Computes a weighted point sampling of a triangular mesh.
This op computes a uniform sampling of points on the surface of the mesh. Points are sampled from the surface of each triangle using a uniform distribution, proportional to a specified face density (e.g. face area).
Uses the approach mentioned in the TOG 2002 paper "Shape distributions" ( to generate random barycentric coordinates.
This op can be used for several tasks, including better mesh reconstruction. For example, see these recent papers demonstrating reconstruction losses using this op:
- "GEOMetrics: Exploiting Geometric Structure for Graph-Encoded Objects" ( ICML 2019.
- "Mesh R-CNN" ( ICCV 2019.
Op is differentiable w.r.t mesh vertex positions.
: Performs a face area weighted random sampling of a tri mesh.
: Generate uniformly sampled random barycentric coordinates.
: Generate a sample of face ids given per face probability.
: Computes triangle areas.
: Performs a face probability weighted random sampling of a tri mesh.