برنامج تعليمي لمكون TFX المقدر

مقدمة مكونة من مكون إلى TensorFlow Extended (TFX)

سيعمل هذا البرنامج التعليمي المستند إلى Colab بشكل تفاعلي خلال كل مكون مدمج في TensorFlow Extended (TFX).

يغطي كل خطوة في خط أنابيب التعلم الآلي الشامل ، من استيعاب البيانات إلى دفع النموذج إلى العرض.

عند الانتهاء ، يمكن تصدير محتويات هذا الكمبيوتر الدفتري تلقائيًا كرمز مصدر لخط أنابيب TFX ، والذي يمكنك تنسيقه باستخدام Apache Airflow و Apache Beam.


يوضح هذا الكمبيوتر الدفتري كيفية استخدام TFX في بيئة Jupyter / Colab. هنا ، نسير عبر مثال Chicago Taxi في دفتر ملاحظات تفاعلي.

يعد العمل في دفتر ملاحظات تفاعلي طريقة مفيدة للتعرف على بنية خط أنابيب TFX. إنه مفيد أيضًا عند القيام بتطوير خطوط الأنابيب الخاصة بك كبيئة تطوير خفيفة الوزن ، ولكن يجب أن تدرك أن هناك اختلافات في طريقة تنظيم دفاتر الملاحظات التفاعلية وكيفية وصولها إلى عناصر البيانات الوصفية.


في نشر إنتاج TFX ، ستستخدم منظمًا مثل Apache Airflow أو Kubeflow Pipelines أو Apache Beam لتنسيق رسم بياني لخطوط الأنابيب محدد مسبقًا لمكونات TFX. في أي كمبيوتر دفتري تفاعلي ، يكون الكمبيوتر الدفتري نفسه هو المنسق ، حيث يقوم بتشغيل كل مكون من مكونات TFX أثناء تنفيذ خلايا الكمبيوتر الدفتري.

البيانات الوصفية

في عملية نشر TFX ، ستصل إلى البيانات الوصفية من خلال واجهة برمجة تطبيقات ML Metadata (MLMD). يخزن MLMD خصائص البيانات الوصفية في قاعدة بيانات مثل MySQL أو SQLite ، ويخزن حمولات البيانات الوصفية في مخزن دائم مثل على نظام الملفات الخاص بك. في دفتر التفاعلي، ويتم تخزين كل الممتلكات والحمولات في قاعدة بيانات SQLite سريعة الزوال في /tmp الدليل على دفتر Jupyter أو خادم Colab.


أولاً ، نقوم بتثبيت واستيراد الحزم اللازمة ، وإعداد المسارات ، وتنزيل البيانات.

ترقية النقطة

لتجنب ترقية Pip في نظام عند التشغيل محليًا ، تحقق للتأكد من أننا نعمل في Colab. يمكن بالطبع ترقية الأنظمة المحلية بشكل منفصل.

import colab
!pip install --upgrade pip

قم بتثبيت TFX

pip install -U tfx

هل أعدت تشغيل وقت التشغيل؟

إذا كنت تستخدم Google Colab ، في المرة الأولى التي تقوم فيها بتشغيل الخلية أعلاه ، يجب إعادة تشغيل وقت التشغيل (Runtime> Restart runtime ...). هذا بسبب الطريقة التي يقوم بها كولاب بتحميل الحزم.

حزم الاستيراد

نقوم باستيراد الحزم الضرورية ، بما في ذلك فئات مكونات TFX القياسية.

import os
import pprint
import tempfile
import urllib

import absl
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_model_analysis as tfma
.get_logger().propagate = False
= pprint.PrettyPrinter()

from tfx import v1 as tfx
from tfx.orchestration.experimental.interactive.interactive_context import InteractiveContext

%load_ext tfx.orchestration.experimental.interactive.notebook_extensions.skip

دعنا نتحقق من إصدارات المكتبة.

print('TensorFlow version: {}'.format(tf.__version__))
print('TFX version: {}'.format(tfx.__version__))
TensorFlow version: 2.6.2
TFX version: 1.4.0

قم بإعداد مسارات خطوط الأنابيب

# This is the root directory for your TFX pip package installation.
= tfx.__path__[0]

# This is the directory containing the TFX Chicago Taxi Pipeline example.
= os.path.join(_tfx_root, 'examples/chicago_taxi_pipeline')

# This is the path where your model will be pushed for serving.
= os.path.join(
.mkdtemp(), 'serving_model/taxi_simple')

# Set up logging.

تنزيل نموذج البيانات

نقوم بتنزيل مجموعة البيانات النموذجية لاستخدامها في خط أنابيب TFX الخاص بنا.

مجموعة البيانات نستخدمه هو تاكسي رحلات بيانات الصادرة عن مدينة شيكاغو. الأعمدة في مجموعة البيانات هذه هي:

pickup_community_area أجرة رحلة_الشهر
رحلة_بدء_ساعة رحلة_البدء_اليوم trip_start_timestamp
pickup_latitude pickup_longitude dropoff_latitude
dropoff_longitude رحلة_مايلز pickup_census_tract
dropoff_census_tract نوع الدفع شركة
رحلة_ثواني منطقة_المجتمع نصائح

مع هذه البينات، سوف نبني النموذج الذي يتنبأ tips للرحلة.

_data_root = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tfx-data')
= 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tensorflow/tfx/master/tfx/examples/chicago_taxi_pipeline/data/simple/data.csv'
= os.path.join(_data_root, "data.csv")
.request.urlretrieve(DATA_PATH, _data_filepath)
('/tmp/tfx-data6e4_3xo9/data.csv', <http.client.HTTPMessage at 0x7f1a7e8cfb10>)

ألق نظرة سريعة على ملف CSV.

head {_data_filepath}
,12.45,5,19,6,1400269500,,,,,0.0,,,Credit Card,Chicago Elite Cab Corp. (Chicago Carriag,0,,0.0
,0,3,19,5,1362683700,,,,,0,,,Unknown,Chicago Elite Cab Corp.,300,,0
60,27.05,10,2,3,1380593700,41.836150155,-87.648787952,,,12.6,,,Cash,Taxi Affiliation Services,1380,,0.0
10,5.85,10,1,2,1382319000,41.985015101,-87.804532006,,,0.0,,,Cash,Taxi Affiliation Services,180,,0.0
14,16.65,5,7,5,1369897200,41.968069,-87.721559063,,,0.0,,,Cash,Dispatch Taxi Affiliation,1080,,0.0

إخلاء المسؤولية: يوفر هذا الموقع تطبيقات تستخدم البيانات التي تم تعديلها للاستخدام من مصدرها الأصلي ، www.cityofchicago.org ، الموقع الرسمي لمدينة شيكاغو. لا تقدم مدينة شيكاغو أي مطالبات فيما يتعلق بمحتوى أو دقة أو توقيت أو اكتمال أي من البيانات المقدمة في هذا الموقع. البيانات الواردة في هذا الموقع عرضة للتغيير في أي وقت. من المفهوم أن البيانات المقدمة في هذا الموقع يتم استخدامها على مسؤوليتك الخاصة.

قم بإنشاء InteractiveContext

أخيرًا ، قمنا بإنشاء InteractiveContext ، والذي سيسمح لنا بتشغيل مكونات TFX بشكل تفاعلي في هذا الكمبيوتر المحمول.

# Here, we create an InteractiveContext using default parameters. This will
# use a temporary directory with an ephemeral ML Metadata database instance.
# To use your own pipeline root or database, the optional properties
# `pipeline_root` and `metadata_connection_config` may be passed to
# InteractiveContext. Calls to InteractiveContext are no-ops outside of the
# notebook.
= InteractiveContext()
WARNING:absl:InteractiveContext pipeline_root argument not provided: using temporary directory /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4 as root for pipeline outputs.
WARNING:absl:InteractiveContext metadata_connection_config not provided: using SQLite ML Metadata database at /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/metadata.sqlite.

قم بتشغيل مكونات TFX بشكل تفاعلي

في الخلايا التالية ، نقوم بإنشاء مكونات TFX واحدًا تلو الآخر ، ونشغل كل منها ، ونتخيل نتائج الإخراج الخاصة بهم.


و ExampleGen العنصر هو عادة في بداية خط أنابيب TFX. سوف تكون:

  1. قسّم البيانات إلى مجموعات تدريب وتقييم (افتراضيًا ، 2/3 تدريب + 1/3 تقييم)
  2. البيانات تحويل البيانات إلى tf.Example شكل (معرفة المزيد هنا )
  3. نسخ البيانات إلى _tfx_root الدليل للمكونات الأخرى للوصول إلى

ExampleGen يأخذ كمدخل الطريق إلى مصدر البيانات. في حالتنا، وهذا هو _data_root المسار الذي يحتوي على CSV تحميلها.

example_gen = tfx.components.CsvExampleGen(input_base=_data_root)
INFO:absl:Running driver for CsvExampleGen
INFO:absl:MetadataStore with DB connection initialized
INFO:absl:select span and version = (0, None)
INFO:absl:latest span and version = (0, None)
INFO:absl:Running executor for CsvExampleGen
INFO:absl:Generating examples.
WARNING:apache_beam.runners.interactive.interactive_environment:Dependencies required for Interactive Beam PCollection visualization are not available, please use: `pip install apache-beam[interactive]` to install necessary dependencies to enable all data visualization features.
INFO:absl:Processing input csv data /tmp/tfx-data6e4_3xo9/* to TFExample.
WARNING:root:Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING:apache_beam.io.tfrecordio:Couldn't find python-snappy so the implementation of _TFRecordUtil._masked_crc32c is not as fast as it could be.
INFO:absl:Examples generated.
INFO:absl:Running publisher for CsvExampleGen
INFO:absl:MetadataStore with DB connection initialized

دعونا نتفحص القطع الأثرية إخراج ExampleGen . ينتج هذا المكون قطعتين من القطع الأثرية وأمثلة للتدريب وأمثلة للتقييم:

artifact = example_gen.outputs['examples'].get()[0]
print(artifact.split_names, artifact.uri)
["train", "eval"] /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/CsvExampleGen/examples/1

يمكننا أيضًا إلقاء نظرة على الأمثلة التدريبية الثلاثة الأولى:

# Get the URI of the output artifact representing the training examples, which is a directory
= os.path.join(example_gen.outputs['examples'].get()[0].uri, 'Split-train')

# Get the list of files in this directory (all compressed TFRecord files)
= [os.path.join(train_uri, name)
for name in os.listdir(train_uri)]

