
  • Descrição :

Os conjuntos de dados humanos mistos do Robomimic foram coletados por vários operadores de habilidades mistas usando a plataforma RoboTurk . Cada conjunto de dados consiste em 200 demonstrações.

Cada tarefa tem duas versões: uma com observações de baixa dimensão ( low_dim ) e outra com imagens ( image ).

Os conjuntos de dados seguem o formato RLDS para representar etapas e episódios.

Dividir Exemplos
'train' 300
={What Matters in Learning from Offline Human Demonstrations for Robot Manipulation},
={Ajay Mandlekar and Danfei Xu and Josiah Wong and Soroush Nasiriany
and Chen Wang and Rohun Kulkarni and Li Fei-Fei and Silvio Savarese
and Yuke Zhu and Roberto Mart\'{i}n-Mart\'{i}n},
  booktitle={Conference on Robot Learning},

robomimic_mh/lift_mh_image (configuração padrão)

  • Tamanho do download : 2.50 GiB

  • Tamanho do conjunto de dados : 363.18 MiB

  • Armazenado em cache automaticamente ( documentação ): Não

  • Estrutura de recursos :

'20_percent': bool,
'20_percent_train': bool,
'20_percent_valid': bool,
'50_percent': bool,
'50_percent_train': bool,
'50_percent_valid': bool,
'better': bool,
'better_operator_1': bool,
'better_operator_1_train': bool,
'better_operator_1_valid': bool,
'better_operator_2': bool,
'better_operator_2_train': bool,
'better_operator_2_valid': bool,
'better_train': bool,
'better_valid': bool,
'episode_id': string,
'horizon': int32,
'okay': bool,
'okay_better': bool,
'okay_better_train': bool,
'okay_better_valid': bool,
'okay_operator_1': bool,
'okay_operator_1_train': bool,
'okay_operator_1_valid': bool,
'okay_operator_2': bool,
'okay_operator_2_train': bool,
'okay_operator_2_valid': bool,
'okay_train': bool,
'okay_valid': bool,
'steps': Dataset({
'action': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'discount': int32,
'is_first': bool,
'is_last': bool,
'is_terminal': bool,
'observation': FeaturesDict({
'agentview_image': Image(shape=(84, 84, 3), dtype=uint8),
'object': Tensor(shape=(10,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_pos': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_quat': Tensor(shape=(4,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_ang': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_lin': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eye_in_hand_image': Image(shape=(84, 84, 3), dtype=uint8),
'robot0_gripper_qpos': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_gripper_qvel': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_cos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_sin': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_vel': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'reward': float64,
'states': Tensor(shape=(32,), dtype=float64),
'train': bool,
'valid': bool,
'worse': bool,
'worse_better': bool,
'worse_better_train': bool,
'worse_better_valid': bool,
'worse_okay': bool,
'worse_okay_train': bool,
'worse_okay_valid': bool,
'worse_operator_1': bool,
'worse_operator_1_train': bool,
'worse_operator_1_valid': bool,
'worse_operator_2': bool,
'worse_operator_2_train': bool,
'worse_operator_2_valid': bool,
'worse_train': bool,
'worse_valid': bool,
  • Documentação do recurso :
Recurso Aula Forma Tipo D Descrição
20 porcento tensor bool
20_percent_train tensor bool
20_percent_valid tensor bool
50 por cento tensor bool
50_percent_train tensor bool
50_percent_valid tensor bool
melhorar tensor bool
better_operator_1 tensor bool
better_operator_1_train tensor bool
better_operator_1_valid tensor bool
better_operator_2 tensor bool
better_operator_2_train tensor bool
better_operator_2_valid tensor bool
better_train tensor bool
melhor_válido tensor bool
episódio_id tensor corda
horizonte tensor int32
OK tensor bool
ok_better tensor bool
ok_better_train tensor bool
ok_better_valid tensor bool
ok_operator_1 tensor bool
ok_operator_1_train tensor bool
ok_operator_1_valid tensor bool
ok_operator_2 tensor bool
ok_operator_2_train tensor bool
ok_operator_2_valid tensor bool
ok_train tensor bool
ok_valid tensor bool
passos conjunto de dados
passos/ação tensor (7,) float64
passos/desconto tensor int32
passos/é_primeiro tensor bool
passos/é_último tensor bool
passos/is_terminal tensor bool
passos/observação RecursosDict
passos/observação/agentview_image Imagem (84, 84, 3) uint8
passos/observação/objeto tensor (10,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_eef_pos tensor (3,) float64 Posição do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_quat tensor (4,) float64 Orientação do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_vel_ang tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade angular do efetor final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_vel_lin tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade cartesiana do efetor final
passos/observação/robot0_eye_in_hand_image Imagem (84, 84, 3) uint8
passos/observação/robot0_gripper_qpos tensor (2,) float64 Posição da garra
passos/observação/robot0_gripper_qvel tensor (2,) float64 Velocidade da pinça
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos tensor (7,) float64 7DOF posições conjuntas
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos_cos tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos_sin tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_joint_vel tensor (7,) float64 7DOF velocidades conjuntas
passos/recompensa tensor float64
passos/estados tensor (32,) float64
trem tensor bool
válido tensor bool
pior tensor bool
pior_melhor tensor bool
pior_melhor_trem tensor bool
pior_melhor_válido tensor bool
pior_ok tensor bool
pior_ok_trem tensor bool
pior_ok_válido tensor bool
pior_operador_1 tensor bool
pior_operador_1_trem tensor bool
pior_operador_1_válido tensor bool
pior_operador_2 tensor bool
pior_operador_2_trem tensor bool
pior_operador_2_válido tensor bool
trem_pior tensor bool
pior_válido tensor bool


