
{ }

Builder config for a view transforming another dataset.

Inherits From: BuilderConfig

name the name of this config.
input_dataset the dataset on which this view is being applied. If None, the input dataset needs to be specified in the ViewBuilder.
ex_transformations transformations that need to be applied to individual examples / rows. The transformations are normal Python functions. See the documentation for more information. Note that you cannot specify both example and dataset transformations.
ds_transformations transformations that are applied on the whole Note that you cannot specify both example and dataset transformations.
**kwargs additional arguments passed to the BuilderConfig such as version, release_notes, supported_versions, and description.

name Dataclass field
version Dataclass field
release_notes Dataclass field
supported_versions Dataclass field
description Dataclass field
tags Dataclass field



View source

Instantiates a BuilderConfig from the given proto.

info_proto DatasetInfo proto which documents the requested dataset config, including its name, version, and features.

A BuilderConfig for the requested config.


View source

description None
release_notes None
version None