# Create a `TFRecordDataset` to read these files
= tf.data.TFRecordDataset(tfrecord_filenames, compression_type="GZIP")

# Iterate over the first 3 records and decode them.
for tfrecord in dataset.take(3):
= tfrecord.numpy()
= tf.train.Example()
features {
  feature {
    key: "company"
    value {
      bytes_list {
        value: "Chicago Elite Cab Corp. (Chicago Carriag"
  feature {
    key: "dropoff_census_tract"
    value {
      int64_list {
  feature {
    key: "dropoff_community_area"
    value {
      int64_list {
  feature {
    key: "dropoff_latitude"
    value {
      float_list {
  feature {
    key: "dropoff_longitude"
    value {
      float_list {
  feature {
    key: "fare"
    value {
      float_list {
        value: 12.449999809265137
  feature {
    key: "payment_type"
    value {
      bytes_list {
        value: "Credit Card"
  feature {
    key: "pickup_census_tract"
    value {
      int64_list {
  feature {
    key: "pickup_community_area"
    value {
      int64_list {
  feature {
    key: "pickup_latitude"
    value {
      float_list {
  feature {
    key: "pickup_longitude"
    value {
      float_list {
  feature {
    key: "tips"
    value {
      float_list {
        value: 0.0
  feature {
    key: "trip_miles"
    value {
      float_list {
        value: 0.0
  feature {
    key: "trip_seconds"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 0
  feature {
    key: "trip_start_day"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 6
  feature {
    key: "trip_start_hour"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 19
  feature {
    key: "trip_start_month"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 5
  feature {
    key: "trip_start_timestamp"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 1400269500

features {
  feature {
    key: "company"
    value {
      bytes_list {
        value: "Taxi Affiliation Services"
  feature {
    key: "dropoff_census_tract"
    value {
      int64_list {
  feature {
    key: "dropoff_community_area"
    value {
      int64_list {
  feature {
    key: "dropoff_latitude"
    value {
      float_list {
  feature {
    key: "dropoff_longitude"
    value {
      float_list {
  feature {
    key: "fare"
    value {
      float_list {
        value: 27.049999237060547
  feature {
    key: "payment_type"
    value {
      bytes_list {
        value: "Cash"
  feature {
    key: "pickup_census_tract"
    value {
      int64_list {
  feature {
    key: "pickup_community_area"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 60
  feature {
    key: "pickup_latitude"
    value {
      float_list {
        value: 41.836151123046875
  feature {
    key: "pickup_longitude"
    value {
      float_list {
        value: -87.64878845214844
  feature {
    key: "tips"
    value {
      float_list {
        value: 0.0
  feature {
    key: "trip_miles"
    value {
      float_list {
        value: 12.600000381469727
  feature {
    key: "trip_seconds"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 1380
  feature {
    key: "trip_start_day"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 3
  feature {
    key: "trip_start_hour"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 2
  feature {
    key: "trip_start_month"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 10
  feature {
    key: "trip_start_timestamp"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 1380593700

features {
  feature {
    key: "company"
    value {
      bytes_list {
  feature {
    key: "dropoff_census_tract"
    value {
      int64_list {
  feature {
    key: "dropoff_community_area"
    value {
      int64_list {
  feature {
    key: "dropoff_latitude"
    value {
      float_list {
  feature {
    key: "dropoff_longitude"
    value {
      float_list {
  feature {
    key: "fare"
    value {
      float_list {
        value: 16.450000762939453
  feature {
    key: "payment_type"
    value {
      bytes_list {
        value: "Cash"
  feature {
    key: "pickup_census_tract"
    value {
      int64_list {
  feature {
    key: "pickup_community_area"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 13
  feature {
    key: "pickup_latitude"
    value {
      float_list {
        value: 41.98363494873047
  feature {
    key: "pickup_longitude"
    value {
      float_list {
        value: -87.72357940673828
  feature {
    key: "tips"
    value {
      float_list {
        value: 0.0
  feature {
    key: "trip_miles"
    value {
      float_list {
        value: 6.900000095367432
  feature {
    key: "trip_seconds"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 780
  feature {
    key: "trip_start_day"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 3
  feature {
    key: "trip_start_hour"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 12
  feature {
    key: "trip_start_month"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 11
  feature {
    key: "trip_start_timestamp"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 1446554700

والآن بعد أن ExampleGen انتهاء ادخال البيانات، فإن الخطوة التالية هي تحليل البيانات.


و StatisticsGen يحسب المكونة إحصاءات على مجموعة البيانات الخاصة بك لتحليل البيانات، فضلا عن استخدامها في مكونات المصب. ويستخدم TensorFlow بيانات التحقق من صحة مكتبة.

StatisticsGen يأخذ كمدخل للبيانات نحن تناولها فقط باستخدام ExampleGen .

statistics_gen = tfx.components.StatisticsGen(examples=example_gen.outputs['examples'])
INFO:absl:Excluding no splits because exclude_splits is not set.
INFO:absl:Running driver for StatisticsGen
INFO:absl:MetadataStore with DB connection initialized
INFO:absl:Running executor for StatisticsGen
INFO:absl:Generating statistics for split train.
INFO:absl:Statistics for split train written to /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/StatisticsGen/statistics/2/Split-train.
INFO:absl:Generating statistics for split eval.
INFO:absl:Statistics for split eval written to /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/StatisticsGen/statistics/2/Split-eval.
WARNING:root:Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
INFO:absl:Running publisher for StatisticsGen
INFO:absl:MetadataStore with DB connection initialized

بعد StatisticsGen انتهاء تشغيل، ونحن يمكن تصور الإحصاءات أنتج. جرب اللعب بالمؤامرات المختلفة!



و SchemaGen عنصر يولد مخطط بناء على البيانات الإحصائية الخاصة بك. (A مخطط يحدد حدود المتوقع، وأنواع، وخصائص ميزات في مجموعة البيانات.) ويستخدم أيضا TensorFlow بيانات التحقق من صحة مكتبة.

SchemaGen سيستغرق كمدخل الإحصائيات التي ولدت لنا مع StatisticsGen ، والنظر في تقسيم التدريب بشكل افتراضي.

schema_gen = tfx.components.SchemaGen(
INFO:absl:Excluding no splits because exclude_splits is not set.
INFO:absl:Running driver for SchemaGen
INFO:absl:MetadataStore with DB connection initialized
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
I1205 10:59:36.632395  1805 rdbms_metadata_access_object.cc:686] No property is defined for the Type
INFO:absl:Running executor for SchemaGen
INFO:absl:Processing schema from statistics for split train.
INFO:absl:Processing schema from statistics for split eval.
INFO:absl:Schema written to /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/SchemaGen/schema/3/schema.pbtxt.
INFO:absl:Running publisher for SchemaGen
INFO:absl:MetadataStore with DB connection initialized

بعد SchemaGen ينتهي تشغيل، ونحن يمكن تصور المخطط إنشاؤها كجدول.


تظهر كل ميزة في مجموعة البيانات كصف في جدول المخطط ، جنبًا إلى جنب مع خصائصها. يلتقط المخطط أيضًا جميع القيم التي تأخذها الميزة الفئوية ، ويُشار إليها على أنها مجالها.

لمعرفة المزيد حول مخططات، انظر الوثائق SchemaGen .


و ExampleValidator عنصر بالكشف عن الحالات الشاذة في البيانات الخاصة بك، استنادا إلى التوقعات التي حددها المخطط. ويستخدم أيضا TensorFlow بيانات التحقق من صحة مكتبة.

ExampleValidator سيستغرق كمدخل الإحصاءات من StatisticsGen ، والمخطط من SchemaGen .

example_validator = tfx.components.ExampleValidator(
INFO:absl:Excluding no splits because exclude_splits is not set.
INFO:absl:Running driver for ExampleValidator
INFO:absl:MetadataStore with DB connection initialized
INFO:absl:Running executor for ExampleValidator
INFO:absl:Validating schema against the computed statistics for split train.
INFO:absl:Validation complete for split train. Anomalies written to /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/ExampleValidator/anomalies/4/Split-train.
INFO:absl:Validating schema against the computed statistics for split eval.
INFO:absl:Validation complete for split eval. Anomalies written to /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/ExampleValidator/anomalies/4/Split-eval.
INFO:absl:Running publisher for ExampleValidator
INFO:absl:MetadataStore with DB connection initialized

بعد ExampleValidator ينتهي تشغيل، ونحن يمكن تصور الحالات الشاذة كجدول.


في جدول الحالات الشاذة ، يمكننا أن نرى أنه لا توجد حالات شاذة. هذا ما كنا نتوقعه ، نظرًا لأن هذه هي مجموعة البيانات الأولى التي حللناها والمخطط مصمم خصيصًا لها. يجب عليك مراجعة هذا المخطط - أي شيء غير متوقع يعني وجود شذوذ في البيانات. بمجرد المراجعة ، يمكن استخدام المخطط لحماية البيانات المستقبلية ، ويمكن استخدام الحالات الشاذة الناتجة هنا لتصحيح أداء النموذج ، وفهم كيفية تطور بياناتك بمرور الوقت ، وتحديد أخطاء البيانات.


و Transform ينفذ المكونة الهندسة ميزة للتدريب وخدمة. ويستخدم TensorFlow تحويل المكتبة.

Transform سيستغرق كمدخل البيانات من ExampleGen ، المخطط من SchemaGen ، وكذلك وحدة نمطية تحتوي تحويل رمز المعرفة من قبل المستخدم.

ترى دعونا مثال على تحويل الشفرة ادناه (لمقدمة لTensorFlow تحويل واجهات برمجة التطبيقات، المعرفة من قبل المستخدم رؤية البرنامج التعليمي ). أولاً ، نحدد بعض الثوابت لهندسة الميزات:

_taxi_constants_module_file = 'taxi_constants.py'
%%writefile {_taxi_constants_module_file}

# Categorical features are assumed to each have a maximum value in the dataset.
= [24, 31, 12]

= [
'trip_start_hour', 'trip_start_day', 'trip_start_month',
'pickup_census_tract', 'dropoff_census_tract', 'pickup_community_area',

= ['trip_miles', 'fare', 'trip_seconds']

# Number of buckets used by tf.transform for encoding each feature.
= 10

= [
'pickup_latitude', 'pickup_longitude', 'dropoff_latitude',

# Number of vocabulary terms used for encoding VOCAB_FEATURES by tf.transform
= 1000

# Count of out-of-vocab buckets in which unrecognized VOCAB_FEATURES are hashed.
= 10

= [

# Keys
= 'tips'
= 'fare'
Writing taxi_constants.py

بعد ذلك، نكتب preprocessing_fn أن يأخذ في البيانات الأولية كمدخل، والعوائد ملامح تحول هذا النموذج لدينا يمكن أن يتدرب على:

_taxi_transform_module_file = 'taxi_transform.py'
%%writefile {_taxi_transform_module_file}

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_transform as tft

import taxi_constants

= taxi_constants.VOCAB_FEATURE_KEYS
= taxi_constants.VOCAB_SIZE
= taxi_constants.OOV_SIZE
= taxi_constants.FEATURE_BUCKET_COUNT
= taxi_constants.BUCKET_FEATURE_KEYS
= taxi_constants.FARE_KEY
= taxi_constants.LABEL_KEY

def preprocessing_fn(inputs):
"""tf.transform's callback function for preprocessing inputs.
    inputs: map from feature keys to raw not-yet-transformed features.
    Map from string feature key to transformed feature operations.