  • Tamanho do download : 45.73 MiB

  • Tamanho do conjunto de dados : 27.26 MiB

  • Cache automático ( documentação ): Sim

  • Estrutura de recursos :

'20_percent': bool,
'20_percent_train': bool,
'20_percent_valid': bool,
'50_percent': bool,
'50_percent_train': bool,
'50_percent_valid': bool,
'better': bool,
'better_operator_1': bool,
'better_operator_1_train': bool,
'better_operator_1_valid': bool,
'better_operator_2': bool,
'better_operator_2_train': bool,
'better_operator_2_valid': bool,
'better_train': bool,
'better_valid': bool,
'episode_id': string,
'horizon': int32,
'okay': bool,
'okay_better': bool,
'okay_better_train': bool,
'okay_better_valid': bool,
'okay_operator_1': bool,
'okay_operator_1_train': bool,
'okay_operator_1_valid': bool,
'okay_operator_2': bool,
'okay_operator_2_train': bool,
'okay_operator_2_valid': bool,
'okay_train': bool,
'okay_valid': bool,
'steps': Dataset({
'action': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'discount': int32,
'is_first': bool,
'is_last': bool,
'is_terminal': bool,
'observation': FeaturesDict({
'object': Tensor(shape=(10,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_pos': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_quat': Tensor(shape=(4,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_ang': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_lin': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_gripper_qpos': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_gripper_qvel': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_cos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_sin': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_vel': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'reward': float64,
'states': Tensor(shape=(32,), dtype=float64),
'train': bool,
'valid': bool,
'worse': bool,
'worse_better': bool,
'worse_better_train': bool,
'worse_better_valid': bool,
'worse_okay': bool,
'worse_okay_train': bool,
'worse_okay_valid': bool,
'worse_operator_1': bool,
'worse_operator_1_train': bool,
'worse_operator_1_valid': bool,
'worse_operator_2': bool,
'worse_operator_2_train': bool,
'worse_operator_2_valid': bool,
'worse_train': bool,
'worse_valid': bool,
  • Documentação do recurso :
Recurso Aula Forma Tipo D Descrição
20 porcento tensor bool
20_percent_train tensor bool
20_percent_valid tensor bool
50 por cento tensor bool
50_percent_train tensor bool
50_percent_valid tensor bool
melhorar tensor bool
better_operator_1 tensor bool
better_operator_1_train tensor bool
better_operator_1_valid tensor bool
better_operator_2 tensor bool
better_operator_2_train tensor bool
better_operator_2_valid tensor bool
better_train tensor bool
melhor_válido tensor bool
episódio_id tensor corda
horizonte tensor int32
OK tensor bool
ok_better tensor bool
ok_better_train tensor bool
ok_better_valid tensor bool
ok_operator_1 tensor bool
ok_operator_1_train tensor bool
ok_operator_1_valid tensor bool
ok_operator_2 tensor bool
ok_operator_2_train tensor bool
ok_operator_2_valid tensor bool
ok_train tensor bool
ok_valid tensor bool
passos conjunto de dados
passos/ação tensor (7,) float64
passos/desconto tensor int32
passos/é_primeiro tensor bool
passos/é_último tensor bool
passos/is_terminal tensor bool
passos/observação RecursosDict
passos/observação/objeto tensor (10,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_eef_pos tensor (3,) float64 Posição do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_quat tensor (4,) float64 Orientação do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_vel_ang tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade angular do efetor final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_vel_lin tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade cartesiana do efetor final
passos/observação/robot0_gripper_qpos tensor (2,) float64 Posição da garra
passos/observação/robot0_gripper_qvel tensor (2,) float64 Velocidade da pinça
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos tensor (7,) float64 7DOF posições conjuntas
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos_cos tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos_sin tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_joint_vel tensor (7,) float64 7DOF velocidades conjuntas
passos/recompensa tensor float64
passos/estados tensor (32,) float64
trem tensor bool
válido tensor bool
pior tensor bool
pior_melhor tensor bool
pior_melhor_trem tensor bool
pior_melhor_válido tensor bool
pior_ok tensor bool
pior_ok_trem tensor bool
pior_ok_válido tensor bool
pior_operador_1 tensor bool
pior_operador_1_trem tensor bool
pior_operador_1_válido tensor bool
pior_operador_2 tensor bool
pior_operador_2_trem tensor bool
pior_operador_2_válido tensor bool
trem_pior tensor bool
pior_válido tensor bool


