팽창된 3D CNN을 사용한 행동 인식

이 Colab은 tfhub.dev/deepmind/i3d-kinetics-400/1 모듈을 사용하여 비디오 데이터에서 동작을 인식하는 방법을 보여줍니다. 비디오에서 동작을 감지하는 더 많은 모델은 여기에서 찾을 수 있습니다.

기본 모델은 Joao Carreira와 Andrew Zisserman의 "Quo Vadis, Action Recognition? A New Model and the Kinetics Dataset" 논문에 설명되어 있습니다. 이 논문은 2017년 5월 arXiv에 게시되었으며 CVPR 2017 컨퍼런스 논문으로 발표되었습니다. 소스 코드는 github에서 공개적으로 사용할 수 있습니다.

"Quo Vadis"는 비디오 분류를 위한 새로운 아키텍처인 Inflated 3D Convnet 또는 I3D를 도입했습니다. 이 아키텍처는 이러한 모델을 미세 조정하여 UCF101 및 HMDB51 데이터세트에서 최고의 결과를 얻었습니다. Kinetics에 사전 훈련된 I3D 모델도 CVPR 2017 Charades 챌린지에서 1위를 차지했습니다.

원래 모듈은 kinetics-400 데이터세트에서 훈련되었으며 약 400가지의 행동을 인식합니다. 이러한 행동의 레이블은 레이블 맵 파일에서 찾을 수 있습니다.

이 Colab에서는 UCF101 데이터세트에서 비디오 활동을 인식하는 데 이 모듈을 사용합니다.


pip install -q imageio
pip install -q opencv-python
pip install -q git+https://github.com/tensorflow/docs

Import the necessary modules

# TensorFlow and TF-Hub modules.
from absl import logging

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_hub as hub
from tensorflow_docs.vis import embed


# Some modules to help with reading the UCF101 dataset.
import random
import re
import os
import tempfile
import ssl
import cv2
import numpy as np

# Some modules to display an animation using imageio.
import imageio
from IPython import display

from urllib import request  # requires python3

2022-12-14 21:42:20.022962: W tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:64] Could not load dynamic library 'libnvinfer.so.7'; dlerror: libnvinfer.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2022-12-14 21:42:20.023064: W tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:64] Could not load dynamic library 'libnvinfer_plugin.so.7'; dlerror: libnvinfer_plugin.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2022-12-14 21:42:20.023074: W tensorflow/compiler/tf2tensorrt/utils/py_utils.cc:38] TF-TRT Warning: Cannot dlopen some TensorRT libraries. If you would like to use Nvidia GPU with TensorRT, please make sure the missing libraries mentioned above are installed properly.

Helper functions for the UCF101 dataset

# Utilities to fetch videos from UCF101 dataset
UCF_ROOT = "https://www.crcv.ucf.edu/THUMOS14/UCF101/UCF101/"
_CACHE_DIR = tempfile.mkdtemp()
# As of July 2020, crcv.ucf.edu doesn't use a certificate accepted by the
# default Colab environment anymore.
unverified_context = ssl._create_unverified_context()

def list_ucf_videos():
  """Lists videos available in UCF101 dataset."""
  global _VIDEO_LIST
  if not _VIDEO_LIST:
    index = request.urlopen(UCF_ROOT, context=unverified_context).read().decode("utf-8")
    videos = re.findall("(v_[\w_]+\.avi)", index)
    _VIDEO_LIST = sorted(set(videos))
  return list(_VIDEO_LIST)

def fetch_ucf_video(video):
  """Fetchs a video and cache into local filesystem."""
  cache_path = os.path.join(_CACHE_DIR, video)
  if not os.path.exists(cache_path):
    urlpath = request.urljoin(UCF_ROOT, video)
    print("Fetching %s => %s" % (urlpath, cache_path))
    data = request.urlopen(urlpath, context=unverified_context).read()
    open(cache_path, "wb").write(data)
  return cache_path