= {}
# If sparse make it dense, setting nan's to 0 or '', and apply zscore.
[key] = tft.scale_to_z_score(

# Build a vocabulary for this feature.
[key] = tft.compute_and_apply_vocabulary(

[key] = tft.bucketize(
(inputs[key]), _FEATURE_BUCKET_COUNT)

[key] = _fill_in_missing(inputs[key])

# Was this passenger a big tipper?
= _fill_in_missing(inputs[_FARE_KEY])
= _fill_in_missing(inputs[_LABEL_KEY])
[_LABEL_KEY] = tf.where(
.cast(tf.zeros_like(taxi_fare), tf.int64),
# Test if the tip was > 20% of the fare.
.greater(tips, tf.multiply(taxi_fare, tf.constant(0.2))), tf.int64))

return outputs

def _fill_in_missing(x):
"""Replace missing values in a SparseTensor.
  Fills in missing values of `x` with '' or 0, and converts to a dense tensor.
    x: A `SparseTensor` of rank 2.  Its dense shape should have size at most 1
      in the second dimension.
    A rank 1 tensor where missing values of `x` have been filled in.

if not isinstance(x, tf.sparse.SparseTensor):
return x

= '' if x.dtype == tf.string else 0
return tf.squeeze(
.SparseTensor(x.indices, x.values, [x.dense_shape[0], 1]),
Writing taxi_transform.py

الآن، نحن نمر في هذا الرمز الهندسي ميزة ل Transform عنصر وتشغيله لتحويل البيانات الخاصة بك.

transform = tfx.components.Transform(
INFO:absl:Generating ephemeral wheel package for '/tmpfs/src/temp/docs/tutorials/tfx/taxi_transform.py' (including modules: ['taxi_constants', 'taxi_transform']).
INFO:absl:User module package has hash fingerprint version f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424.
INFO:absl:Executing: ['/tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/bin/python', '/tmp/tmp6h4enzoj/_tfx_generated_setup.py', 'bdist_wheel', '--bdist-dir', '/tmp/tmp1kilc09_', '--dist-dir', '/tmp/tmpu7dszvtp']
/tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/install.py:37: SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning: setup.py install is deprecated. Use build and pip and other standards-based tools.
listing git files failed - pretending there aren't any
INFO:absl:Successfully built user code wheel distribution at '/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/_wheels/tfx_user_code_Transform-0.0+f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424-py3-none-any.whl'; target user module is 'taxi_transform'.
INFO:absl:Full user module path is 'taxi_transform@/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/_wheels/tfx_user_code_Transform-0.0+f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424-py3-none-any.whl'
INFO:absl:Running driver for Transform
INFO:absl:MetadataStore with DB connection initialized
I1205 10:59:37.233487  1805 rdbms_metadata_access_object.cc:686] No property is defined for the Type
INFO:absl:Running executor for Transform
I1205 10:59:37.237077  1805 rdbms_metadata_access_object.cc:686] No property is defined for the Type
INFO:absl:Analyze the 'train' split and transform all splits when splits_config is not set.
INFO:absl:udf_utils.get_fn {'module_file': None, 'module_path': 'taxi_transform@/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/_wheels/tfx_user_code_Transform-0.0+f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424-py3-none-any.whl', 'preprocessing_fn': None} 'preprocessing_fn'
INFO:absl:Installing '/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/_wheels/tfx_user_code_Transform-0.0+f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424-py3-none-any.whl' to a temporary directory.
INFO:absl:Executing: ['/tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/bin/python', '-m', 'pip', 'install', '--target', '/tmp/tmp9ljjlr0t', '/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/_wheels/tfx_user_code_Transform-0.0+f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424-py3-none-any.whl']
running bdist_wheel
running build
running build_py
creating build
creating build/lib
copying taxi_constants.py -> build/lib
copying taxi_transform.py -> build/lib
installing to /tmp/tmp1kilc09_
running install
running install_lib
copying build/lib/taxi_constants.py -> /tmp/tmp1kilc09_
copying build/lib/taxi_transform.py -> /tmp/tmp1kilc09_
running install_egg_info
running egg_info
creating tfx_user_code_Transform.egg-info
writing tfx_user_code_Transform.egg-info/PKG-INFO
writing dependency_links to tfx_user_code_Transform.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
writing top-level names to tfx_user_code_Transform.egg-info/top_level.txt
writing manifest file 'tfx_user_code_Transform.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
reading manifest file 'tfx_user_code_Transform.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
writing manifest file 'tfx_user_code_Transform.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
Copying tfx_user_code_Transform.egg-info to /tmp/tmp1kilc09_/tfx_user_code_Transform-0.0+f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424-py3.7.egg-info
running install_scripts
creating /tmp/tmp1kilc09_/tfx_user_code_Transform-0.0+f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424.dist-info/WHEEL
creating '/tmp/tmpu7dszvtp/tfx_user_code_Transform-0.0+f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424-py3-none-any.whl' and adding '/tmp/tmp1kilc09_' to it
adding 'taxi_constants.py'
adding 'taxi_transform.py'
adding 'tfx_user_code_Transform-0.0+f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424.dist-info/METADATA'
adding 'tfx_user_code_Transform-0.0+f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424.dist-info/WHEEL'
adding 'tfx_user_code_Transform-0.0+f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424.dist-info/top_level.txt'
adding 'tfx_user_code_Transform-0.0+f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424.dist-info/RECORD'
removing /tmp/tmp1kilc09_
Processing /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/_wheels/tfx_user_code_Transform-0.0+f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424-py3-none-any.whl
INFO:absl:Successfully installed '/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/_wheels/tfx_user_code_Transform-0.0+f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424-py3-none-any.whl'.
INFO:absl:udf_utils.get_fn {'module_file': None, 'module_path': 'taxi_transform@/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/_wheels/tfx_user_code_Transform-0.0+f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424-py3-none-any.whl', 'stats_options_updater_fn': None} 'stats_options_updater_fn'
INFO:absl:Installing '/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/_wheels/tfx_user_code_Transform-0.0+f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424-py3-none-any.whl' to a temporary directory.
INFO:absl:Executing: ['/tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/bin/python', '-m', 'pip', 'install', '--target', '/tmp/tmp6rcd17nh', '/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/_wheels/tfx_user_code_Transform-0.0+f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424-py3-none-any.whl']
Installing collected packages: tfx-user-code-Transform
Successfully installed tfx-user-code-Transform-0.0+f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424
Processing /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/_wheels/tfx_user_code_Transform-0.0+f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424-py3-none-any.whl
INFO:absl:Successfully installed '/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/_wheels/tfx_user_code_Transform-0.0+f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424-py3-none-any.whl'.
INFO:absl:Installing '/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/_wheels/tfx_user_code_Transform-0.0+f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424-py3-none-any.whl' to a temporary directory.
INFO:absl:Executing: ['/tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/bin/python', '-m', 'pip', 'install', '--target', '/tmp/tmpbq8i22l2', '/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/_wheels/tfx_user_code_Transform-0.0+f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424-py3-none-any.whl']
Installing collected packages: tfx-user-code-Transform
Successfully installed tfx-user-code-Transform-0.0+f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424
Processing /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/_wheels/tfx_user_code_Transform-0.0+f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424-py3-none-any.whl
INFO:absl:Successfully installed '/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/_wheels/tfx_user_code_Transform-0.0+f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424-py3-none-any.whl'.
INFO:absl:Feature company has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_census_tract has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_community_area has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_latitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_longitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature fare has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature payment_type has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_census_tract has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_community_area has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_latitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_longitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature tips has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_miles has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_seconds has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_day has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_hour has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_month has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_timestamp has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
Installing collected packages: tfx-user-code-Transform
Successfully installed tfx-user-code-Transform-0.0+f78e5f6b4988b5d5289aab277eceaff03bd38343154c2f602e06d95c6acd5424
WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_transform/tf_utils.py:289: Tensor.experimental_ref (from tensorflow.python.framework.ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use ref() instead.
INFO:absl:Feature company has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_census_tract has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_community_area has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_latitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_longitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature fare has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature payment_type has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_census_tract has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_community_area has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_latitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_longitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature tips has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_miles has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_seconds has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_day has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_hour has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_month has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_timestamp has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature company has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_census_tract has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_community_area has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_latitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_longitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature fare has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature payment_type has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_census_tract has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_community_area has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_latitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_longitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature tips has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_miles has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_seconds has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_day has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_hour has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_month has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_timestamp has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature company has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_census_tract has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_community_area has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_latitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_longitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature fare has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature payment_type has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_census_tract has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_community_area has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_latitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_longitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature tips has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_miles has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_seconds has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_day has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_hour has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_month has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_timestamp has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature company has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_census_tract has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_community_area has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_latitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_longitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature fare has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature payment_type has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_census_tract has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_community_area has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_latitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_longitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature tips has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_miles has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_seconds has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_day has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_hour has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_month has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_timestamp has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature company has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_census_tract has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_community_area has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_latitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_longitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature fare has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature payment_type has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_census_tract has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_community_area has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_latitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_longitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature tips has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_miles has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_seconds has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_day has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_hour has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_month has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_timestamp has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
WARNING:root:This output type hint will be ignored and not used for type-checking purposes. Typically, output type hints for a PTransform are single (or nested) types wrapped by a PCollection, PDone, or None. Got: Tuple[Dict[str, Union[NoneType, _Dataset]], Union[Dict[str, Dict[str, PCollection]], NoneType], int] instead.
WARNING:absl:Tables initialized inside a tf.function  will be re-initialized on every invocation of the function. This  re-initialization can have significant impact on performance. Consider lifting  them out of the graph context using  `tf.init_scope`.: compute_and_apply_vocabulary/apply_vocab/text_file_init/InitializeTableFromTextFileV2
WARNING:absl:Tables initialized inside a tf.function  will be re-initialized on every invocation of the function. This  re-initialization can have significant impact on performance. Consider lifting  them out of the graph context using  `tf.init_scope`.: compute_and_apply_vocabulary_1/apply_vocab/text_file_init/InitializeTableFromTextFileV2
WARNING:absl:Tables initialized inside a tf.function  will be re-initialized on every invocation of the function. This  re-initialization can have significant impact on performance. Consider lifting  them out of the graph context using  `tf.init_scope`.: compute_and_apply_vocabulary/apply_vocab/text_file_init/InitializeTableFromTextFileV2
WARNING:absl:Tables initialized inside a tf.function  will be re-initialized on every invocation of the function. This  re-initialization can have significant impact on performance. Consider lifting  them out of the graph context using  `tf.init_scope`.: compute_and_apply_vocabulary_1/apply_vocab/text_file_init/InitializeTableFromTextFileV2
WARNING:root:This output type hint will be ignored and not used for type-checking purposes. Typically, output type hints for a PTransform are single (or nested) types wrapped by a PCollection, PDone, or None. Got: Tuple[Dict[str, Union[NoneType, _Dataset]], Union[Dict[str, Dict[str, PCollection]], NoneType], int] instead.
INFO:absl:Feature company has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_census_tract has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_community_area has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_latitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_longitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature fare has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature payment_type has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_census_tract has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_community_area has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_latitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_longitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature tips has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_miles has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_seconds has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_day has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_hour has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_month has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_timestamp has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature company has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_census_tract has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_community_area has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_latitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_longitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature fare has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature payment_type has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_census_tract has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_community_area has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_latitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_longitude has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature tips has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_miles has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_seconds has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_day has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_hour has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_month has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_timestamp has no shape. Setting to VarLenSparseTensor.
WARNING:root:Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
2021-12-05 10:59:51.571461: W tensorflow/python/util/util.cc:348] Sets are not currently considered sequences, but this may change in the future, so consider avoiding using them.
INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Transform/transform_graph/5/.temp_path/tftransform_tmp/7fa0435e7af949ef9e3b27e50d470602/assets
INFO:tensorflow:tensorflow_text is not available.
INFO:tensorflow:tensorflow_decision_forests is not available.
INFO:tensorflow:struct2tensor is not available.
INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Transform/transform_graph/5/.temp_path/tftransform_tmp/f9ed85f61d1f4528846646b3a922c30c/assets
INFO:tensorflow:tensorflow_text is not available.
INFO:tensorflow:tensorflow_decision_forests is not available.
INFO:tensorflow:struct2tensor is not available.
INFO:tensorflow:tensorflow_text is not available.
INFO:tensorflow:tensorflow_decision_forests is not available.
INFO:tensorflow:struct2tensor is not available.
INFO:absl:Running publisher for Transform
INFO:absl:MetadataStore with DB connection initialized