  • Tamanho do download : 5.05 GiB

  • Tamanho do conjunto de dados : 1.23 GiB

  • Armazenado em cache automaticamente ( documentação ): Não

  • Estrutura de recursos :

'20_percent': bool,
'20_percent_train': bool,
'20_percent_valid': bool,
'50_percent': bool,
'50_percent_train': bool,
'50_percent_valid': bool,
'better': bool,
'better_operator_1': bool,
'better_operator_1_train': bool,
'better_operator_1_valid': bool,
'better_operator_2': bool,
'better_operator_2_train': bool,
'better_operator_2_valid': bool,
'better_train': bool,
'better_valid': bool,
'episode_id': string,
'horizon': int32,
'okay': bool,
'okay_better': bool,
'okay_better_train': bool,
'okay_better_valid': bool,
'okay_operator_1': bool,
'okay_operator_1_train': bool,
'okay_operator_1_valid': bool,
'okay_operator_2': bool,
'okay_operator_2_train': bool,
'okay_operator_2_valid': bool,
'okay_train': bool,
'okay_valid': bool,
'steps': Dataset({
'action': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'discount': int32,
'is_first': bool,
'is_last': bool,
'is_terminal': bool,
'observation': FeaturesDict({
'agentview_image': Image(shape=(84, 84, 3), dtype=uint8),
'object': Tensor(shape=(14,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_pos': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_quat': Tensor(shape=(4,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_ang': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_lin': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eye_in_hand_image': Image(shape=(84, 84, 3), dtype=uint8),
'robot0_gripper_qpos': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_gripper_qvel': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_cos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_sin': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_vel': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'reward': float64,
'states': Tensor(shape=(71,), dtype=float64),
'train': bool,
'valid': bool,
'worse': bool,
'worse_better': bool,
'worse_better_train': bool,
'worse_better_valid': bool,
'worse_okay': bool,
'worse_okay_train': bool,
'worse_okay_valid': bool,
'worse_operator_1': bool,
'worse_operator_1_train': bool,
'worse_operator_1_valid': bool,
'worse_operator_2': bool,
'worse_operator_2_train': bool,
'worse_operator_2_valid': bool,
'worse_train': bool,
'worse_valid': bool,
  • Documentação do recurso :
Recurso Aula Forma Tipo D Descrição
20 porcento tensor bool
20_percent_train tensor bool
20_percent_valid tensor bool
50 por cento tensor bool
50_percent_train tensor bool
50_percent_valid tensor bool
melhorar tensor bool
better_operator_1 tensor bool
better_operator_1_train tensor bool
better_operator_1_valid tensor bool
better_operator_2 tensor bool
better_operator_2_train tensor bool
better_operator_2_valid tensor bool
better_train tensor bool
melhor_válido tensor bool
episódio_id tensor corda
horizonte tensor int32
OK tensor bool
ok_better tensor bool
ok_better_train tensor bool
ok_better_valid tensor bool
ok_operator_1 tensor bool
ok_operator_1_train tensor bool
ok_operator_1_valid tensor bool
ok_operator_2 tensor bool
ok_operator_2_train tensor bool
ok_operator_2_valid tensor bool
ok_train tensor bool
ok_valid tensor bool
passos conjunto de dados
passos/ação tensor (7,) float64
passos/desconto tensor int32
passos/é_primeiro tensor bool
passos/é_último tensor bool
passos/is_terminal tensor bool
passos/observação RecursosDict
passos/observação/agentview_image Imagem (84, 84, 3) uint8
passos/observação/objeto tensor (14,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_eef_pos tensor (3,) float64 Posição do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_quat tensor (4,) float64 Orientação do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_vel_ang tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade angular do efetor final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_vel_lin tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade cartesiana do efetor final
passos/observação/robot0_eye_in_hand_image Imagem (84, 84, 3) uint8
passos/observação/robot0_gripper_qpos tensor (2,) float64 Posição da garra
passos/observação/robot0_gripper_qvel tensor (2,) float64 Velocidade da garra
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos tensor (7,) float64 7DOF posições conjuntas
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos_cos tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos_sin tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_joint_vel tensor (7,) float64 7DOF velocidades conjuntas
passos/recompensa tensor float64
passos/estados tensor (71,) float64
trem tensor bool
válido tensor bool
pior tensor bool
pior_melhor tensor bool
pior_melhor_trem tensor bool
pior_melhor_válido tensor bool
pior_ok tensor bool
pior_ok_trem tensor bool
pior_ok_válido tensor bool
pior_operador_1 tensor bool
pior_operador_1_trem tensor bool
pior_operador_1_válido tensor bool
pior_operador_2 tensor bool
pior_operador_2_trem tensor bool
pior_operador_2_válido tensor bool
trem_pior tensor bool
pior_válido tensor bool