# Utilities to open video files using CV2
def crop_center_square(frame):
  y, x = frame.shape[0:2]
  min_dim = min(y, x)
  start_x = (x // 2) - (min_dim // 2)
  start_y = (y // 2) - (min_dim // 2)
  return frame[start_y:start_y+min_dim,start_x:start_x+min_dim]

def load_video(path, max_frames=0, resize=(224, 224)):
  cap = cv2.VideoCapture(path)
  frames = []
    while True:
      ret, frame = cap.read()
      if not ret:
      frame = crop_center_square(frame)
      frame = cv2.resize(frame, resize)
      frame = frame[:, :, [2, 1, 0]]

      if len(frames) == max_frames:
  return np.array(frames) / 255.0

def to_gif(images):
  converted_images = np.clip(images * 255, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
  imageio.mimsave('./animation.gif', converted_images, fps=25)
  return embed.embed_file('./animation.gif')

Get the kinetics-400 labels

# Get the kinetics-400 action labels from the GitHub repository.
KINETICS_URL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/deepmind/kinetics-i3d/master/data/label_map.txt"
with request.urlopen(KINETICS_URL) as obj:
  labels = [line.decode("utf-8").strip() for line in obj.readlines()]
print("Found %d labels." % len(labels))

Found 400 labels.

UCF101 데이터세트 사용하기

# Get the list of videos in the dataset.
ucf_videos = list_ucf_videos()

categories = {}
for video in ucf_videos:
  category = video[2:-12]
  if category not in categories:
    categories[category] = []
print("Found %d videos in %d categories." % (len(ucf_videos), len(categories)))