دعونا نتفحص القطع الأثرية الناتج من Transform . ينتج هذا المكون نوعين من المخرجات:

  • transform_graph هو الرسم البياني التي يمكن أن تؤدي عمليات تجهيزها (وسيتم إدراج هذا الرسم البياني في نماذج خدمة والتقييم).
  • transformed_examples يمثل بيانات التدريب والتقييم preprocessed.
{'transform_graph': Channel(
     type_name: TransformGraph
     artifacts: [Artifact(artifact: id: 5
 type_id: 22
 uri: "/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Transform/transform_graph/5"
 custom_properties {
   key: "name"
   value {
     string_value: "transform_graph"
 custom_properties {
   key: "producer_component"
   value {
     string_value: "Transform"
 custom_properties {
   key: "state"
   value {
     string_value: "published"
 custom_properties {
   key: "tfx_version"
   value {
     string_value: "1.4.0"
 state: LIVE
 , artifact_type: id: 22
 name: "TransformGraph"
     additional_properties: {}
     additional_custom_properties: {}
 'transformed_examples': Channel(
     type_name: Examples
     artifacts: [Artifact(artifact: id: 6
 type_id: 14
 uri: "/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Transform/transformed_examples/5"
 properties {
   key: "split_names"
   value {
     string_value: "[\"train\", \"eval\"]"
 custom_properties {
   key: "name"
   value {
     string_value: "transformed_examples"
 custom_properties {
   key: "producer_component"
   value {
     string_value: "Transform"
 custom_properties {
   key: "state"
   value {
     string_value: "published"
 custom_properties {
   key: "tfx_version"
   value {
     string_value: "1.4.0"
 state: LIVE
 , artifact_type: id: 14
 name: "Examples"
 properties {
   key: "span"
   value: INT
 properties {
   key: "split_names"
   value: STRING
 properties {
   key: "version"
   value: INT
     additional_properties: {}
     additional_custom_properties: {}
 'updated_analyzer_cache': Channel(
     type_name: TransformCache
     artifacts: [Artifact(artifact: id: 7
 type_id: 23
 uri: "/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Transform/updated_analyzer_cache/5"
 custom_properties {
   key: "name"
   value {
     string_value: "updated_analyzer_cache"
 custom_properties {
   key: "producer_component"
   value {
     string_value: "Transform"
 custom_properties {
   key: "state"
   value {
     string_value: "published"
 custom_properties {
   key: "tfx_version"
   value {
     string_value: "1.4.0"
 state: LIVE
 , artifact_type: id: 23
 name: "TransformCache"
     additional_properties: {}
     additional_custom_properties: {}
 'pre_transform_schema': Channel(
     type_name: Schema
     artifacts: [Artifact(artifact: id: 8
 type_id: 18
 uri: "/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Transform/pre_transform_schema/5"
 custom_properties {
   key: "name"
   value {
     string_value: "pre_transform_schema"
 custom_properties {
   key: "producer_component"
   value {
     string_value: "Transform"
 custom_properties {
   key: "state"
   value {
     string_value: "published"
 custom_properties {
   key: "tfx_version"
   value {
     string_value: "1.4.0"
 state: LIVE
 , artifact_type: id: 18
 name: "Schema"
     additional_properties: {}
     additional_custom_properties: {}
 'pre_transform_stats': Channel(
     type_name: ExampleStatistics
     artifacts: [Artifact(artifact: id: 9
 type_id: 16
 uri: "/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Transform/pre_transform_stats/5"
 custom_properties {
   key: "name"
   value {
     string_value: "pre_transform_stats"
 custom_properties {
   key: "producer_component"
   value {
     string_value: "Transform"
 custom_properties {
   key: "state"
   value {
     string_value: "published"
 custom_properties {
   key: "tfx_version"
   value {
     string_value: "1.4.0"
 state: LIVE
 , artifact_type: id: 16
 name: "ExampleStatistics"
 properties {
   key: "span"
   value: INT
 properties {
   key: "split_names"
   value: STRING
     additional_properties: {}
     additional_custom_properties: {}
 'post_transform_schema': Channel(
     type_name: Schema
     artifacts: [Artifact(artifact: id: 10
 type_id: 18
 uri: "/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Transform/post_transform_schema/5"
 custom_properties {
   key: "name"
   value {
     string_value: "post_transform_schema"
 custom_properties {
   key: "producer_component"
   value {
     string_value: "Transform"
 custom_properties {
   key: "state"
   value {
     string_value: "published"
 custom_properties {
   key: "tfx_version"
   value {
     string_value: "1.4.0"
 state: LIVE
 , artifact_type: id: 18
 name: "Schema"
     additional_properties: {}
     additional_custom_properties: {}
 'post_transform_stats': Channel(
     type_name: ExampleStatistics
     artifacts: [Artifact(artifact: id: 11
 type_id: 16
 uri: "/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Transform/post_transform_stats/5"
 custom_properties {
   key: "name"
   value {
     string_value: "post_transform_stats"
 custom_properties {
   key: "producer_component"
   value {
     string_value: "Transform"
 custom_properties {
   key: "state"
   value {
     string_value: "published"
 custom_properties {
   key: "tfx_version"
   value {
     string_value: "1.4.0"
 state: LIVE
 , artifact_type: id: 16
 name: "ExampleStatistics"
 properties {
   key: "span"
   value: INT
 properties {
   key: "split_names"
   value: STRING
     additional_properties: {}
     additional_custom_properties: {}
 'post_transform_anomalies': Channel(
     type_name: ExampleAnomalies
     artifacts: [Artifact(artifact: id: 12
 type_id: 20
 uri: "/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Transform/post_transform_anomalies/5"
 custom_properties {
   key: "name"
   value {
     string_value: "post_transform_anomalies"
 custom_properties {
   key: "producer_component"
   value {
     string_value: "Transform"
 custom_properties {
   key: "state"
   value {
     string_value: "published"
 custom_properties {
   key: "tfx_version"
   value {
     string_value: "1.4.0"
 state: LIVE
 , artifact_type: id: 20
 name: "ExampleAnomalies"
 properties {
   key: "span"
   value: INT
 properties {
   key: "split_names"
   value: STRING
     additional_properties: {}
     additional_custom_properties: {}

نلقي نظرة خاطفة على transform_graph قطعة أثرية. يشير إلى دليل يحتوي على ثلاثة أدلة فرعية.

train_uri = transform.outputs['transform_graph'].get()[0].uri
['transform_fn', 'transformed_metadata', 'metadata']

و transformed_metadata يحتوي الدليل مخطط البيانات preprocessed. و transform_fn يحتوي الدليل على الرسم البياني تجهيزها الفعلي. و metadata ويتضمن الدليل مخطط البيانات الأصلية.

يمكننا أيضًا إلقاء نظرة على الأمثلة الثلاثة الأولى المحوّلة:

# Get the URI of the output artifact representing the transformed examples, which is a directory
= os.path.join(transform.outputs['transformed_examples'].get()[0].uri, 'Split-train')

# Get the list of files in this directory (all compressed TFRecord files)
= [os.path.join(train_uri, name)
for name in os.listdir(train_uri)]

# Create a `TFRecordDataset` to read these files
= tf.data.TFRecordDataset(tfrecord_filenames, compression_type="GZIP")

# Iterate over the first 3 records and decode them.
for tfrecord in dataset.take(3):
= tfrecord.numpy()
= tf.train.Example()
features {
  feature {
    key: "company"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 8
  feature {
    key: "dropoff_census_tract"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 0
  feature {
    key: "dropoff_community_area"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 0
  feature {
    key: "dropoff_latitude"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 0
  feature {
    key: "dropoff_longitude"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 9
  feature {
    key: "fare"
    value {
      float_list {
        value: 0.06106060370802879
  feature {
    key: "payment_type"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 1
  feature {
    key: "pickup_census_tract"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 0
  feature {
    key: "pickup_community_area"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 0
  feature {
    key: "pickup_latitude"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 0
  feature {
    key: "pickup_longitude"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 9
  feature {
    key: "tips"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 0
  feature {
    key: "trip_miles"
    value {
      float_list {
        value: -0.15886740386486053
  feature {
    key: "trip_seconds"
    value {
      float_list {
        value: -0.7118487358093262
  feature {
    key: "trip_start_day"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 6
  feature {
    key: "trip_start_hour"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 19
  feature {
    key: "trip_start_month"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 5

features {
  feature {
    key: "company"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 0
  feature {
    key: "dropoff_census_tract"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 0
  feature {
    key: "dropoff_community_area"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 0
  feature {
    key: "dropoff_latitude"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 0
  feature {
    key: "dropoff_longitude"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 9
  feature {
    key: "fare"
    value {
      float_list {
        value: 1.2521241903305054
  feature {
    key: "payment_type"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 0
  feature {
    key: "pickup_census_tract"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 0
  feature {
    key: "pickup_community_area"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 60
  feature {
    key: "pickup_latitude"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 0
  feature {
    key: "pickup_longitude"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 3
  feature {
    key: "tips"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 0
  feature {
    key: "trip_miles"
    value {
      float_list {
        value: 0.532160758972168
  feature {
    key: "trip_seconds"
    value {
      float_list {
        value: 0.5509493350982666
  feature {
    key: "trip_start_day"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 3
  feature {
    key: "trip_start_hour"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 2
  feature {
    key: "trip_start_month"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 10

features {
  feature {
    key: "company"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 48
  feature {
    key: "dropoff_census_tract"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 0
  feature {
    key: "dropoff_community_area"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 0
  feature {
    key: "dropoff_latitude"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 0
  feature {
    key: "dropoff_longitude"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 9
  feature {
    key: "fare"
    value {
      float_list {
        value: 0.3873794674873352
  feature {
    key: "payment_type"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 0
  feature {
    key: "pickup_census_tract"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 0
  feature {
    key: "pickup_community_area"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 13
  feature {
    key: "pickup_latitude"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 9
  feature {
    key: "pickup_longitude"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 0
  feature {
    key: "tips"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 0
  feature {
    key: "trip_miles"
    value {
      float_list {
        value: 0.21955278515815735
  feature {
    key: "trip_seconds"
    value {
      float_list {
        value: 0.0019067146349698305
  feature {
    key: "trip_start_day"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 3
  feature {
    key: "trip_start_hour"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 12
  feature {
    key: "trip_start_month"
    value {
      int64_list {
        value: 11

بعد Transform عنصر حولت البيانات إلى الميزات، والخطوة التالية هي تدريب نموذجا.


و Trainer وعنصر تدريب النموذج الذي تعرفه في TensorFlow (إما باستخدام API مقدر أو API Keras مع model_to_estimator ).

Trainer يأخذ كمدخل المخطط من SchemaGen ، والبيانات المحولة والرسم البياني من Transform ، وتدريب المعلمات، وكذلك وحدة نمطية يحتوي على التعليمات البرمجية نموذج المعرفة من قبل المستخدم.

