit on the number of infections.
prev_daily_infections_array = prev_daily_infections.stack()
to_sum = prev_daily_infections_array * bu.left_justified_expand_dims_like(
p_infected_on_day, prev_daily_infections_array)
convolution = tf.reduce_sum(to_sum, axis=0)
rt_adj = (
(population - prev_cumulative_infections) / population
) * tf.gather(rt, i)
new_infections = rt_adj * convolution
# Update the prediction array and the cumulative number of infections.
daily_infections = prev_daily_infections.write(i, new_infections)
cumulative_infections = prev_cumulative_infections + new_infections
return i + 1, daily_infections, cumulative_infections
_, daily_infections_final, last_cumm_sum = tf.while_loop(
cond, body,
(initial_days, daily_infections, init_cumulative_infections),
maximum_iterations=(total_days - initial_days))
return daily_infections_final.stack()
def predict_deaths(predicted_infections, ifr_noise, conv_fatality_rate):
"""Expected number of reported deaths by country, by day.
predicted_infections: Array of shape
`[total_days, batch_size, num_countries]` output from
ifr_noise: Array of shape `[batch_size, num_countries]`. Noise in Infection
Fatality Rate (IFR).
conv_fatality_rate: Array of shape
`[total_days - 1, total_days, num_countries]`. Convolutional kernel for
calculating fatalities, output from `make_conv_fatality_rate`.
predicted_deaths: Array of shape `[total_days, batch_size, num_countries]`.
(Batched) predicted number of deaths over time and by country.
# Multiply the number of infections on day j by the probability of death
# on day i given infection on day j, and sum over j. This yields the expected
result_remainder = tf.einsum(
'i...j,kij->k...j', predicted_infections, conv_fatality_rate) * ifr_noise
# Concatenate the result with a vector of zeros so that the first day is
# included.
result_temp = 1e-15 * predicted_infections[:1]
return tf.concat([result_temp, result_remainder], axis=0)
1.2 Sebelum melebihi nilai parameter
Di sini kita mendefinisikan distribusi prior bersama atas parameter model. Banyak dari nilai parameter diasumsikan independen, sehingga prior dapat dinyatakan sebagai:
di mana:
- adalah parameter tingkat bersama distribusi eksponensial atas jumlah kasus awal per negara, .
- adalah parameter dalam distribusi Binomial Negatif untuk jumlah kematian.
- adalah parameter skala bersama distribusi HalfNormal atas jumlah reproduksi awal di masing-masing negara, (menunjukkan jumlah kasus tambahan ditularkan oleh setiap orang yang terinfeksi).
- adalah efektivitas masing-masing enam intervensi.
- (disebut
dalam kode, setelah kode Stan penulis) adalah kebisingan di Infeksi Fatality Rate (IFR).
Kami mengekspresikan model ini sebagai TFP JointDistribution, jenis distribusi TFP yang memungkinkan ekspresi model grafis probabilistik.
def make_jd_prior(num_countries, num_interventions):
return tfd.JointDistributionSequentialAutoBatched([
# Rate parameter for the distribution of initial cases (tau).
tfd.Exponential(rate=tf.cast(0.03, DTYPE)),
# Initial cases for each country.
lambda tau: tfd.Sample(
tfd.Exponential(rate=tf.cast(1, DTYPE) / tau),
# Parameter in Negative Binomial model for deaths (psi).
tfd.HalfNormal(scale=tf.cast(5, DTYPE)),
# Parameter in the distribution over the initial reproduction number, R_0
# (kappa).
tfd.HalfNormal(scale=tf.cast(0.5, DTYPE)),
# Initial reproduction number, R_0, for each country (mu).
lambda kappa: tfd.Sample(
tfd.TruncatedNormal(loc=3.28, scale=kappa, low=1e-5, high=1e5),
# Impact of interventions (alpha; shared for all countries).
tfd.Gamma(tf.cast(0.1667, DTYPE), 1), sample_shape=num_interventions),
# Multiplicative noise in Infection Fatality Rate.
loc=tf.cast(1., DTYPE), scale=0.1, low=1e-5, high=1e5),
1.3 Kemungkinan kematian yang diamati tergantung pada nilai parameter
The mengekspresikan Model kemungkinan . Ini menerapkan model untuk jumlah infeksi dan kematian yang diharapkan tergantung pada parameter, dan mengasumsikan kematian aktual mengikuti distribusi Binomial Negatif.
