Keras losses in TF-Ranking.
class ApproxMRRLoss
: Computes approximate MRR loss between y_true
and y_pred
class ApproxNDCGLoss
: Computes approximate NDCG loss between y_true
and y_pred
class ClickEMLoss
: Computes click EM loss between y_true
and y_pred
class CoupledRankDistilLoss
: Computes the Rank Distil loss between y_true
and y_pred
class DCGLambdaWeight
: Keras serializable class for DCG.
class GumbelApproxNDCGLoss
: Computes the Gumbel approximate NDCG loss between y_true
and y_pred
class LabelDiffLambdaWeight
: Keras serializable class for LabelDiffLambdaWeight.
class ListMLELambdaWeight
: LambdaWeight for ListMLE cost function.
class ListMLELoss
: Computes ListMLE loss between y_true
and y_pred
class MeanSquaredLoss
: Computes mean squared loss between y_true
and y_pred
class MixtureEMLoss
: Computes mixture EM loss between y_true
and y_pred
class NDCGLambdaWeight
: Keras serializable class for NDCG.
class NDCGLambdaWeightV2
: Keras serializable class for NDCG LambdaWeight V2 for topn.
class OrdinalLoss
: Computes the Ordinal loss between y_true
and y_pred
class PairwiseHingeLoss
: Computes pairwise hinge loss between y_true
and y_pred
class PairwiseLogisticLoss
: Computes pairwise logistic loss between y_true
and y_pred
class PairwiseMSELoss
: Computes pairwise mean squared error loss between y_true
and y_pred
class PairwiseSoftZeroOneLoss
: Computes pairwise soft zero-one loss between y_true
and y_pred
class PrecisionLambdaWeight
: Keras serializable class for Precision.
class RankingLossKey
: Ranking loss key strings.
class SigmoidCrossEntropyLoss
: Computes the Sigmoid cross-entropy loss between y_true
and y_pred
class SoftmaxLoss
: Computes Softmax cross-entropy loss between y_true
and y_pred
class UniqueSoftmaxLoss
: Computes unique softmax cross-entropy loss between y_true
and y_pred
class YetiDCGLambdaWeight
: Keras serializable class for YetiDCGLambdaWeight.
class YetiLogisticLoss
: Computes Yeti logistic loss between y_true
and y_pred
: Factory method to get a ranking loss class.