ترى دعونا مثال من التعليمات البرمجية نموذج المعرفة أدناه (بالنسبة للمقدمة لمقدر واجهات برمجة التطبيقات TensorFlow، انظر تعليمي ):

_taxi_trainer_module_file = 'taxi_trainer.py'
%%writefile {_taxi_trainer_module_file}

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_model_analysis as tfma
import tensorflow_transform as tft
from tensorflow_transform.tf_metadata import schema_utils
from tfx_bsl.tfxio import dataset_options

import taxi_constants

= taxi_constants.VOCAB_FEATURE_KEYS
= taxi_constants.VOCAB_SIZE
= taxi_constants.OOV_SIZE
= taxi_constants.FEATURE_BUCKET_COUNT
= taxi_constants.BUCKET_FEATURE_KEYS
= taxi_constants.LABEL_KEY

# Tf.Transform considers these features as "raw"
def _get_raw_feature_spec(schema):
return schema_utils.schema_as_feature_spec(schema).feature_spec

def _build_estimator(config, hidden_units=None, warm_start_from=None):
"""Build an estimator for predicting the tipping behavior of taxi riders.
    config: tf.estimator.RunConfig defining the runtime environment for the
      estimator (including model_dir).
    hidden_units: [int], the layer sizes of the DNN (input layer first)
    warm_start_from: Optional directory to warm start from.
    A dict of the following:
      - estimator: The estimator that will be used for training and eval.
      - train_spec: Spec for training.
      - eval_spec: Spec for eval.
      - eval_input_receiver_fn: Input function for eval.

= [
.feature_column.numeric_column(key, shape=())
= [
, num_buckets=_VOCAB_SIZE + _OOV_SIZE, default_value=0)
+= [
, num_buckets=_FEATURE_BUCKET_COUNT, default_value=0)
+= [
.feature_column.categorical_column_with_identity(  # pylint: disable=g-complex-comprehension
=0) for key, num_buckets in zip(
return tf.estimator.DNNLinearCombinedClassifier(
=hidden_units or [100, 70, 50, 25],

def _example_serving_receiver_fn(tf_transform_graph, schema):
"""Build the serving in inputs.
    tf_transform_graph: A TFTransformOutput.
    schema: the schema of the input data.
    Tensorflow graph which parses examples, applying tf-transform to them.

= _get_raw_feature_spec(schema)

= tf.estimator.export.build_parsing_serving_input_receiver_fn(
, default_batch_size=None)
= raw_input_fn()

= tf_transform_graph.transform_raw_features(

return tf.estimator.export.ServingInputReceiver(
, serving_input_receiver.receiver_tensors)

def _eval_input_receiver_fn(tf_transform_graph, schema):
"""Build everything needed for the tf-model-analysis to run the model.
    tf_transform_graph: A TFTransformOutput.
    schema: the schema of the input data.
    EvalInputReceiver function, which contains:
      - Tensorflow graph which parses raw untransformed features, applies the
        tf-transform preprocessing operators.
      - Set of raw, untransformed features.
      - Label against which predictions will be compared.

# Notice that the inputs are raw features, not transformed features here.
= _get_raw_feature_spec(schema)

= tf.compat.v1.placeholder(
=tf.string, shape=[None], name='input_example_tensor')

# Add a parse_example operator to the tensorflow graph, which will parse
# raw, untransformed, tf examples.
= tf.io.parse_example(serialized_tf_example, raw_feature_spec)

# Now that we have our raw examples, process them through the tf-transform
# function computed during the preprocessing step.
= tf_transform_graph.transform_raw_features(

# The key name MUST be 'examples'.
= {'examples': serialized_tf_example}

# NOTE: Model is driven by transformed features (since training works on the
# materialized output of TFT, but slicing will happen on raw features.

return tfma.export.EvalInputReceiver(

def _input_fn(file_pattern, data_accessor, tf_transform_output, batch_size=200):
"""Generates features and label for tuning/training.

    file_pattern: List of paths or patterns of input tfrecord files.
    data_accessor: DataAccessor for converting input to RecordBatch.
    tf_transform_output: A TFTransformOutput.
    batch_size: representing the number of consecutive elements of returned
      dataset to combine in a single batch

    A dataset that contains (features, indices) tuple where features is a
      dictionary of Tensors, and indices is a single Tensor of label indices.

return data_accessor.tf_dataset_factory(
=batch_size, label_key=_LABEL_KEY),

# TFX will call this function
def trainer_fn(trainer_fn_args, schema):
"""Build the estimator using the high level API.
    trainer_fn_args: Holds args used to train the model as name/value pairs.
    schema: Holds the schema of the training examples.
    A dict of the following:
      - estimator: The estimator that will be used for training and eval.
      - train_spec: Spec for training.
      - eval_spec: Spec for eval.
      - eval_input_receiver_fn: Input function for eval.

# Number of nodes in the first layer of the DNN
= 100
= 4
= 0.7

= 40
= 40

= tft.TFTransformOutput(trainer_fn_args.transform_output)

= lambda: _input_fn(  # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda

= lambda: _input_fn(  # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda

= tf.estimator.TrainSpec(  # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda

= lambda: _example_serving_receiver_fn(  # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda
, schema)

= tf.estimator.FinalExporter('chicago-taxi', serving_receiver_fn)
= tf.estimator.EvalSpec(

= tf.estimator.RunConfig(
=999, keep_checkpoint_max=1)

= run_config.replace(model_dir=trainer_fn_args.serving_model_dir)

= _build_estimator(
# Construct layers sizes with exponetial decay
(2, int(first_dnn_layer_size * dnn_decay_factor**i))
for i in range(num_dnn_layers)

# Create an input receiver for TFMA processing
= lambda: _eval_input_receiver_fn(  # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda
, schema)

return {
'estimator': estimator,
'train_spec': train_spec,
'eval_spec': eval_spec,
'eval_input_receiver_fn': receiver_fn
Writing taxi_trainer.py

الآن، نحن نمر في هذه المدونة النموذجية لل Trainer مكون وتشغيله لتدريب النموذج.

from tfx.components.trainer.executor import Executor
from tfx.dsl.components.base import executor_spec