def make_likelihood_fn(
intervention_indicators, population, deaths,
infection_fatality_rate, initial_days, total_days):
# Create a mask for the initial days of simulated data, as they are not
# counted in the likelihood.
observed_deaths = tf.constant(deaths.T[np.newaxis, ...], dtype=DTYPE)
mask_temp = deaths != -1
mask_temp[:, :START_DAYS] = False
observed_deaths_mask = tf.constant(mask_temp.T[np.newaxis, ...])
conv_serial_interval = make_conv_serial_interval(initial_days, total_days)
conv_fatality_rate = make_conv_fatality_rate(
infection_fatality_rate, total_days)
def likelihood_fn(tau, initial_cases, psi, kappa, mu, alpha_hier, ifr_noise):
# Run models for infections and expected deaths
predicted_infections = predict_infections(
intervention_indicators, population, initial_cases, mu, alpha_hier,
conv_serial_interval, initial_days, total_days)
e_deaths_all_countries = predict_deaths(
predicted_infections, ifr_noise, conv_fatality_rate)
# Construct the Negative Binomial distribution for deaths by country.
mu_m = tf.transpose(e_deaths_all_countries, [1, 0, 2])
psi_m = psi[..., tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis]
probs = tf.clip_by_value(mu_m / (mu_m + psi_m), 1e-9, 1.)
likelihood_elementwise = tfd.NegativeBinomial(
total_count=psi_m, probs=probs).log_prob(observed_deaths)
return tf.reduce_sum(
axis=[-2, -1])
return likelihood_fn
1.4 Probabilitas kematian karena infeksi
Bagian ini menghitung distribusi kematian pada hari-hari setelah infeksi. Diasumsikan waktu dari infeksi hingga kematian adalah jumlah dari dua kuantitas variasi Gamma, yang mewakili waktu dari infeksi hingga onset penyakit dan waktu dari onset hingga kematian. Distribusi waktu-ke-mati dikombinasikan dengan Infeksi Data Fatality Rate dari Verity et al. (2020) untuk menghitung probabilitas kematian pada hari-hari setelah infeksi.
def daily_fatality_probability(infection_fatality_rate, total_days):
"""Computes the probability of death `d` days after infection."""
# Convert from alternative Gamma parametrization and construct distributions
# for number of days from infection to onset and onset to death.
concentration1 = tf.cast((1. / 0.86)**2, DTYPE)
rate1 = concentration1 / 5.1
concentration2 = tf.cast((1. / 0.45)**2, DTYPE)
rate2 = concentration2 / 18.8
infection_to_onset = tfd.Gamma(concentration=concentration1, rate=rate1)
onset_to_death = tfd.Gamma(concentration=concentration2, rate=rate2)
# Create empirical distribution for number of days from infection to death.
inf_to_death_dist = tfd.Empirical(
infection_to_onset.sample([5e6]) + onset_to_death.sample([5e6]))
# Subtract the CDF value at day i from the value at day i + 1 to compute the
# probability of death on day i given infection on day 0, and given that
# death (not recovery) is the outcome.
times = np.arange(total_days + 1., dtype=DTYPE) + 0.5
cdf = inf_to_death_dist.cdf(times).numpy()
f_before_ifr = cdf[1:] - cdf[:-1]
# Explicitly set the zeroth value to the empirical cdf at time 1.5, to include
# the mass between time 0 and time .5.
f_before_ifr[0] = cdf[1]
# Multiply the daily fatality rates conditional on infection and eventual
# death (f_before_ifr) by the infection fatality rates (probability of death
# given intection) to obtain the probability of death on day i conditional
# on infection on day 0.
return infection_fatality_rate[..., np.newaxis] * f_before_ifr
def make_conv_fatality_rate(infection_fatality_rate, total_days):
"""Computes the probability of death on day `i` given infection on day `j`."""