for category, sequences in categories.items():
  summary = ", ".join(sequences[:2])
  print("%-20s %4d videos (%s, ...)" % (category, len(sequences), summary))
Found 13320 videos in 101 categories.
ApplyEyeMakeup        145 videos (v_ApplyEyeMakeup_g01_c01.avi, v_ApplyEyeMakeup_g01_c02.avi, ...)
ApplyLipstick         114 videos (v_ApplyLipstick_g01_c01.avi, v_ApplyLipstick_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Archery               145 videos (v_Archery_g01_c01.avi, v_Archery_g01_c02.avi, ...)
BabyCrawling          132 videos (v_BabyCrawling_g01_c01.avi, v_BabyCrawling_g01_c02.avi, ...)
BalanceBeam           108 videos (v_BalanceBeam_g01_c01.avi, v_BalanceBeam_g01_c02.avi, ...)
BandMarching          155 videos (v_BandMarching_g01_c01.avi, v_BandMarching_g01_c02.avi, ...)
BaseballPitch         150 videos (v_BaseballPitch_g01_c01.avi, v_BaseballPitch_g01_c02.avi, ...)
BasketballDunk        131 videos (v_BasketballDunk_g01_c01.avi, v_BasketballDunk_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Basketball            134 videos (v_Basketball_g01_c01.avi, v_Basketball_g01_c02.avi, ...)
BenchPress            160 videos (v_BenchPress_g01_c01.avi, v_BenchPress_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Biking                134 videos (v_Biking_g01_c01.avi, v_Biking_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Billiards             150 videos (v_Billiards_g01_c01.avi, v_Billiards_g01_c02.avi, ...)
BlowDryHair           131 videos (v_BlowDryHair_g01_c01.avi, v_BlowDryHair_g01_c02.avi, ...)
BlowingCandles        109 videos (v_BlowingCandles_g01_c01.avi, v_BlowingCandles_g01_c02.avi, ...)
BodyWeightSquats      112 videos (v_BodyWeightSquats_g01_c01.avi, v_BodyWeightSquats_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Bowling               155 videos (v_Bowling_g01_c01.avi, v_Bowling_g01_c02.avi, ...)
BoxingPunchingBag     163 videos (v_BoxingPunchingBag_g01_c01.avi, v_BoxingPunchingBag_g01_c02.avi, ...)
BoxingSpeedBag        134 videos (v_BoxingSpeedBag_g01_c01.avi, v_BoxingSpeedBag_g01_c02.avi, ...)
BreastStroke          101 videos (v_BreastStroke_g01_c01.avi, v_BreastStroke_g01_c02.avi, ...)
BrushingTeeth         131 videos (v_BrushingTeeth_g01_c01.avi, v_BrushingTeeth_g01_c02.avi, ...)
CleanAndJerk          112 videos (v_CleanAndJerk_g01_c01.avi, v_CleanAndJerk_g01_c02.avi, ...)
CliffDiving           138 videos (v_CliffDiving_g01_c01.avi, v_CliffDiving_g01_c02.avi, ...)
CricketBowling        139 videos (v_CricketBowling_g01_c01.avi, v_CricketBowling_g01_c02.avi, ...)
CricketShot           167 videos (v_CricketShot_g01_c01.avi, v_CricketShot_g01_c02.avi, ...)
CuttingInKitchen      110 videos (v_CuttingInKitchen_g01_c01.avi, v_CuttingInKitchen_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Diving                150 videos (v_Diving_g01_c01.avi, v_Diving_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Drumming              161 videos (v_Drumming_g01_c01.avi, v_Drumming_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Fencing               111 videos (v_Fencing_g01_c01.avi, v_Fencing_g01_c02.avi, ...)
FieldHockeyPenalty    126 videos (v_FieldHockeyPenalty_g01_c01.avi, v_FieldHockeyPenalty_g01_c02.avi, ...)
FloorGymnastics       125 videos (v_FloorGymnastics_g01_c01.avi, v_FloorGymnastics_g01_c02.avi, ...)
FrisbeeCatch          126 videos (v_FrisbeeCatch_g01_c01.avi, v_FrisbeeCatch_g01_c02.avi, ...)
FrontCrawl            137 videos (v_FrontCrawl_g01_c01.avi, v_FrontCrawl_g01_c02.avi, ...)
GolfSwing             139 videos (v_GolfSwing_g01_c01.avi, v_GolfSwing_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Haircut               130 videos (v_Haircut_g01_c01.avi, v_Haircut_g01_c02.avi, ...)
HammerThrow           150 videos (v_HammerThrow_g01_c01.avi, v_HammerThrow_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Hammering             140 videos (v_Hammering_g01_c01.avi, v_Hammering_g01_c02.avi, ...)
HandstandPushups      128 videos (v_HandstandPushups_g01_c01.avi, v_HandstandPushups_g01_c02.avi, ...)
HandstandWalking      111 videos (v_HandstandWalking_g01_c01.avi, v_HandstandWalking_g01_c02.avi, ...)
HeadMassage           147 videos (v_HeadMassage_g01_c01.avi, v_HeadMassage_g01_c02.avi, ...)
HighJump              123 videos (v_HighJump_g01_c01.avi, v_HighJump_g01_c02.avi, ...)
HorseRace             124 videos (v_HorseRace_g01_c01.avi, v_HorseRace_g01_c02.avi, ...)
HorseRiding           164 videos (v_HorseRiding_g01_c01.avi, v_HorseRiding_g01_c02.avi, ...)
HulaHoop              125 videos (v_HulaHoop_g01_c01.avi, v_HulaHoop_g01_c02.avi, ...)
IceDancing            158 videos (v_IceDancing_g01_c01.avi, v_IceDancing_g01_c02.avi, ...)
JavelinThrow          117 videos (v_JavelinThrow_g01_c01.avi, v_JavelinThrow_g01_c02.avi, ...)
JugglingBalls         121 videos (v_JugglingBalls_g01_c01.avi, v_JugglingBalls_g01_c02.avi, ...)
JumpRope              144 videos (v_JumpRope_g01_c01.avi, v_JumpRope_g01_c02.avi, ...)
JumpingJack           123 videos (v_JumpingJack_g01_c01.avi, v_JumpingJack_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Kayaking              141 videos (v_Kayaking_g01_c01.avi, v_Kayaking_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Knitting              123 videos (v_Knitting_g01_c01.avi, v_Knitting_g01_c02.avi, ...)
LongJump              131 videos (v_LongJump_g01_c01.avi, v_LongJump_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Lunges                127 videos (v_Lunges_g01_c01.avi, v_Lunges_g01_c02.avi, ...)
MilitaryParade        125 videos (v_MilitaryParade_g01_c01.avi, v_MilitaryParade_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Mixing                136 videos (v_Mixing_g01_c01.avi, v_Mixing_g01_c02.avi, ...)