= tfx.components.Trainer(
WARNING:absl:`custom_executor_spec` is deprecated. Please customize component directly.
INFO:absl:Generating ephemeral wheel package for '/tmpfs/src/temp/docs/tutorials/tfx/taxi_trainer.py' (including modules: ['taxi_constants', 'taxi_trainer', 'taxi_transform']).
INFO:absl:User module package has hash fingerprint version e337a512821685b6d91445dbd0628b47de0e4c751e9e54edf78bcf0866309618.
INFO:absl:Executing: ['/tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/bin/python', '/tmp/tmpfdfqeq3n/_tfx_generated_setup.py', 'bdist_wheel', '--bdist-dir', '/tmp/tmplwndr27q', '--dist-dir', '/tmp/tmpm5jkf1c7']
/tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/install.py:37: SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning: setup.py install is deprecated. Use build and pip and other standards-based tools.
listing git files failed - pretending there aren't any
INFO:absl:Successfully built user code wheel distribution at '/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/_wheels/tfx_user_code_Trainer-0.0+e337a512821685b6d91445dbd0628b47de0e4c751e9e54edf78bcf0866309618-py3-none-any.whl'; target user module is 'taxi_trainer'.
INFO:absl:Full user module path is 'taxi_trainer@/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/_wheels/tfx_user_code_Trainer-0.0+e337a512821685b6d91445dbd0628b47de0e4c751e9e54edf78bcf0866309618-py3-none-any.whl'
INFO:absl:Running driver for Trainer
INFO:absl:MetadataStore with DB connection initialized
I1205 11:00:05.421522  1805 rdbms_metadata_access_object.cc:686] No property is defined for the Type
INFO:absl:Running executor for Trainer
I1205 11:00:05.425110  1805 rdbms_metadata_access_object.cc:686] No property is defined for the Type
INFO:absl:Train on the 'train' split when train_args.splits is not set.
INFO:absl:Evaluate on the 'eval' split when eval_args.splits is not set.
WARNING:absl:Examples artifact does not have payload_format custom property. Falling back to FORMAT_TF_EXAMPLE
WARNING:absl:Examples artifact does not have payload_format custom property. Falling back to FORMAT_TF_EXAMPLE
WARNING:absl:Examples artifact does not have payload_format custom property. Falling back to FORMAT_TF_EXAMPLE
INFO:absl:udf_utils.get_fn {'train_args': '{\n  "num_steps": 10000\n}', 'eval_args': '{\n  "num_steps": 5000\n}', 'module_file': None, 'run_fn': None, 'trainer_fn': None, 'custom_config': 'null', 'module_path': 'taxi_trainer@/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/_wheels/tfx_user_code_Trainer-0.0+e337a512821685b6d91445dbd0628b47de0e4c751e9e54edf78bcf0866309618-py3-none-any.whl'} 'trainer_fn'
INFO:absl:Installing '/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/_wheels/tfx_user_code_Trainer-0.0+e337a512821685b6d91445dbd0628b47de0e4c751e9e54edf78bcf0866309618-py3-none-any.whl' to a temporary directory.
INFO:absl:Executing: ['/tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/bin/python', '-m', 'pip', 'install', '--target', '/tmp/tmpudspobnm', '/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/_wheels/tfx_user_code_Trainer-0.0+e337a512821685b6d91445dbd0628b47de0e4c751e9e54edf78bcf0866309618-py3-none-any.whl']
running bdist_wheel
running build
running build_py
creating build
creating build/lib
copying taxi_constants.py -> build/lib
copying taxi_trainer.py -> build/lib
copying taxi_transform.py -> build/lib
installing to /tmp/tmplwndr27q
running install
running install_lib
copying build/lib/taxi_constants.py -> /tmp/tmplwndr27q
copying build/lib/taxi_transform.py -> /tmp/tmplwndr27q
copying build/lib/taxi_trainer.py -> /tmp/tmplwndr27q
running install_egg_info
running egg_info
creating tfx_user_code_Trainer.egg-info
writing tfx_user_code_Trainer.egg-info/PKG-INFO
writing dependency_links to tfx_user_code_Trainer.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
writing top-level names to tfx_user_code_Trainer.egg-info/top_level.txt
writing manifest file 'tfx_user_code_Trainer.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
reading manifest file 'tfx_user_code_Trainer.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
writing manifest file 'tfx_user_code_Trainer.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
Copying tfx_user_code_Trainer.egg-info to /tmp/tmplwndr27q/tfx_user_code_Trainer-0.0+e337a512821685b6d91445dbd0628b47de0e4c751e9e54edf78bcf0866309618-py3.7.egg-info
running install_scripts
creating /tmp/tmplwndr27q/tfx_user_code_Trainer-0.0+e337a512821685b6d91445dbd0628b47de0e4c751e9e54edf78bcf0866309618.dist-info/WHEEL
creating '/tmp/tmpm5jkf1c7/tfx_user_code_Trainer-0.0+e337a512821685b6d91445dbd0628b47de0e4c751e9e54edf78bcf0866309618-py3-none-any.whl' and adding '/tmp/tmplwndr27q' to it
adding 'taxi_constants.py'
adding 'taxi_trainer.py'
adding 'taxi_transform.py'
adding 'tfx_user_code_Trainer-0.0+e337a512821685b6d91445dbd0628b47de0e4c751e9e54edf78bcf0866309618.dist-info/METADATA'
adding 'tfx_user_code_Trainer-0.0+e337a512821685b6d91445dbd0628b47de0e4c751e9e54edf78bcf0866309618.dist-info/WHEEL'
adding 'tfx_user_code_Trainer-0.0+e337a512821685b6d91445dbd0628b47de0e4c751e9e54edf78bcf0866309618.dist-info/top_level.txt'
adding 'tfx_user_code_Trainer-0.0+e337a512821685b6d91445dbd0628b47de0e4c751e9e54edf78bcf0866309618.dist-info/RECORD'
removing /tmp/tmplwndr27q
Processing /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/_wheels/tfx_user_code_Trainer-0.0+e337a512821685b6d91445dbd0628b47de0e4c751e9e54edf78bcf0866309618-py3-none-any.whl
INFO:absl:Successfully installed '/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/_wheels/tfx_user_code_Trainer-0.0+e337a512821685b6d91445dbd0628b47de0e4c751e9e54edf78bcf0866309618-py3-none-any.whl'.
Installing collected packages: tfx-user-code-Trainer
Successfully installed tfx-user-code-Trainer-0.0+e337a512821685b6d91445dbd0628b47de0e4c751e9e54edf78bcf0866309618
INFO:tensorflow:Using config: {'_model_dir': '/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model_run/6/Format-Serving', '_tf_random_seed': None, '_save_summary_steps': 100, '_save_checkpoints_steps': 999, '_save_checkpoints_secs': None, '_session_config': allow_soft_placement: true
graph_options {
  rewrite_options {
    meta_optimizer_iterations: ONE
, '_keep_checkpoint_max': 1, '_keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours': 10000, '_log_step_count_steps': 100, '_train_distribute': None, '_device_fn': None, '_protocol': None, '_eval_distribute': None, '_experimental_distribute': None, '_experimental_max_worker_delay_secs': None, '_session_creation_timeout_secs': 7200, '_checkpoint_save_graph_def': True, '_service': None, '_cluster_spec': ClusterSpec({}), '_task_type': 'worker', '_task_id': 0, '_global_id_in_cluster': 0, '_master': '', '_evaluation_master': '', '_is_chief': True, '_num_ps_replicas': 0, '_num_worker_replicas': 1}
INFO:absl:Training model.
INFO:tensorflow:Not using Distribute Coordinator.
INFO:tensorflow:Running training and evaluation locally (non-distributed).
INFO:tensorflow:Start train and evaluate loop. The evaluate will happen after every checkpoint. Checkpoint frequency is determined based on RunConfig arguments: save_checkpoints_steps 999 or save_checkpoints_secs None.
WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/training_util.py:236: Variable.initialized_value (from tensorflow.python.ops.variables) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use Variable.read_value. Variables in 2.X are initialized automatically both in eager and graph (inside tf.defun) contexts.
INFO:absl:Feature company has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_census_tract has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_community_area has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_latitude has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_longitude has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature fare has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature payment_type has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_census_tract has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_community_area has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_latitude has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_longitude has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature tips has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_miles has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_seconds has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_day has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_hour has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_month has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature company has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_census_tract has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_community_area has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_latitude has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_longitude has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature fare has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature payment_type has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_census_tract has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_community_area has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_latitude has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_longitude has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature tips has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_miles has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_seconds has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_day has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_hour has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_month has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:tensorflow:Calling model_fn.
/tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/keras/engine/base_layer_v1.py:1684: UserWarning: `layer.add_variable` is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use `layer.add_weight` method instead.
  warnings.warn('`layer.add_variable` is deprecated and '
WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/keras/optimizer_v2/adagrad.py:84: calling Constant.__init__ (from tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops) with dtype is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Call initializer instance with the dtype argument instead of passing it to the constructor
INFO:tensorflow:Done calling model_fn.
INFO:tensorflow:Create CheckpointSaverHook.
INFO:tensorflow:Graph was finalized.
INFO:tensorflow:Running local_init_op.
INFO:tensorflow:Done running local_init_op.
INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners before saving checkpoint 0...
INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 0 into /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model_run/6/Format-Serving/model.ckpt.
INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners after saving checkpoint 0...
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.7078417, step = 0
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 70.3244
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.54806644, step = 100 (1.423 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.7936
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.61360043, step = 200 (1.152 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 85.3687
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.4860243, step = 300 (1.171 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.4491
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.4932023, step = 400 (1.157 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 84.918
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.41420126, step = 500 (1.177 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 85.5433
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.502645, step = 600 (1.169 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 85.7348
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.5135077, step = 700 (1.166 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 85.9959
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.50064766, step = 800 (1.163 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 84.4301
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.5338023, step = 900 (1.185 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners before saving checkpoint 999...
INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 999 into /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model_run/6/Format-Serving/model.ckpt.
WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/saver.py:971: remove_checkpoint (from tensorflow.python.training.checkpoint_management) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use standard file APIs to delete files with this prefix.
INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners after saving checkpoint 999...
INFO:absl:Feature company has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_census_tract has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_community_area has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_latitude has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_longitude has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature fare has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature payment_type has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_census_tract has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_community_area has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_latitude has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_longitude has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature tips has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_miles has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_seconds has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_day has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_hour has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_month has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature company has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_census_tract has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_community_area has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_latitude has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_longitude has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature fare has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature payment_type has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_census_tract has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_community_area has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_latitude has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_longitude has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature tips has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_miles has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_seconds has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_day has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_hour has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_month has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:tensorflow:Calling model_fn.
INFO:tensorflow:Done calling model_fn.
INFO:tensorflow:Starting evaluation at 2021-12-05T11:00:25
INFO:tensorflow:Graph was finalized.
INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model_run/6/Format-Serving/model.ckpt-999
INFO:tensorflow:Running local_init_op.
INFO:tensorflow:Done running local_init_op.
INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [500/5000]
INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [1000/5000]
INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [1500/5000]
INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [2000/5000]
INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [2500/5000]
INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [3000/5000]
INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [3500/5000]
INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [4000/5000]
INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [4500/5000]
INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [5000/5000]
INFO:tensorflow:Inference Time : 45.25082s
INFO:tensorflow:Finished evaluation at 2021-12-05-11:01:10
INFO:tensorflow:Saving dict for global step 999: accuracy = 0.77114, accuracy_baseline = 0.77114, auc = 0.92330086, auc_precision_recall = 0.66446304, average_loss = 0.46160534, global_step = 999, label/mean = 0.22886, loss = 0.46160552, precision = 0.0, prediction/mean = 0.24982427, recall = 0.0
INFO:tensorflow:Saving 'checkpoint_path' summary for global step 999: /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model_run/6/Format-Serving/model.ckpt-999
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 2.07624
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.5403578, step = 1000 (48.163 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.3781
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.38168782, step = 1100 (1.158 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 85.2624
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.39346403, step = 1200 (1.173 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 83.7912
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.40447283, step = 1300 (1.194 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 84.0061
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.44532022, step = 1400 (1.190 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 85.6364
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.44722432, step = 1500 (1.169 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.1981
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.38483262, step = 1600 (1.159 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.8631
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.5259759, step = 1700 (1.152 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 84.9455
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.55505085, step = 1800 (1.177 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.3588
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.38577095, step = 1900 (1.158 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners before saving checkpoint 1998...
INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 1998 into /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model_run/6/Format-Serving/model.ckpt.
INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners after saving checkpoint 1998...
INFO:tensorflow:Skip the current checkpoint eval due to throttle secs (600 secs).
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 78.271
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.5068237, step = 2000 (1.277 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.0626
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.43203792, step = 2100 (1.162 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 84.691
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.4243142, step = 2200 (1.181 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.057
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.33626375, step = 2300 (1.162 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.4836
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.5215112, step = 2400 (1.156 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.1571
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.3480332, step = 2500 (1.161 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 83.5733
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.3900601, step = 2600 (1.197 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 85.2641
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.41936797, step = 2700 (1.174 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 84.707
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.37252873, step = 2800 (1.179 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 84.4798
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.38240016, step = 2900 (1.184 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners before saving checkpoint 2997...
INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 2997 into /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model_run/6/Format-Serving/model.ckpt.
INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners after saving checkpoint 2997...
INFO:tensorflow:Skip the current checkpoint eval due to throttle secs (600 secs).
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 75.8418
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.2528301, step = 3000 (1.318 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 84.156
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.4254836, step = 3100 (1.188 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 85.0661
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.5024188, step = 3200 (1.176 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 82.2437
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.3909358, step = 3300 (1.216 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 82.2637
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.328662, step = 3400 (1.216 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 84.4683
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.36957046, step = 3500 (1.184 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 84.4389
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.43177825, step = 3600 (1.184 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 85.2814
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.43844128, step = 3700 (1.173 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 83.9934
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.3894402, step = 3800 (1.191 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 85.6644
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.3499531, step = 3900 (1.167 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners before saving checkpoint 3996...
INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 3996 into /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model_run/6/Format-Serving/model.ckpt.
INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners after saving checkpoint 3996...
INFO:tensorflow:Skip the current checkpoint eval due to throttle secs (600 secs).
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 77.2294
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.43472967, step = 4000 (1.294 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.9355
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.31338528, step = 4100 (1.151 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.7796
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.45728058, step = 4200 (1.152 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.8483
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.39699784, step = 4300 (1.151 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 87.1248
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.43616992, step = 4400 (1.148 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.8816
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.35230064, step = 4500 (1.151 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.9788
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.36814964, step = 4600 (1.150 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.884
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.39265686, step = 4700 (1.151 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.3142
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.3569767, step = 4800 (1.159 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.7831
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.38372093, step = 4900 (1.152 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners before saving checkpoint 4995...
INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 4995 into /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model_run/6/Format-Serving/model.ckpt.
INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners after saving checkpoint 4995...
INFO:tensorflow:Skip the current checkpoint eval due to throttle secs (600 secs).
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 77.8516
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.37753737, step = 5000 (1.284 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.9472
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.39870018, step = 5100 (1.150 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 87.6235
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.3469496, step = 5200 (1.141 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 85.5072
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.4431352, step = 5300 (1.169 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.753
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.4120473, step = 5400 (1.153 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 87.9292
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.41318005, step = 5500 (1.137 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.9944
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.33395153, step = 5600 (1.150 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 85.7159
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.39095598, step = 5700 (1.167 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.5248
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.3990689, step = 5800 (1.156 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 87.7908
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.35857546, step = 5900 (1.139 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners before saving checkpoint 5994...
INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 5994 into /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model_run/6/Format-Serving/model.ckpt.
INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners after saving checkpoint 5994...
INFO:tensorflow:Skip the current checkpoint eval due to throttle secs (600 secs).
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 77.8735
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.3701624, step = 6000 (1.284 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 87.5076
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.41708413, step = 6100 (1.143 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 84.466
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.29821724, step = 6200 (1.184 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 83.526
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.35562894, step = 6300 (1.197 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 87.5455
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.28250116, step = 6400 (1.142 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.3403
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.3280113, step = 6500 (1.158 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 87.024
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.3482268, step = 6600 (1.149 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 85.355
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.37907737, step = 6700 (1.172 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 84.621
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.31550306, step = 6800 (1.182 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 83.3363
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.3832593, step = 6900 (1.202 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners before saving checkpoint 6993...
INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 6993 into /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model_run/6/Format-Serving/model.ckpt.
INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners after saving checkpoint 6993...
INFO:tensorflow:Skip the current checkpoint eval due to throttle secs (600 secs).
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 74.4455
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.41803008, step = 7000 (1.342 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 82.7229
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.32837537, step = 7100 (1.209 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 84.3715
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.33435482, step = 7200 (1.185 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 84.2735
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.26065814, step = 7300 (1.187 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 85.663
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.41420022, step = 7400 (1.167 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 87.0079
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.40608707, step = 7500 (1.150 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 87.7408
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.36437988, step = 7600 (1.140 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 87.4937
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.39505738, step = 7700 (1.144 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 88.4098
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.2943158, step = 7800 (1.130 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 87.3161
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.352277, step = 7900 (1.145 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners before saving checkpoint 7992...
INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 7992 into /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model_run/6/Format-Serving/model.ckpt.
INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners after saving checkpoint 7992...
INFO:tensorflow:Skip the current checkpoint eval due to throttle secs (600 secs).
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 78.0033
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.24916664, step = 8000 (1.282 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 87.818
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.23849675, step = 8100 (1.139 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.7864
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.35711345, step = 8200 (1.152 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 87.5709
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.3992316, step = 8300 (1.142 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.4715
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.38699418, step = 8400 (1.157 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 87.1347
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.27517205, step = 8500 (1.147 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 87.6778
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.3764573, step = 8600 (1.140 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.488
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.38588572, step = 8700 (1.156 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 88.0878
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.34926754, step = 8800 (1.135 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.5916
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.3552958, step = 8900 (1.155 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners before saving checkpoint 8991...
INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 8991 into /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model_run/6/Format-Serving/model.ckpt.
INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners after saving checkpoint 8991...
INFO:tensorflow:Skip the current checkpoint eval due to throttle secs (600 secs).
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 75.4932
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.36349216, step = 9000 (1.325 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 83.4161
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.35490102, step = 9100 (1.199 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 87.0142
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.36661166, step = 9200 (1.149 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.8802
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.42985326, step = 9300 (1.151 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 87.3449
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.47281235, step = 9400 (1.145 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 88.3826
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.22590041, step = 9500 (1.131 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 87.3166
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.4162217, step = 9600 (1.145 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 87.5265
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.37611717, step = 9700 (1.143 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 86.1899
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.3856167, step = 9800 (1.160 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 87.7519
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.24105208, step = 9900 (1.140 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners before saving checkpoint 9990...
INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 9990 into /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model_run/6/Format-Serving/model.ckpt.
INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners after saving checkpoint 9990...
INFO:tensorflow:Skip the current checkpoint eval due to throttle secs (600 secs).
INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners before saving checkpoint 10000...
INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 10000 into /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model_run/6/Format-Serving/model.ckpt.
INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners after saving checkpoint 10000...
INFO:tensorflow:Skip the current checkpoint eval due to throttle secs (600 secs).
INFO:absl:Feature company has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_census_tract has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_community_area has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_latitude has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_longitude has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature fare has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature payment_type has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_census_tract has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_community_area has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_latitude has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_longitude has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature tips has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_miles has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_seconds has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_day has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_hour has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_month has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature company has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_census_tract has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_community_area has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_latitude has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature dropoff_longitude has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature fare has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature payment_type has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_census_tract has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_community_area has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_latitude has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature pickup_longitude has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature tips has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_miles has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_seconds has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_day has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_hour has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:absl:Feature trip_start_month has a shape . Setting to DenseTensor.
INFO:tensorflow:Calling model_fn.
INFO:tensorflow:Done calling model_fn.
INFO:tensorflow:Starting evaluation at 2021-12-05T11:02:58
INFO:tensorflow:Graph was finalized.
INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model_run/6/Format-Serving/model.ckpt-10000
INFO:tensorflow:Running local_init_op.
INFO:tensorflow:Done running local_init_op.
INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [500/5000]
INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [1000/5000]
INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [1500/5000]
INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [2000/5000]
INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [2500/5000]
INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [3000/5000]
INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [3500/5000]
INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [4000/5000]
INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [4500/5000]
INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [5000/5000]
INFO:tensorflow:Inference Time : 43.13040s
INFO:tensorflow:Finished evaluation at 2021-12-05-11:03:41
INFO:tensorflow:Saving dict for global step 10000: accuracy = 0.787805, accuracy_baseline = 0.771235, auc = 0.9339468, auc_precision_recall = 0.70544505, average_loss = 0.3452758, global_step = 10000, label/mean = 0.228765, loss = 0.34527487, precision = 0.69398266, prediction/mean = 0.2301482, recall = 0.12956527
INFO:tensorflow:Saving 'checkpoint_path' summary for global step 10000: /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model_run/6/Format-Serving/model.ckpt-10000
INFO:tensorflow:Performing the final export in the end of training.
INFO:tensorflow:tensorflow_text is not available.
INFO:tensorflow:tensorflow_decision_forests is not available.
INFO:tensorflow:struct2tensor is not available.
WARNING:tensorflow:Loading a TF2 SavedModel but eager mode seems disabled.
INFO:tensorflow:Calling model_fn.
INFO:tensorflow:Done calling model_fn.
WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/saved_model/signature_def_utils_impl.py:145: build_tensor_info (from tensorflow.python.saved_model.utils_impl) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
This function will only be available through the v1 compatibility library as tf.compat.v1.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info or tf.compat.v1.saved_model.build_tensor_info.
INFO:tensorflow:Signatures INCLUDED in export for Classify: ['serving_default', 'classification']
INFO:tensorflow:Signatures INCLUDED in export for Regress: ['regression']
INFO:tensorflow:Signatures INCLUDED in export for Predict: ['predict']
INFO:tensorflow:Signatures INCLUDED in export for Train: None
INFO:tensorflow:Signatures INCLUDED in export for Eval: None
INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model_run/6/Format-Serving/model.ckpt-10000
INFO:tensorflow:Assets added to graph.
INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model_run/6/Format-Serving/export/chicago-taxi/temp-1638702221/assets
INFO:tensorflow:SavedModel written to: /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model_run/6/Format-Serving/export/chicago-taxi/temp-1638702221/saved_model.pb
INFO:tensorflow:Loss for final step: 0.3770034.
INFO:absl:Training complete. Model written to /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model_run/6/Format-Serving. ModelRun written to /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model_run/6
INFO:absl:Exporting eval_savedmodel for TFMA.
WARNING:tensorflow:Loading a TF2 SavedModel but eager mode seems disabled.
INFO:tensorflow:tensorflow_text is not available.
INFO:tensorflow:tensorflow_decision_forests is not available.
INFO:tensorflow:struct2tensor is not available.
INFO:tensorflow:Calling model_fn.
INFO:tensorflow:Done calling model_fn.
INFO:tensorflow:Signatures INCLUDED in export for Classify: None
INFO:tensorflow:Signatures INCLUDED in export for Regress: None
INFO:tensorflow:Signatures INCLUDED in export for Predict: None
INFO:tensorflow:Signatures INCLUDED in export for Train: None
INFO:tensorflow:Signatures INCLUDED in export for Eval: ['eval']
WARNING:tensorflow:Export includes no default signature!
INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model_run/6/Format-Serving/model.ckpt-10000
INFO:tensorflow:Assets added to graph.
INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model_run/6/Format-TFMA/temp-1638702224/assets
INFO:tensorflow:SavedModel written to: /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model_run/6/Format-TFMA/temp-1638702224/saved_model.pb
INFO:absl:Exported eval_savedmodel to /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model_run/6/Format-TFMA.
WARNING:absl:Support for estimator-based executor and model export will be deprecated soon. Please use export structure <ModelExportPath>/serving_model_dir/saved_model.pb"
INFO:absl:Serving model copied to: /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model/6/Format-Serving.
WARNING:absl:Support for estimator-based executor and model export will be deprecated soon. Please use export structure <ModelExportPath>/eval_model_dir/saved_model.pb"
INFO:absl:Eval model copied to: /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model/6/Format-TFMA.
INFO:absl:Running publisher for Trainer
INFO:absl:MetadataStore with DB connection initialized