p_fatal_all_countries = daily_fatality_probability(
infection_fatality_rate, total_days)
# Use the probability of death d days after infection in each country
# to build an array of shape [total_days - 1, total_days, num_countries],
# where the element [i, j, c] is the probability of death on day i+1 given
# infection on day j in country c.
conv_fatality_rate = np.zeros(
[total_days - 1, total_days, p_fatal_all_countries.shape[0]])
for n in range(1, total_days):
conv_fatality_rate[n - 1, 0:n, :] = (
p_fatal_all_countries[:, n - 1::-1]).T
return tf.constant(conv_fatality_rate, dtype=DTYPE)
1.5 Interval Serial
Interval serial adalah waktu antara kasus yang berurutan dalam rantai penularan penyakit, dan diasumsikan terdistribusi Gamma. Kami menggunakan distribusi selang serial untuk menghitung probabilitas bahwa seseorang terinfeksi pada hari tertangkap virus dari orang yang sebelumnya terinfeksi pada hari (yang conv_serial_interval
argumen untuk predict_infections
def make_conv_serial_interval(initial_days, total_days):
"""Construct the convolutional kernel for infection timing."""
g = tfd.Gamma(tf.cast(1. / (0.62**2), DTYPE), 1./(6.5*0.62**2))
g_cdf = g.cdf(np.arange(total_days, dtype=DTYPE))
# Approximate the probability mass function for the number of days between
# successive infections.
serial_interval = g_cdf[1:] - g_cdf[:-1]
# `conv_serial_interval` is an array of shape
# [total_days - initial_days, total_days] in which entry [i, j] contains the
# probability that an individual infected on day i + initial_days caught the
# virus from someone infected on day j.
conv_serial_interval = np.zeros([total_days - initial_days, total_days])
for n in range(initial_days, total_days):
conv_serial_interval[n - initial_days, 0:n] = serial_interval[n - 1::-1]
return tf.constant(conv_serial_interval, dtype=DTYPE)
2 Prapemrosesan Data
2.1 Mengambil dan memproses data intervensi sebelumnya
raw_interventions = pd.read_csv(
raw_interventions['Date effective'] = pd.to_datetime(
raw_interventions['Date effective'], dayfirst=True)
interventions = raw_interventions.pivot(index='Country', columns='Type', values='Date effective')
# If any interventions happened after the lockdown, use the date of the lockdown.
for col in interventions.columns:
idx = interventions[col] > interventions['Lockdown']
interventions.loc[idx, col] = interventions[idx]['Lockdown']
num_countries = len(COUNTRIES)
2.2 Mengambil data kasus/kematian dan bergabung dalam intervensi
# Load the case data
data = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ImperialCollegeLondon/covid19model/master/data/COVID-19-up-to-date.csv')
# You can also use the dataset directly from european cdc (where the ICL model fetch their data from)
# data = pd.read_csv('https://opendata.ecdc.europa.eu/covid19/casedistribution/csv')
data['country'] = data['countriesAndTerritories']
data = data[['dateRep', 'cases', 'deaths', 'country']]
data = data[data['country'].isin(COUNTRIES)]
data['dateRep'] = pd.to_datetime(data['dateRep'], format='%d/%m/%Y')
# Add 0/1 features for whether or not each intevention was in place.
data = data.join(interventions, on='country', how='outer')
for col in interventions.columns:
data[col] = (data['dateRep'] >= data[col]).astype(int)
# Add "any_intevention" 0/1 feature.
any_intervention_list = ['Schools + Universities',
'Self-isolating if ill',
'Public events',
'Social distancing encouraged']
data['any_intervention'] = (
data[any_intervention_list].apply(np.sum, 'columns') > 0).astype(int)