  • Tamanho do download : 107.28 MiB

  • Tamanho do conjunto de dados : 75.19 MiB

  • Cache automático ( documentação ): Sim

  • Estrutura de recursos :

'20_percent': bool,
'20_percent_train': bool,
'20_percent_valid': bool,
'50_percent': bool,
'50_percent_train': bool,
'50_percent_valid': bool,
'better': bool,
'better_operator_1': bool,
'better_operator_1_train': bool,
'better_operator_1_valid': bool,
'better_operator_2': bool,
'better_operator_2_train': bool,
'better_operator_2_valid': bool,
'better_train': bool,
'better_valid': bool,
'episode_id': string,
'horizon': int32,
'okay': bool,
'okay_better': bool,
'okay_better_train': bool,
'okay_better_valid': bool,
'okay_operator_1': bool,
'okay_operator_1_train': bool,
'okay_operator_1_valid': bool,
'okay_operator_2': bool,
'okay_operator_2_train': bool,
'okay_operator_2_valid': bool,
'okay_train': bool,
'okay_valid': bool,
'steps': Dataset({
'action': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'discount': int32,
'is_first': bool,
'is_last': bool,
'is_terminal': bool,
'observation': FeaturesDict({
'object': Tensor(shape=(14,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_pos': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_quat': Tensor(shape=(4,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_ang': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_lin': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_gripper_qpos': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_gripper_qvel': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_cos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_sin': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_vel': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'reward': float64,
'states': Tensor(shape=(71,), dtype=float64),
'train': bool,
'valid': bool,
'worse': bool,
'worse_better': bool,
'worse_better_train': bool,
'worse_better_valid': bool,
'worse_okay': bool,
'worse_okay_train': bool,
'worse_okay_valid': bool,
'worse_operator_1': bool,
'worse_operator_1_train': bool,
'worse_operator_1_valid': bool,
'worse_operator_2': bool,
'worse_operator_2_train': bool,
'worse_operator_2_valid': bool,
'worse_train': bool,
'worse_valid': bool,
  • Documentação do recurso :
Recurso Aula Forma Tipo D Descrição
20 porcento tensor bool
20_percent_train tensor bool
20_percent_valid tensor bool
50 por cento tensor bool
50_percent_train tensor bool
50_percent_valid tensor bool
melhorar tensor bool
better_operator_1 tensor bool
better_operator_1_train tensor bool
better_operator_1_valid tensor bool
better_operator_2 tensor bool
better_operator_2_train tensor bool
better_operator_2_valid tensor bool
better_train tensor bool
melhor_válido tensor bool
episódio_id tensor corda
horizonte tensor int32
OK tensor bool
ok_better tensor bool
ok_better_train tensor bool
ok_better_valid tensor bool
ok_operator_1 tensor bool
ok_operator_1_train tensor bool
ok_operator_1_valid tensor bool
ok_operator_2 tensor bool
ok_operator_2_train tensor bool
ok_operator_2_valid tensor bool
ok_train tensor bool
ok_valid tensor bool
passos conjunto de dados
passos/ação tensor (7,) float64
passos/desconto tensor int32
passos/é_primeiro tensor bool
passos/é_último tensor bool
passos/is_terminal tensor bool
passos/observação RecursosDict
passos/observação/objeto tensor (14,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_eef_pos tensor (3,) float64 Posição do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_quat tensor (4,) float64 Orientação do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_vel_ang tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade angular do efetor final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_vel_lin tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade cartesiana do efetor final
passos/observação/robot0_gripper_qpos tensor (2,) float64 Posição da garra
passos/observação/robot0_gripper_qvel tensor (2,) float64 Velocidade da garra
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos tensor (7,) float64 7DOF posições conjuntas
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos_cos tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos_sin tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_joint_vel tensor (7,) float64 7DOF velocidades conjuntas
passos/recompensa tensor float64
passos/estados tensor (71,) float64
trem tensor bool
válido tensor bool
pior tensor bool
pior_melhor tensor bool
pior_melhor_trem tensor bool
pior_melhor_válido tensor bool
pior_ok tensor bool
pior_ok_trem tensor bool
pior_ok_válido tensor bool
pior_operador_1 tensor bool
pior_operador_1_trem tensor bool
pior_operador_1_válido tensor bool
pior_operador_2 tensor bool
pior_operador_2_trem tensor bool
pior_operador_2_válido tensor bool
trem_pior tensor bool
pior_válido tensor bool


