Module: tfg.math.optimizer.levenberg_marquardt

This module implements a Levenberg-Marquardt optimizer.

Minimizes minxiri(x)22 where ri(x) are the residuals. This function implements Levenberg-Marquardt, an iterative process that linearizes the residuals and iteratively finds a displacement Δx such that at iteration t an update xt+1=xt+Δx improving the loss can be computed. The displacement is computed by solving an optimization problem minΔxiJi(xt)Δx+ri(xt)22+λΔx22 where Ji(xt) is the Jacobian of ri computed at xt, and λ is a scalar weight.

More details on Levenberg-Marquardt can be found on this page.


minimize(...): Minimizes a set of residuals in the least-squares sense.