Computes the dot product between two tensors along an axis.
vector1: TensorLike,
vector2: TensorLike,
axis: int = -1,
keepdims: bool = True,
name: str = 'vector_dot'
) -> TensorLike
Note |
In the following, A1 to An are optional batch dimensions, which should be
broadcast compatible.
Args |
Tensor of rank R and shape [A1, ..., Ai, ..., An] , where the
dimension i = axis represents a vector.
Tensor of rank R and shape [A1, ..., Ai, ..., An] , where the
dimension i = axis represents a vector.
The dimension along which to compute the dot product.
If True, retains reduced dimensions with length 1.
A name for this op which defaults to "vector_dot".
Returns |
A tensor of shape [A1, ..., Ai = 1, ..., An] , where the dimension i = axis
represents the result of the dot product.