# Index by country and date.
data = data.sort_values(by=['country', 'dateRep'])
data = data.set_index(['country', 'dateRep'])
2.3 Mengambil dan memproses Rasio Kematian Terinfeksi dan data populasi
infected_fatality_ratio = pd.read_csv(
infected_fatality_ratio = infected_fatality_ratio.replace(to_replace='United Kingdom', value='United_Kingdom')
infected_fatality_ratio['Country'] = infected_fatality_ratio.iloc[:, 1]
infected_fatality_ratio = infected_fatality_ratio[infected_fatality_ratio['Country'].isin(COUNTRIES)]
infected_fatality_ratio = infected_fatality_ratio[
['Country', 'popt', 'ifr']].set_index('Country')
infected_fatality_ratio = infected_fatality_ratio.sort_index()
infection_fatality_rate = infected_fatality_ratio['ifr'].to_numpy()
population_value = infected_fatality_ratio['popt'].to_numpy()
2.4 Praproses data khusus negara
# Model up to 75 days of data for each country, starting 30 days before the
# tenth cumulative death.
MAX_DAYS = 102
COVARIATE_COLUMNS = any_intervention_list + ['any_intervention']
# Initialize an array for number of deaths.
deaths = -np.ones((num_countries, MAX_DAYS), dtype=DTYPE)
# Assuming every intervention is still inplace in the unobserved future
num_interventions = len(COVARIATE_COLUMNS)
intervention_indicators = np.ones((num_countries, MAX_DAYS, num_interventions))
first_days = {}
for i, c in enumerate(COUNTRIES):
c_data = data.loc[c]
# Include data only after 10th death in a country.
mask = c_data['deaths'].cumsum() >= 10
# Get the date that the epidemic starts in a country.
first_day = c_data.index[mask][0] - pd.to_timedelta(START_DAYS, 'days')
c_data = c_data.truncate(before=first_day)
# Truncate the data after 28 March 2020 for comparison with Flaxman et al.
c_data = c_data.truncate(after='2020-03-28')
c_data = c_data.iloc[:MAX_DAYS]
days_of_data = c_data.shape[0]
deaths[i, :days_of_data] = c_data['deaths']
intervention_indicators[i, :days_of_data] = c_data[
first_days[c] = first_day
# Number of sequential days to seed infections after the 10th death in a
# country. (N0 in authors' Stan code.)
# Number of days of observed data plus days to forecast. (N2 in authors' Stan
# code.)
TOTAL_DAYS = deaths.shape[1]
3 Model inferensi
Flaxman dkk. (2020) digunakan Stan untuk sampel dari posterior parameter dengan Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) dan No-U-Turn Sampler (KACANG).
Di sini, kami menerapkan HMC dengan adaptasi ukuran langkah rata-rata ganda. Kami menggunakan uji coba HMC untuk prakondisi dan inisialisasi.
Inferensi berjalan dalam beberapa menit pada GPU.
3.1 Membangun sebelumnya dan kemungkinan untuk model
jd_prior = make_jd_prior(num_countries, num_interventions)
likelihood_fn = make_likelihood_fn(
intervention_indicators, population_value, deaths,
infection_fatality_rate, INITIAL_DAYS, TOTAL_DAYS)
3.2 Utilitas
def get_bijectors_from_samples(samples, unconstraining_bijectors, batch_axes):
"""Fit bijectors to the samples of a distribution.
This fits a diagonal covariance multivariate Gaussian transformed by the
`unconstraining_bijectors` to the provided samples. The resultant
transformation can be used to precondition MCMC and other inference methods.
state_std = [
tf.math.reduce_std(bij.inverse(x), axis=batch_axes)
for x, bij in zip(samples, unconstraining_bijectors)
state_mu = [
tf.math.reduce_mean(bij.inverse(x), axis=batch_axes)
for x, bij in zip(samples, unconstraining_bijectors)
return [tfb.Chain([cb, tfb.Shift(sh), tfb.Scale(sc)])
for cb, sh, sc in zip(unconstraining_bijectors, state_mu, state_std)]
def generate_init_state_and_bijectors_from_prior(nchain, unconstraining_bijectors):
"""Creates an initial MCMC state, and bijectors from the prior."""