  • Tamanho do download : 6.48 GiB

  • Tamanho do conjunto de dados : 1.07 GiB

  • Armazenado em cache automaticamente ( documentação ): Não

  • Estrutura de recursos :

'20_percent': bool,
'20_percent_train': bool,
'20_percent_valid': bool,
'50_percent': bool,
'50_percent_train': bool,
'50_percent_valid': bool,
'better': bool,
'better_operator_1': bool,
'better_operator_1_train': bool,
'better_operator_1_valid': bool,
'better_operator_2': bool,
'better_operator_2_train': bool,
'better_operator_2_valid': bool,
'better_train': bool,
'better_valid': bool,
'episode_id': string,
'horizon': int32,
'okay': bool,
'okay_better': bool,
'okay_better_train': bool,
'okay_better_valid': bool,
'okay_operator_1': bool,
'okay_operator_1_train': bool,
'okay_operator_1_valid': bool,
'okay_operator_2': bool,
'okay_operator_2_train': bool,
'okay_operator_2_valid': bool,
'okay_train': bool,
'okay_valid': bool,
'steps': Dataset({
'action': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'discount': int32,
'is_first': bool,
'is_last': bool,
'is_terminal': bool,
'observation': FeaturesDict({
'agentview_image': Image(shape=(84, 84, 3), dtype=uint8),
'object': Tensor(shape=(14,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_pos': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_quat': Tensor(shape=(4,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_ang': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_lin': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eye_in_hand_image': Image(shape=(84, 84, 3), dtype=uint8),
'robot0_gripper_qpos': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_gripper_qvel': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_cos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_sin': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_vel': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'reward': float64,
'states': Tensor(shape=(45,), dtype=float64),
'train': bool,
'valid': bool,
'worse': bool,
'worse_better': bool,
'worse_better_train': bool,
'worse_better_valid': bool,
'worse_okay': bool,
'worse_okay_train': bool,
'worse_okay_valid': bool,
'worse_operator_1': bool,
'worse_operator_1_train': bool,
'worse_operator_1_valid': bool,
'worse_operator_2': bool,
'worse_operator_2_train': bool,
'worse_operator_2_valid': bool,
'worse_train': bool,
'worse_valid': bool,
  • Documentação do recurso :
Recurso Aula Forma Tipo D Descrição
20 porcento tensor bool
20_percent_train tensor bool
20_percent_valid tensor bool
50 por cento tensor bool
50_percent_train tensor bool
50_percent_valid tensor bool
melhorar tensor bool
better_operator_1 tensor bool
better_operator_1_train tensor bool
better_operator_1_valid tensor bool
better_operator_2 tensor bool
better_operator_2_train tensor bool
better_operator_2_valid tensor bool
better_train tensor bool
melhor_válido tensor bool
episódio_id tensor corda
horizonte tensor int32
OK tensor bool
ok_better tensor bool
ok_better_train tensor bool
ok_better_valid tensor bool
ok_operator_1 tensor bool
ok_operator_1_train tensor bool
ok_operator_1_valid tensor bool
ok_operator_2 tensor bool
ok_operator_2_train tensor bool
ok_operator_2_valid tensor bool
ok_train tensor bool
ok_valid tensor bool
passos conjunto de dados
passos/ação tensor (7,) float64
passos/desconto tensor int32
passos/é_primeiro tensor bool
passos/é_último tensor bool
passos/is_terminal tensor bool
passos/observação RecursosDict
passos/observação/agentview_image Imagem (84, 84, 3) uint8
passos/observação/objeto tensor (14,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_eef_pos tensor (3,) float64 Posição do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_quat tensor (4,) float64 Orientação do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_vel_ang tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade angular do efetor final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_vel_lin tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade cartesiana do efetor final
passos/observação/robot0_eye_in_hand_image Imagem (84, 84, 3) uint8
passos/observação/robot0_gripper_qpos tensor (2,) float64 Posição da garra
passos/observação/robot0_gripper_qvel tensor (2,) float64 Velocidade da garra
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos tensor (7,) float64 7DOF posições conjuntas
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos_cos tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos_sin tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_joint_vel tensor (7,) float64 7DOF velocidades conjuntas
passos/recompensa tensor float64
passos/estados tensor (45,) float64
trem tensor bool
válido tensor bool
pior tensor bool
pior_melhor tensor bool
pior_melhor_trem tensor bool
pior_melhor_válido tensor bool
pior_ok tensor bool
pior_ok_trem tensor bool
pior_ok_válido tensor bool
pior_operador_1 tensor bool
pior_operador_1_trem tensor bool
pior_operador_1_válido tensor bool
pior_operador_2 tensor bool
pior_operador_2_trem tensor bool
pior_operador_2_válido tensor bool
trem_pior tensor bool
pior_válido tensor bool