تحليل التدريب باستخدام TensorBoard

اختياريًا ، يمكننا توصيل TensorBoard بـ Trainer لتحليل منحنيات التدريب الخاصة بنموذجنا.

# Get the URI of the output artifact representing the training logs, which is a directory
= trainer.outputs['model_run'].get()[0].uri

%load_ext tensorboard
%tensorboard --logdir {model_run_dir}


و Evaluator عنصر يحسب مقاييس الأداء نموذجية على مجموعة التقييم. ويستخدم TensorFlow تحليل نموذج المكتبة. و Evaluator يمكن أيضا التحقق من صحة اختياريا أن نموذج المدربين حديثا هو أفضل من النموذج السابق. هذا مفيد في إعداد خط أنابيب الإنتاج حيث يمكنك تلقائيًا تدريب نموذج والتحقق من صحته كل يوم. في هذه المفكرة، ندرب فقط نموذج واحد، وبالتالي فإن Evaluator تلقائيا سوف تسمية نموذج بأنها "جيدة".

Evaluator سيستغرق كمدخل البيانات من ExampleGen ، ونموذج تدريب من Trainer ، والتكوين تشريح. يسمح لك تكوين التقطيع بتقسيم المقاييس الخاصة بك إلى قيم الميزات (على سبيل المثال ، كيف يعمل نموذجك في رحلات التاكسي التي تبدأ في الساعة 8 صباحًا مقابل 8 مساءً؟). شاهد مثالاً على هذا التكوين أدناه:

eval_config = tfma.EvalConfig(
# Using signature 'eval' implies the use of an EvalSavedModel. To use
# a serving model remove the signature to defaults to 'serving_default'
# and add a label_key.
# The metrics added here are in addition to those saved with the
# model (assuming either a keras model or EvalSavedModel is used).
# Any metrics added into the saved model (for example using
# model.compile(..., metrics=[...]), etc) will be computed
# automatically.
# To add validation thresholds for metrics saved with the model,
# add them keyed by metric name to the thresholds map.
= {
'accuracy': tfma.MetricThreshold(
={'value': 0.5}),
# Change threshold will be ignored if there is no
# baseline model resolved from MLMD (first run).
={'value': -1e-10}))
# An empty slice spec means the overall slice, i.e. the whole dataset.
# Data can be sliced along a feature column. In this case, data is
# sliced along feature column trip_start_hour.

بعد ذلك، نعطي هذا التكوين إلى Evaluator وتشغيله.