prior_samples = jd_prior.sample(4096)
bijectors = get_bijectors_from_samples(
prior_samples, unconstraining_bijectors, batch_axes=0)
init_state = [
bij(tf.zeros([nchain] + list(s), DTYPE))
for s, bij in zip(jd_prior.event_shape, bijectors)
return init_state, bijectors
@tf.function(autograph=False, experimental_compile=True)
def sample_hmc(
def trace_fn(_, pkr):
return {
'target_log_prob': pkr.inner_results.inner_results.accepted_results.target_log_prob,
'diverging': ~(pkr.inner_results.inner_results.log_accept_ratio > -1000.),
'is_accepted': pkr.inner_results.inner_results.is_accepted,
'step_size': [tf.exp(s) for s in pkr.log_averaging_step],
hmc = tfp.mcmc.HamiltonianMonteCarlo(
hmc = tfp.mcmc.TransformedTransitionKernel(
hmc = tfp.mcmc.DualAveragingStepSizeAdaptation(
num_adaptation_steps=int(burnin * 0.8),
# Sampling from the chain.
return tfp.mcmc.sample_chain(
num_results=burnin + num_steps,
3.3 Tentukan bijector ruang acara
HMC yang paling efisien ketika sampling dari distribusi Gaussian multivariat isotropik ( Mangoubi & Smith (2017) ), sehingga langkah pertama adalah untuk prasyarat kepadatan target untuk melihat sebanyak seperti itu mungkin.
Pertama dan terpenting, kami mengubah variabel dibatasi (misalnya, non-negatif) ke ruang tak terbatas, yang membutuhkan HMC. Selain itu, kami menggunakan bijektor SinhArcsinh untuk memanipulasi bobot ekor kepadatan target yang diubah; kami ingin ini jatuh kira-kira sebagai .
unconstraining_bijectors = [
tfb.Chain([tfb.Scale(tf.constant(1 / 0.03, DTYPE)), tfb.Softplus(),
tfb.SinhArcsinh(tailweight=tf.constant(1.85, DTYPE))]), # tau
tfb.Chain([tfb.Scale(tf.constant(1 / 0.03, DTYPE)), tfb.Softplus(),
tfb.SinhArcsinh(tailweight=tf.constant(1.85, DTYPE))]), # initial_cases
tfb.Softplus(), # psi
tfb.Softplus(), # kappa
tfb.Softplus(), # mu
tfb.Chain([tfb.Scale(tf.constant(0.4, DTYPE)), tfb.Softplus(),
tfb.SinhArcsinh(skewness=tf.constant(-0.2, DTYPE), tailweight=tf.constant(2., DTYPE))]), # alpha
tfb.Softplus(), # ifr_noise
3.4 uji coba HMC
Kami pertama-tama menjalankan HMC yang diprakondisikan oleh sebelumnya, diinisialisasi dari 0 di ruang yang diubah. Kami tidak menggunakan sampel sebelumnya untuk menginisialisasi rantai karena dalam praktiknya sering mengakibatkan rantai macet karena angka yang buruk.
nchain = 32
target_log_prob_fn = lambda *x: jd_prior.log_prob(*x) + likelihood_fn(*x)
init_state, bijectors = generate_init_state_and_bijectors_from_prior(nchain, unconstraining_bijectors)
# Each chain gets its own step size.
step_size = [tf.fill([nchain] + [1] * (len(s.shape) - 1), tf.constant(0.01, DTYPE)) for s in init_state]
burnin = 200
num_steps = 100
pilot_samples, pilot_sampler_stat = sample_hmc(
CPU times: user 56.8 s, sys: 2.34 s, total: 59.1 s Wall time: 1min 1s
3.5 Visualisasikan sampel percontohan
Kami sedang mencari rantai macet dan konvergensi eyeballing. Kita bisa melakukan diagnosa formal di sini, tapi itu tidak terlalu penting karena ini hanya uji coba.
import arviz as az
var_name = ['tau', 'initial_cases', 'psi', 'kappa', 'mu', 'alpha', 'ifr_noise']
pilot_with_warmup = {k: np.swapaxes(v.numpy(), 1, 0)
for k, v in zip(var_name, pilot_samples)}
Kami mengamati divergensi selama pemanasan, terutama karena adaptasi ukuran langkah rata-rata ganda menggunakan pencarian yang sangat agresif untuk ukuran langkah yang optimal. Setelah adaptasi dimatikan, divergensi juga menghilang.