  • Tamanho do download : 118.13 MiB

  • Tamanho do conjunto de dados : 80.37 MiB

  • Cache automático ( documentação ): Sim

  • Estrutura de recursos :

'20_percent': bool,
'20_percent_train': bool,
'20_percent_valid': bool,
'50_percent': bool,
'50_percent_train': bool,
'50_percent_valid': bool,
'better': bool,
'better_operator_1': bool,
'better_operator_1_train': bool,
'better_operator_1_valid': bool,
'better_operator_2': bool,
'better_operator_2_train': bool,
'better_operator_2_valid': bool,
'better_train': bool,
'better_valid': bool,
'episode_id': string,
'horizon': int32,
'okay': bool,
'okay_better': bool,
'okay_better_train': bool,
'okay_better_valid': bool,
'okay_operator_1': bool,
'okay_operator_1_train': bool,
'okay_operator_1_valid': bool,
'okay_operator_2': bool,
'okay_operator_2_train': bool,
'okay_operator_2_valid': bool,
'okay_train': bool,
'okay_valid': bool,
'steps': Dataset({
'action': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'discount': int32,
'is_first': bool,
'is_last': bool,
'is_terminal': bool,
'observation': FeaturesDict({
'object': Tensor(shape=(14,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_pos': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_quat': Tensor(shape=(4,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_ang': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_lin': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_gripper_qpos': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_gripper_qvel': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_cos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_sin': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_vel': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'reward': float64,
'states': Tensor(shape=(45,), dtype=float64),
'train': bool,
'valid': bool,
'worse': bool,
'worse_better': bool,
'worse_better_train': bool,
'worse_better_valid': bool,
'worse_okay': bool,
'worse_okay_train': bool,
'worse_okay_valid': bool,
'worse_operator_1': bool,
'worse_operator_1_train': bool,
'worse_operator_1_valid': bool,
'worse_operator_2': bool,
'worse_operator_2_train': bool,
'worse_operator_2_valid': bool,
'worse_train': bool,
'worse_valid': bool,
  • Documentação do recurso :
Recurso Aula Forma Tipo D Descrição
20 porcento tensor bool
20_percent_train tensor bool
20_percent_valid tensor bool
50 por cento tensor bool
50_percent_train tensor bool
50_percent_valid tensor bool
melhorar tensor bool
better_operator_1 tensor bool
better_operator_1_train tensor bool
better_operator_1_valid tensor bool
better_operator_2 tensor bool
better_operator_2_train tensor bool
better_operator_2_valid tensor bool
better_train tensor bool
melhor_válido tensor bool
episódio_id tensor corda
horizonte tensor int32
OK tensor bool
ok_better tensor bool
ok_better_train tensor bool
ok_better_valid tensor bool
ok_operator_1 tensor bool
ok_operator_1_train tensor bool
ok_operator_1_valid tensor bool
ok_operator_2 tensor bool
ok_operator_2_train tensor bool
ok_operator_2_valid tensor bool
ok_train tensor bool
ok_valid tensor bool
passos conjunto de dados
passos/ação tensor (7,) float64
passos/desconto tensor int32
passos/é_primeiro tensor bool
passos/é_último tensor bool
passos/is_terminal tensor bool
passos/observação RecursosDict
passos/observação/objeto tensor (14,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_eef_pos tensor (3,) float64 Posição do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_quat tensor (4,) float64 Orientação do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_vel_ang tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade angular do efetor final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_vel_lin tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade cartesiana do efetor final
passos/observação/robot0_gripper_qpos tensor (2,) float64 Posição da garra
passos/observação/robot0_gripper_qvel tensor (2,) float64 Velocidade da garra
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos tensor (7,) float64 7DOF posições conjuntas
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos_cos tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos_sin tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_joint_vel tensor (7,) float64 7DOF velocidades conjuntas
passos/recompensa tensor float64
passos/estados tensor (45,) float64
trem tensor bool
válido tensor bool
pior tensor bool
pior_melhor tensor bool
pior_melhor_trem tensor bool
pior_melhor_válido tensor bool
pior_ok tensor bool
pior_ok_trem tensor bool
pior_ok_válido tensor bool
pior_operador_1 tensor bool
pior_operador_1_trem tensor bool
pior_operador_1_válido tensor bool
pior_operador_2 tensor bool
pior_operador_2_trem tensor bool
pior_operador_2_válido tensor bool
trem_pior tensor bool
pior_válido tensor bool


