
Applies slerp to vectors or quaternions.

vector1 A tensor of shape [A1, ... , An, M], which stores a normalized vector in its last dimension.
vector2 A tensor of shape [A1, ... , An, M], which stores a normalized vector in its last dimension.
percent A float or a tensor with shape broadcastable to the shape of input vectors.
method An enumerated constant from the class InterpolationType, which is either InterpolationType.QUATERNION (default) if the input vectors are 4-D quaternions, or InterpolationType.VECTOR if they are regular M-D vectors.
eps A small float for operation safety. If left None, its value is automatically selected using dtype of input vectors.
name A name for this op. Defaults to "vector_weights" or "quaternion_weights" depending on the method.

A tensor of shape [A1, ... , An, M]` which stores the result of the interpolation.

ValueError if method is not amongst enumerated constants defined in InterpolationType.