Piecewise linear calibration layer.
Keras implementation of tensorflow lattice pwl calibration layer. Layer takes single or multi-dimensional input and transforms it using piecewise linear functions following monotonicity, convexity/concavity and bounds constraints if specified.
class HessianRegularizer
: Hessian regularizer for PWL calibration layer.
class LaplacianRegularizer
: Laplacian regularizer for PWL calibration layer.
class NaiveBoundsConstraints
: Naively clips all elements of tensor to be within bounds.
class PWLCalibrationConstraints
: Monotonicity and bounds constraints for PWL calibration layer.
class UniformOutputInitializer
: Initializes PWL calibration layer to represent linear function.
class WrinkleRegularizer
: Wrinkle regularizer for PWL calibration layer.