  • Tamanho do download : 31.47 GiB

  • Tamanho do conjunto de dados : 7.69 GiB

  • Armazenado em cache automaticamente ( documentação ): Não

  • Estrutura de recursos :

'20_percent': bool,
'20_percent_train': bool,
'20_percent_valid': bool,
'50_percent': bool,
'50_percent_train': bool,
'50_percent_valid': bool,
'better': bool,
'better_train': bool,
'better_valid': bool,
'episode_id': string,
'horizon': int32,
'okay': bool,
'okay_better': bool,
'okay_better_train': bool,
'okay_better_valid': bool,
'okay_train': bool,
'okay_valid': bool,
'steps': Dataset({
'action': Tensor(shape=(14,), dtype=float64),
'discount': int32,
'is_first': bool,
'is_last': bool,
'is_terminal': bool,
'observation': FeaturesDict({
'object': Tensor(shape=(41,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_pos': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_quat': Tensor(shape=(4,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_ang': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_lin': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eye_in_hand_image': Image(shape=(84, 84, 3), dtype=uint8),
'robot0_gripper_qpos': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_gripper_qvel': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_cos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_sin': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_vel': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_eef_pos': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_eef_quat': Tensor(shape=(4,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_eef_vel_ang': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_eef_vel_lin': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_eye_in_hand_image': Image(shape=(84, 84, 3), dtype=uint8),
'robot1_gripper_qpos': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_gripper_qvel': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_joint_pos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_joint_pos_cos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_joint_pos_sin': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_joint_vel': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'shouldercamera0_image': Image(shape=(84, 84, 3), dtype=uint8),
'shouldercamera1_image': Image(shape=(84, 84, 3), dtype=uint8),
'reward': float64,
'states': Tensor(shape=(115,), dtype=float64),
'train': bool,
'valid': bool,
'worse': bool,
'worse_better': bool,
'worse_better_train': bool,
'worse_better_valid': bool,
'worse_okay': bool,
'worse_okay_train': bool,
'worse_okay_valid': bool,
'worse_train': bool,
'worse_valid': bool,
  • Documentação do recurso :
Recurso Aula Forma Tipo D Descrição
20 porcento tensor bool
20_percent_train tensor bool
20_percent_valid tensor bool
50 por cento tensor bool
50_percent_train tensor bool
50_percent_valid tensor bool
melhorar tensor bool
better_train tensor bool
melhor_válido tensor bool
episódio_id tensor corda
horizonte tensor int32
OK tensor bool
ok_better tensor bool
ok_better_train tensor bool
ok_better_valid tensor bool
ok_train tensor bool
ok_valid tensor bool
passos conjunto de dados
passos/ação tensor (14,) float64
passos/desconto tensor int32
passos/é_primeiro tensor bool
passos/é_último tensor bool
passos/is_terminal tensor bool
passos/observação RecursosDict
passos/observação/objeto tensor (41,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_eef_pos tensor (3,) float64 Posição do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_quat tensor (4,) float64 Orientação do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_vel_ang tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade angular do efetor final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_vel_lin tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade cartesiana do efetor final
passos/observação/robot0_eye_in_hand_image Imagem (84, 84, 3) uint8
passos/observação/robot0_gripper_qpos tensor (2,) float64 Posição da garra
passos/observação/robot0_gripper_qvel tensor (2,) float64 Velocidade da pinça
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos tensor (7,) float64 7DOF posições conjuntas
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos_cos tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos_sin tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_joint_vel tensor (7,) float64 7DOF velocidades conjuntas
passos/observação/robot1_eef_pos tensor (3,) float64 Posição do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot1_eef_quat tensor (4,) float64 Orientação do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot1_eef_vel_ang tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade angular do efetor final
passos/observação/robot1_eef_vel_lin tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade cartesiana do efetor final
passos/observação/robot1_eye_in_hand_image Imagem (84, 84, 3) uint8
passos/observação/robot1_gripper_qpos tensor (2,) float64 Posição da garra
passos/observação/robot1_gripper_qvel tensor (2,) float64 Velocidade da garra
passos/observação/robot1_joint_pos tensor (7,) float64 7DOF posições conjuntas
passos/observação/robot1_joint_pos_cos tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot1_joint_pos_sin tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot1_joint_vel tensor (7,) float64 7DOF velocidades conjuntas
passos/observação/shouldercamera0_image Imagem (84, 84, 3) uint8
passos/observação/shouldercamera1_image Imagem (84, 84, 3) uint8
passos/recompensa tensor float64
passos/estados tensor (115,) float64
trem tensor bool
válido tensor bool
pior tensor bool
pior_melhor tensor bool
pior_melhor_trem tensor bool
pior_melhor_válido tensor bool
pior_ok tensor bool
pior_ok_trem tensor bool
pior_ok_válido tensor bool
trem_pior tensor bool
pior_válido tensor bool