az_trace = az.from_dict(posterior=pilot_with_warmup,
sample_stats={'diverging': np.swapaxes(pilot_sampler_stat['diverging'].numpy(), 0, 1)})
az.plot_trace(az_trace, combined=True, compact=True, figsize=(12, 8));
3.6 Jalankan HMC
Pada prinsipnya kita dapat menggunakan sampel percontohan untuk analisis akhir (jika kita menjalankannya lebih lama untuk mendapatkan konvergensi), tetapi akan sedikit lebih efisien untuk memulai proses HMC lain, kali ini diprakondisikan dan diinisialisasi oleh sampel percontohan.
burnin = 50
num_steps = 200
bijectors = get_bijectors_from_samples([s[burnin:] for s in pilot_samples],
batch_axes=(0, 1))
samples, sampler_stat = sample_hmc(
[s[-1] for s in pilot_samples],
[s[-1] for s in pilot_sampler_stat['step_size']],
CPU times: user 1min 26s, sys: 3.88 s, total: 1min 30s Wall time: 1min 32s
3.7 Visualisasikan sampel
import arviz as az
var_name = ['tau', 'initial_cases', 'psi', 'kappa', 'mu', 'alpha', 'ifr_noise']
posterior = {k: np.swapaxes(v.numpy()[burnin:], 1, 0)
for k, v in zip(var_name, samples)}
posterior_with_warmup = {k: np.swapaxes(v.numpy(), 1, 0)
for k, v in zip(var_name, samples)}
Hitung ringkasan rantai. Kami mencari ESS tinggi dan r_hat mendekati 1.
az_trace = az.from_dict(posterior=posterior_with_warmup,
sample_stats={'diverging': np.swapaxes(sampler_stat['diverging'].numpy(), 0, 1)})
az.plot_trace(az_trace, combined=True, compact=True, figsize=(12, 8));
Adalah instruktif untuk melihat fungsi auto-korelasi di semua dimensi. Kami mencari fungsi yang turun dengan cepat, tetapi tidak terlalu banyak sehingga menjadi negatif (yang menunjukkan HMC memukul resonansi, yang buruk untuk ergodisitas dan dapat menimbulkan bias).
with az.rc_context(rc={'plot.max_subplots': None}):
az.plot_autocorr(posterior, combined=True, figsize=(12, 16), textsize=12);
4 Hasil
Plot berikut menganalisis distribusi prediksi posterior lebih , jumlah kematian, dan jumlah infeksi, mirip dengan analisis di Flaxman et al. (2020).
total_num_samples = np.prod(posterior['mu'].shape[:2])
# Calculate R_t given parameter estimates.
def rt_samples_batched(mu, intervention_indicators, alpha):
linear_prediction = tf.reduce_sum(
intervention_indicators * alpha[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :], axis=-1)
rt_hat = mu[..., tf.newaxis] * tf.exp(-linear_prediction, name='rt')
return rt_hat
alpha_hat = tf.convert_to_tensor(
posterior['alpha'].reshape(total_num_samples, posterior['alpha'].shape[-1]))
mu_hat = tf.convert_to_tensor(
posterior['mu'].reshape(total_num_samples, num_countries))
rt_hat = rt_samples_batched(mu_hat, intervention_indicators, alpha_hat)
sampled_initial_cases = posterior['initial_cases'].reshape(
total_num_samples, num_countries)
sampled_ifr_noise = posterior['ifr_noise'].reshape(
total_num_samples, num_countries)
psi_hat = posterior['psi'].reshape([total_num_samples])
conv_serial_interval = make_conv_serial_interval(INITIAL_DAYS, TOTAL_DAYS)
conv_fatality_rate = make_conv_fatality_rate(infection_fatality_rate, TOTAL_DAYS)
pred_hat = predict_infections(
intervention_indicators, population_value, sampled_initial_cases, mu_hat,
alpha_hat, conv_serial_interval, INITIAL_DAYS, TOTAL_DAYS)
expected_deaths = predict_deaths(pred_hat, sampled_ifr_noise, conv_fatality_rate)
psi_m = psi_hat[np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis]
probs = tf.clip_by_value(expected_deaths / (expected_deaths + psi_m), 1e-9, 1.)