# Use TFMA to compute a evaluation statistics over features of a model and
# validate them against a baseline.

# The model resolver is only required if performing model validation in addition
# to evaluation. In this case we validate against the latest blessed model. If
# no model has been blessed before (as in this case) the evaluator will make our
# candidate the first blessed model.
= tfx.dsl.Resolver(

= tfx.components.Evaluator(
INFO:absl:Running driver for latest_blessed_model_resolver
INFO:absl:MetadataStore with DB connection initialized
INFO:absl:Running publisher for latest_blessed_model_resolver
INFO:absl:MetadataStore with DB connection initialized
INFO:absl:Running driver for Evaluator
INFO:absl:MetadataStore with DB connection initialized
I1205 11:03:46.279654  1805 rdbms_metadata_access_object.cc:686] No property is defined for the Type
INFO:absl:Running executor for Evaluator
I1205 11:03:46.282887  1805 rdbms_metadata_access_object.cc:686] No property is defined for the Type
INFO:absl:Nonempty beam arg extra_packages already includes dependency
INFO:absl:udf_utils.get_fn {'eval_config': '{\n  "metrics_specs": [\n    {\n      "metrics": [\n        {\n          "class_name": "ExampleCount"\n        }\n      ],\n      "thresholds": {\n        "accuracy": {\n          "change_threshold": {\n            "absolute": -1e-10,\n            "direction": "HIGHER_IS_BETTER"\n          },\n          "value_threshold": {\n            "lower_bound": 0.5\n          }\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  ],\n  "model_specs": [\n    {\n      "signature_name": "eval"\n    }\n  ],\n  "slicing_specs": [\n    {},\n    {\n      "feature_keys": [\n        "trip_start_hour"\n      ]\n    }\n  ]\n}', 'feature_slicing_spec': None, 'fairness_indicator_thresholds': 'null', 'example_splits': 'null', 'module_file': None, 'module_path': None} 'custom_eval_shared_model'
INFO:absl:Request was made to ignore the baseline ModelSpec and any change thresholds. This is likely because a baseline model was not provided: updated_config=
model_specs {
  signature_name: "eval"
slicing_specs {
slicing_specs {
  feature_keys: "trip_start_hour"
metrics_specs {
  metrics {
    class_name: "ExampleCount"
  thresholds {
    key: "accuracy"
    value {
      value_threshold {
        lower_bound {
          value: 0.5

INFO:absl:Using /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model/6/Format-TFMA as  model.
WARNING:tensorflow:SavedModel saved prior to TF 2.5 detected when loading Keras model. Please ensure that you are saving the model with model.save() or tf.keras.models.save_model(), *NOT* tf.saved_model.save(). To confirm, there should be a file named "keras_metadata.pb" in the SavedModel directory.
INFO:absl:The 'example_splits' parameter is not set, using 'eval' split.
INFO:absl:Evaluating model.
INFO:absl:udf_utils.get_fn {'eval_config': '{\n  "metrics_specs": [\n    {\n      "metrics": [\n        {\n          "class_name": "ExampleCount"\n        }\n      ],\n      "thresholds": {\n        "accuracy": {\n          "change_threshold": {\n            "absolute": -1e-10,\n            "direction": "HIGHER_IS_BETTER"\n          },\n          "value_threshold": {\n            "lower_bound": 0.5\n          }\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  ],\n  "model_specs": [\n    {\n      "signature_name": "eval"\n    }\n  ],\n  "slicing_specs": [\n    {},\n    {\n      "feature_keys": [\n        "trip_start_hour"\n      ]\n    }\n  ]\n}', 'feature_slicing_spec': None, 'fairness_indicator_thresholds': 'null', 'example_splits': 'null', 'module_file': None, 'module_path': None} 'custom_extractors'
INFO:absl:Request was made to ignore the baseline ModelSpec and any change thresholds. This is likely because a baseline model was not provided: updated_config=
model_specs {
  signature_name: "eval"
slicing_specs {
slicing_specs {
  feature_keys: "trip_start_hour"
metrics_specs {
  metrics {
    class_name: "ExampleCount"
  model_names: ""
  thresholds {
    key: "accuracy"
    value {
      value_threshold {
        lower_bound {
          value: 0.5

INFO:absl:Request was made to ignore the baseline ModelSpec and any change thresholds. This is likely because a baseline model was not provided: updated_config=
model_specs {
  signature_name: "eval"
slicing_specs {
slicing_specs {
  feature_keys: "trip_start_hour"
metrics_specs {
  metrics {
    class_name: "ExampleCount"
  model_names: ""
  thresholds {
    key: "accuracy"
    value {
      value_threshold {
        lower_bound {
          value: 0.5

INFO:absl:Request was made to ignore the baseline ModelSpec and any change thresholds. This is likely because a baseline model was not provided: updated_config=
model_specs {
  signature_name: "eval"
slicing_specs {
slicing_specs {
  feature_keys: "trip_start_hour"
metrics_specs {
  metrics {
    class_name: "ExampleCount"
  model_names: ""
  thresholds {
    key: "accuracy"
    value {
      value_threshold {
        lower_bound {
          value: 0.5

WARNING:root:Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter.
WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_model_analysis/eval_saved_model/load.py:169: load (from tensorflow.python.saved_model.loader_impl) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
This function will only be available through the v1 compatibility library as tf.compat.v1.saved_model.loader.load or tf.compat.v1.saved_model.load. There will be a new function for importing SavedModels in Tensorflow 2.0.
INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model/6/Format-TFMA/variables/variables
WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_model_analysis/eval_saved_model/graph_ref.py:189: get_tensor_from_tensor_info (from tensorflow.python.saved_model.utils_impl) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
This function will only be available through the v1 compatibility library as tf.compat.v1.saved_model.utils.get_tensor_from_tensor_info or tf.compat.v1.saved_model.get_tensor_from_tensor_info.
INFO:absl:Evaluation complete. Results written to /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Evaluator/evaluation/8.
INFO:absl:Checking validation results.
WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_model_analysis/writers/metrics_plots_and_validations_writer.py:114: tf_record_iterator (from tensorflow.python.lib.io.tf_record) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use eager execution and: 
INFO:absl:Blessing result True written to /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Evaluator/blessing/8.
INFO:absl:Running publisher for Evaluator
INFO:absl:MetadataStore with DB connection initialized

الآن دعونا فحص القطع الأثرية إخراج Evaluator .

{'evaluation': Channel(
     type_name: ModelEvaluation
     artifacts: [Artifact(artifact: id: 15
 type_id: 29
 uri: "/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Evaluator/evaluation/8"
 custom_properties {
   key: "name"
   value {
     string_value: "evaluation"
 custom_properties {
   key: "producer_component"
   value {
     string_value: "Evaluator"
 custom_properties {
   key: "state"
   value {
     string_value: "published"
 custom_properties {
   key: "tfx_version"
   value {
     string_value: "1.4.0"
 state: LIVE
 , artifact_type: id: 29
 name: "ModelEvaluation"
     additional_properties: {}
     additional_custom_properties: {}
 'blessing': Channel(
     type_name: ModelBlessing
     artifacts: [Artifact(artifact: id: 16
 type_id: 30
 uri: "/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Evaluator/blessing/8"
 custom_properties {
   key: "blessed"
   value {
     int_value: 1
 custom_properties {
   key: "current_model"
   value {
     string_value: "/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Trainer/model/6"
 custom_properties {
   key: "current_model_id"
   value {
     int_value: 13
 custom_properties {
   key: "name"
   value {
     string_value: "blessing"
 custom_properties {
   key: "producer_component"
   value {
     string_value: "Evaluator"
 custom_properties {
   key: "state"
   value {
     string_value: "published"
 custom_properties {
   key: "tfx_version"
   value {
     string_value: "1.4.0"
 state: LIVE
 , artifact_type: id: 30
 name: "ModelBlessing"
     additional_properties: {}
     additional_custom_properties: {}

استخدام evaluation الناتج يمكننا أن تظهر التصور الافتراضي المقاييس العالمية على مجموعة تقييم كامل.


لرؤية التصور لمقاييس التقييم المقطعة ، يمكننا الاتصال مباشرة بمكتبة تحليل نموذج TensorFlow.

import tensorflow_model_analysis as tfma

# Get the TFMA output result path and load the result.
= evaluator.outputs['evaluation'].get()[0].uri
= tfma.load_eval_result(PATH_TO_RESULT)

# Show data sliced along feature column trip_start_hour.
, slicing_column='trip_start_hour')
SlicingMetricsViewer(config={'weightedExamplesColumn': 'example_count'}, data=[{'slice': 'trip_start_hour:19',…

يوضح هذا التصور نفس المقاييس، ولكن يحسب في كل قيمة سمة من سمات trip_start_hour بدلا من مجموعة تقييم كامل.

يدعم تحليل نموذج TensorFlow العديد من التصورات الأخرى ، مثل مؤشرات الإنصاف ورسم سلسلة زمنية لأداء النموذج. لمعرفة المزيد، راجع البرنامج التعليمي .

نظرًا لأننا أضفنا عتبات إلى التكوين الخاص بنا ، فإن مخرجات التحقق متاحة أيضًا. وprecence من blessing القطع الأثرية تشير إلى أن نموذجنا مرت التحقق من الصحة. نظرًا لأن هذا هو التحقق الأول الذي يتم إجراؤه ، تتم تلقائيًا مباركتك المرشح.

blessing_uri = evaluator.outputs['blessing'].get()[0].uri
!ls -l {blessing_uri}
total 0
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kbuilder kbuilder 0 Dec  5 11:03 BLESSED

الآن يمكن أيضًا التحقق من النجاح عن طريق تحميل سجل نتيجة التحقق:

PATH_TO_RESULT = evaluator.outputs['evaluation'].get()[0].uri
validation_ok: true
validation_details {
  slicing_details {
    slicing_spec {
    num_matching_slices: 25


و Pusher العنصر هو عادة في نهاية خط أنابيب TFX. فإنه يتحقق ما إذا كان النموذج قد مرت التحقق من صحة، وإذا كان الأمر كذلك، صادرات نموذج ل _serving_model_dir .

pusher = tfx.components.Pusher(
INFO:absl:Running driver for Pusher
INFO:absl:MetadataStore with DB connection initialized
I1205 11:03:54.694877  1805 rdbms_metadata_access_object.cc:686] No property is defined for the Type
INFO:absl:Running executor for Pusher
INFO:absl:Model version: 1638702234
INFO:absl:Model written to serving path /tmp/tmposmo4233/serving_model/taxi_simple/1638702234.
INFO:absl:Model pushed to /tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Pusher/pushed_model/9.
INFO:absl:Running publisher for Pusher
INFO:absl:MetadataStore with DB connection initialized

دعونا نتفحص القطع الأثرية الناتج من Pusher .

{'pushed_model': Channel(
     type_name: PushedModel
     artifacts: [Artifact(artifact: id: 17
 type_id: 32
 uri: "/tmp/tfx-interactive-2021-12-05T10_59_24.898354-se36qxc4/Pusher/pushed_model/9"
 custom_properties {
   key: "name"
   value {
     string_value: "pushed_model"
 custom_properties {
   key: "producer_component"
   value {
     string_value: "Pusher"
 custom_properties {
   key: "pushed"
   value {
     int_value: 1
 custom_properties {
   key: "pushed_destination"
   value {
     string_value: "/tmp/tmposmo4233/serving_model/taxi_simple/1638702234"
 custom_properties {
   key: "pushed_version"
   value {
     string_value: "1638702234"
 custom_properties {
   key: "state"
   value {
     string_value: "published"
 custom_properties {
   key: "tfx_version"
   value {
     string_value: "1.4.0"
 state: LIVE
 , artifact_type: id: 32
 name: "PushedModel"
     additional_properties: {}
     additional_custom_properties: {}

على وجه الخصوص ، سيقوم Pusher بتصدير نموذجك بتنسيق SavedModel ، والذي يبدو كالتالي:

push_uri = pusher.outputs['pushed_model'].get()[0].uri
= tf.saved_model.load(push_uri)

for item in model.signatures.items():
('regression', <ConcreteFunction pruned(inputs) at 0x7F19BF0F9510>)
('classification', <ConcreteFunction pruned(inputs) at 0x7F19BE0EC350>)
('serving_default', <ConcreteFunction pruned(inputs) at 0x7F19BC6BE210>)
('predict', <ConcreteFunction pruned(examples) at 0x7F19BC4F9090>)

لقد انتهينا من جولتنا لمكونات TFX المدمجة!