MoppingFloor          110 videos (v_MoppingFloor_g01_c01.avi, v_MoppingFloor_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Nunchucks             132 videos (v_Nunchucks_g01_c01.avi, v_Nunchucks_g01_c02.avi, ...)
ParallelBars          114 videos (v_ParallelBars_g01_c01.avi, v_ParallelBars_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PizzaTossing          113 videos (v_PizzaTossing_g01_c01.avi, v_PizzaTossing_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PlayingCello          164 videos (v_PlayingCello_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingCello_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PlayingDaf            151 videos (v_PlayingDaf_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingDaf_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PlayingDhol           164 videos (v_PlayingDhol_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingDhol_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PlayingFlute          155 videos (v_PlayingFlute_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingFlute_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PlayingGuitar         160 videos (v_PlayingGuitar_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingGuitar_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PlayingPiano          105 videos (v_PlayingPiano_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingPiano_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PlayingSitar          157 videos (v_PlayingSitar_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingSitar_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PlayingTabla          111 videos (v_PlayingTabla_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingTabla_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PlayingViolin         100 videos (v_PlayingViolin_g01_c01.avi, v_PlayingViolin_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PoleVault             149 videos (v_PoleVault_g01_c01.avi, v_PoleVault_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PommelHorse           123 videos (v_PommelHorse_g01_c01.avi, v_PommelHorse_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PullUps               100 videos (v_PullUps_g01_c01.avi, v_PullUps_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Punch                 160 videos (v_Punch_g01_c01.avi, v_Punch_g01_c02.avi, ...)
PushUps               102 videos (v_PushUps_g01_c01.avi, v_PushUps_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Rafting               111 videos (v_Rafting_g01_c01.avi, v_Rafting_g01_c02.avi, ...)
RockClimbingIndoor    144 videos (v_RockClimbingIndoor_g01_c01.avi, v_RockClimbingIndoor_g01_c02.avi, ...)
RopeClimbing          119 videos (v_RopeClimbing_g01_c01.avi, v_RopeClimbing_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Rowing                137 videos (v_Rowing_g01_c01.avi, v_Rowing_g01_c02.avi, ...)
SalsaSpin             133 videos (v_SalsaSpin_g01_c01.avi, v_SalsaSpin_g01_c02.avi, ...)
ShavingBeard          161 videos (v_ShavingBeard_g01_c01.avi, v_ShavingBeard_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Shotput               144 videos (v_Shotput_g01_c01.avi, v_Shotput_g01_c02.avi, ...)
SkateBoarding         120 videos (v_SkateBoarding_g01_c01.avi, v_SkateBoarding_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Skiing                135 videos (v_Skiing_g01_c01.avi, v_Skiing_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Skijet                100 videos (v_Skijet_g01_c01.avi, v_Skijet_g01_c02.avi, ...)
SkyDiving             110 videos (v_SkyDiving_g01_c01.avi, v_SkyDiving_g01_c02.avi, ...)
SoccerJuggling        147 videos (v_SoccerJuggling_g01_c01.avi, v_SoccerJuggling_g01_c02.avi, ...)
SoccerPenalty         137 videos (v_SoccerPenalty_g01_c01.avi, v_SoccerPenalty_g01_c02.avi, ...)
StillRings            112 videos (v_StillRings_g01_c01.avi, v_StillRings_g01_c02.avi, ...)
SumoWrestling         116 videos (v_SumoWrestling_g01_c01.avi, v_SumoWrestling_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Surfing               126 videos (v_Surfing_g01_c01.avi, v_Surfing_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Swing                 131 videos (v_Swing_g01_c01.avi, v_Swing_g01_c02.avi, ...)
TableTennisShot       140 videos (v_TableTennisShot_g01_c01.avi, v_TableTennisShot_g01_c02.avi, ...)
TaiChi                100 videos (v_TaiChi_g01_c01.avi, v_TaiChi_g01_c02.avi, ...)
TennisSwing           166 videos (v_TennisSwing_g01_c01.avi, v_TennisSwing_g01_c02.avi, ...)
ThrowDiscus           130 videos (v_ThrowDiscus_g01_c01.avi, v_ThrowDiscus_g01_c02.avi, ...)
TrampolineJumping     119 videos (v_TrampolineJumping_g01_c01.avi, v_TrampolineJumping_g01_c02.avi, ...)
Typing                136 videos (v_Typing_g01_c01.avi, v_Typing_g01_c02.avi, ...)
UnevenBars            104 videos (v_UnevenBars_g01_c01.avi, v_UnevenBars_g01_c02.avi, ...)
VolleyballSpiking     116 videos (v_VolleyballSpiking_g01_c01.avi, v_VolleyballSpiking_g01_c02.avi, ...)
WalkingWithDog        123 videos (v_WalkingWithDog_g01_c01.avi, v_WalkingWithDog_g01_c02.avi, ...)
WallPushups           130 videos (v_WallPushups_g01_c01.avi, v_WallPushups_g01_c02.avi, ...)
WritingOnBoard        152 videos (v_WritingOnBoard_g01_c01.avi, v_WritingOnBoard_g01_c02.avi, ...)
YoYo                  128 videos (v_YoYo_g01_c01.avi, v_YoYo_g01_c02.avi, ...)
# Get a sample cricket video.
video_path = fetch_ucf_video("v_CricketShot_g04_c02.avi")
sample_video = load_video(video_path)
Fetching https://www.crcv.ucf.edu/THUMOS14/UCF101/UCF101/v_CricketShot_g04_c02.avi => /tmpfs/tmp/tmpc624wg54/v_CricketShot_g04_c02.avi
(116, 224, 224, 3)
i3d = hub.load("https://tfhub.dev/deepmind/i3d-kinetics-400/1").signatures['default']