predicted_deaths = tfd.NegativeBinomial(
total_count=psi_m, probs=probs).sample()
# Predict counterfactual infections/deaths in the absence of interventions
no_intervention_infections = predict_infections(
no_intervention_expected_deaths = predict_deaths(
no_intervention_infections, sampled_ifr_noise, conv_fatality_rate)
probs = tf.clip_by_value(
no_intervention_expected_deaths / (no_intervention_expected_deaths + psi_m),
1e-9, 1.)
no_intervention_predicted_deaths = tfd.NegativeBinomial(
total_count=psi_m, probs=probs).sample()
4.1 Efektivitas intervensi
Mirip dengan Gambar 4 dari Flaxman et al. (2020).
def intervention_effectiveness(alpha):
alpha_adj = 1. - np.exp(-alpha + np.log(1.05) / 6.)
alpha_adj_first = (
1. - np.exp(-alpha - alpha[..., -1:] + np.log(1.05) / 6.))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=[12, 6])
intervention_perm = [2, 1, 3, 4, 0]
percentile_vals = [2.5, 97.5]
jitter = .2
for ind in range(5):
first_low, first_high = tfp.stats.percentile(
alpha_adj_first[..., ind], percentile_vals)
low, high = tfp.stats.percentile(
alpha_adj[..., ind], percentile_vals)
p_ind = intervention_perm[ind]
ax.hlines(p_ind, low, high, label='Later Intervention', colors='g')
ax.scatter(alpha_adj[..., ind].mean(), p_ind, color='g')
ax.hlines(p_ind + jitter, first_low, first_high,
label='First Intervention', colors='r')
ax.scatter(alpha_adj_first[..., ind].mean(), p_ind + jitter, color='r')
if ind == 0:
plt.legend(loc='lower right')
[any_intervention_list[intervention_perm.index(p)] for p in range(5)])
ax.set_xlim([-0.01, 1.])
r = fig.patch
4.2 Infeksi, kematian, dan R_t menurut negara
Mirip dengan Gambar 2 dari Flaxman et al. (2020).
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
plot_quantile = True
forecast_days = 0
fig, ax = plt.subplots(11, 3, figsize=(15, 40))
for ind, country in enumerate(COUNTRIES):
num_days = (pd.to_datetime('2020-03-28') - first_days[country]).days + forecast_days
dates = [(first_days[country] + i*pd.to_timedelta(1, 'days')).strftime('%m-%d') for i in range(num_days)]
plot_dates = [dates[i] for i in range(0, num_days, 7)]
# Plot daily number of infections
infections = pred_hat[:, :, ind]
posterior_quantile = np.percentile(infections, [2.5, 25, 50, 75, 97.5], axis=-1)
ax[ind, 0].plot(
dates, posterior_quantile[2, :num_days],
color='b', label='posterior median', lw=2)
if plot_quantile:
ax[ind, 0].fill_between(
dates, posterior_quantile[1, :num_days], posterior_quantile[3, :num_days],
color='b', label='50% quantile', alpha=.4)
ax[ind, 0].fill_between(
dates, posterior_quantile[0, :num_days], posterior_quantile[4, :num_days],
color='b', label='95% quantile', alpha=.2)
ax[ind, 0].set_xticks(plot_dates)
ax[ind, 0].xaxis.set_tick_params(rotation=45)
ax[ind, 0].set_ylabel('Daily number of infections', fontsize='large')
ax[ind, 0].set_xlabel('Day', fontsize='large')
# Plot deaths
ax[ind, 1].set_title(country)
samples = predicted_deaths[:, :, ind]
posterior_quantile = np.percentile(samples, [2.5, 25, 50, 75, 97.5], axis=-1)
ax[ind, 1].plot(
range(num_days), posterior_quantile[2, :num_days],
color='b', label='Posterior median', lw=2)
if plot_quantile:
ax[ind, 1].fill_between(
range(num_days), posterior_quantile[1, :num_days], posterior_quantile[3, :num_days],
color='b', label='50% quantile', alpha=.4)
ax[ind, 1].fill_between(
