Module: tfg.geometry.transformation.axis_angle

This module implements axis-angle functionalities.

The axis-angle representation is defined as θa, where a is a unit vector indicating the direction of rotation and θ is a scalar controlling the angle of rotation. It is important to note that the axis-angle does not perform rotation by itself, but that it can be used to rotate any given vector vR3 into a vector v using the Rodrigues' rotation formula:


More details about the axis-angle formalism can be found on this page.


from_euler(...): Converts Euler angles to an axis-angle representation.

from_euler_with_small_angles_approximation(...): Converts small Euler angles to an axis-angle representation.

from_quaternion(...): Converts a quaternion to an axis-angle representation.

from_rotation_matrix(...): Converts a rotation matrix to an axis-angle representation.

inverse(...): Computes the axis-angle that is the inverse of the input axis-angle.

is_normalized(...): Determines if the axis-angle is normalized or not.

rotate(...): Rotates a 3d point using an axis-angle by applying the Rodrigues' formula.