id3 모델을 실행하고 상위 5개의 행동 예측값을 출력합니다.

def predict(sample_video):
  # Add a batch axis to the sample video.
  model_input = tf.constant(sample_video, dtype=tf.float32)[tf.newaxis, ...]

  logits = i3d(model_input)['default'][0]
  probabilities = tf.nn.softmax(logits)

  print("Top 5 actions:")
  for i in np.argsort(probabilities)[::-1][:5]:
    print(f"  {labels[i]:22}: {probabilities[i] * 100:5.2f}%")
Top 5 actions:
  playing cricket       : 97.77%
  skateboarding         :  0.71%
  robot dancing         :  0.56%
  roller skating        :  0.56%
  golf putting          :  0.13%

이제 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Videos_of_sports에서 새 비디오를 시도해 봅니다.

Patrick Gillett의 이 비디오는 어떻습니까?

curl -O https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/86/End_of_a_jam.ogv
% Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 55.0M  100 55.0M    0     0  25.9M      0  0:00:02  0:00:02 --:--:-- 25.9M
video_path = "End_of_a_jam.ogv"
sample_video = load_video(video_path)[:100]
(100, 224, 224, 3)


Top 5 actions:
  roller skating        : 96.85%
  playing volleyball    :  1.63%
  skateboarding         :  0.21%
  playing ice hockey    :  0.20%
  playing basketball    :  0.16%