range(num_days), posterior_quantile[0, :num_days], posterior_quantile[4, :num_days],
color='b', label='95% quantile', alpha=.2)
observed = deaths[ind, :]
observed[observed == -1] = np.nan
ax[ind, 1].plot(
dates, observed[:num_days],
'--o', color='k', markersize=3,
label='Observed deaths', alpha=.8)
ax[ind, 1].set_xticks(plot_dates)
ax[ind, 1].xaxis.set_tick_params(rotation=45)
ax[ind, 1].set_title(country)
ax[ind, 1].set_xlabel('Day', fontsize='large')
ax[ind, 1].set_ylabel('Deaths', fontsize='large')
# Plot R_t
samples = np.transpose(rt_hat[:, ind, :])
posterior_quantile = np.percentile(samples, [2.5, 25, 50, 75, 97.5], axis=-1)
l1 = ax[ind, 2].plot(
dates, posterior_quantile[2, :num_days],
color='g', label='Posterior median', lw=2)
l2 = ax[ind, 2].fill_between(
dates, posterior_quantile[1, :num_days], posterior_quantile[3, :num_days],
color='g', label='50% quantile', alpha=.4)
if plot_quantile:
l3 = ax[ind, 2].fill_between(
dates, posterior_quantile[0, :num_days], posterior_quantile[4, :num_days],
color='g', label='95% quantile', alpha=.2)
l4 = ax[ind, 2].hlines(1., dates[0], dates[-1], linestyle='--', label='R == 1')
ax[ind, 2].set_xlabel('Day', fontsize='large')
ax[ind, 2].set_ylabel('R_t', fontsize='large')
ax[ind, 2].set_xticks(plot_dates)
ax[ind, 2].xaxis.set_tick_params(rotation=45)
fontsize = 'medium'
ax[0, 0].legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=fontsize)
ax[0, 1].legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=fontsize)
ax[0, 2].legend(
bbox_to_anchor=(1., 1.),
loc='upper right',
4.3 Jumlah harian kematian yang diprediksi/diperkirakan dengan dan tanpa intervensi
plot_quantile = True
forecast_days = 0
fig, ax = plt.subplots(4, 3, figsize=(15, 16))
ax = ax.flatten()
for country_index, country in enumerate(COUNTRIES):
num_days = (pd.to_datetime('2020-03-28') - first_days[country]).days + forecast_days
dates = [(first_days[country] + i*pd.to_timedelta(1, 'days')).strftime('%m-%d') for i in range(num_days)]
plot_dates = [dates[i] for i in range(0, num_days, 7)]
quantile_vals = [.025, .25, .5, .75, .975]
samples = predicted_deaths[:, :, country_index].numpy()
quantiles = []
psi_m = psi_hat[np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis]
probs = tf.clip_by_value(expected_deaths / (expected_deaths + psi_m), 1e-9, 1.)
predicted_deaths_dist = tfd.NegativeBinomial(
total_count=psi_m, probs=probs)
posterior_quantile = np.percentile(samples, [2.5, 25, 50, 75, 97.5], axis=-1)
dates, posterior_quantile[2, :num_days],
color='b', label='Posterior median', lw=2)
if plot_quantile:
dates, posterior_quantile[1, :num_days], posterior_quantile[3, :num_days],
color='b', label='50% quantile', alpha=.4)
samples_counterfact = no_intervention_predicted_deaths[:, :, country_index]
posterior_quantile = np.percentile(samples_counterfact, [2.5, 25, 50, 75, 97.5], axis=-1)
dates, posterior_quantile[2, :num_days],
color='r', label='Posterior median', lw=2)
if plot_quantile:
dates, posterior_quantile[1, :num_days], posterior_quantile[3, :num_days],
color='r', label='50% quantile, no intervention', alpha=.4)
observed = deaths[country_index, :]
observed[observed == -1] = np.nan
dates, observed[:num_days],
'--o', color='k', markersize=3,
label='Observed deaths', alpha=.8)
ax[country_index].set_xlabel('Day', fontsize='large')
ax[country_index].set_ylabel('Deaths', fontsize='large')
ax[0].legend(loc='upper left')