  • Tamanho do download : 607.47 MiB

  • Tamanho do conjunto de dados : 434.43 MiB

  • Armazenado em cache automaticamente ( documentação ): Não

  • Estrutura de recursos :

'20_percent': bool,
'20_percent_train': bool,
'20_percent_valid': bool,
'50_percent': bool,
'50_percent_train': bool,
'50_percent_valid': bool,
'better': bool,
'better_train': bool,
'better_valid': bool,
'episode_id': string,
'horizon': int32,
'okay': bool,
'okay_better': bool,
'okay_better_train': bool,
'okay_better_valid': bool,
'okay_train': bool,
'okay_valid': bool,
'steps': Dataset({
'action': Tensor(shape=(14,), dtype=float64),
'discount': int32,
'is_first': bool,
'is_last': bool,
'is_terminal': bool,
'observation': FeaturesDict({
'object': Tensor(shape=(41,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_pos': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_quat': Tensor(shape=(4,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_ang': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_lin': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_gripper_qpos': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_gripper_qvel': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_cos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_sin': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_vel': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_eef_pos': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_eef_quat': Tensor(shape=(4,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_eef_vel_ang': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_eef_vel_lin': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_gripper_qpos': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_gripper_qvel': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_joint_pos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_joint_pos_cos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_joint_pos_sin': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_joint_vel': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'reward': float64,
'states': Tensor(shape=(115,), dtype=float64),
'train': bool,
'valid': bool,
'worse': bool,
'worse_better': bool,
'worse_better_train': bool,
'worse_better_valid': bool,
'worse_okay': bool,
'worse_okay_train': bool,
'worse_okay_valid': bool,
'worse_train': bool,
'worse_valid': bool,
  • Documentação do recurso :
Recurso Aula Forma Tipo D Descrição
20 porcento tensor bool
20_percent_train tensor bool
20_percent_valid tensor bool
50 por cento tensor bool
50_percent_train tensor bool
50_percent_valid tensor bool
melhorar tensor bool
better_train tensor bool
melhor_válido tensor bool
episódio_id tensor corda
horizonte tensor int32
OK tensor bool
ok_better tensor bool
ok_better_train tensor bool
ok_better_valid tensor bool
ok_train tensor bool
ok_valid tensor bool
passos conjunto de dados
passos/ação tensor (14,) float64
passos/desconto tensor int32
passos/é_primeiro tensor bool
passos/é_último tensor bool
passos/is_terminal tensor bool
passos/observação RecursosDict
passos/observação/objeto tensor (41,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_eef_pos tensor (3,) float64 Posição do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_quat tensor (4,) float64 Orientação do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_vel_ang tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade angular do efetor final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_vel_lin tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade cartesiana do efetor final
passos/observação/robot0_gripper_qpos tensor (2,) float64 Posição da garra
passos/observação/robot0_gripper_qvel tensor (2,) float64 Velocidade da garra
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos tensor (7,) float64 7DOF posições conjuntas
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos_cos tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos_sin tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_joint_vel tensor (7,) float64 7DOF velocidades conjuntas
passos/observação/robot1_eef_pos tensor (3,) float64 Posição do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot1_eef_quat tensor (4,) float64 Orientação do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot1_eef_vel_ang tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade angular do efetor final
passos/observação/robot1_eef_vel_lin tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade cartesiana do efetor final
passos/observação/robot1_gripper_qpos tensor (2,) float64 Posição da garra
passos/observação/robot1_gripper_qvel tensor (2,) float64 Velocidade da garra
passos/observação/robot1_joint_pos tensor (7,) float64 7DOF posições conjuntas
passos/observação/robot1_joint_pos_cos tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot1_joint_pos_sin tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot1_joint_vel tensor (7,) float64 7DOF velocidades conjuntas
passos/recompensa tensor float64
passos/estados tensor (115,) float64
trem tensor bool
válido tensor bool
pior tensor bool
pior_melhor tensor bool
pior_melhor_trem tensor bool
pior_melhor_válido tensor bool
pior_ok tensor bool
pior_ok_trem tensor bool
pior_ok_válido tensor bool
trem_pior tensor bool
pior_válido tensor bool

  • Descrição :

Os conjuntos de dados humanos mistos do Robomimic foram coletados por vários operadores de habilidades mistas usando a plataforma RoboTurk . Cada conjunto de dados consiste em 200 demonstrações.

Cada tarefa tem duas versões: uma com observações de baixa dimensão ( low_dim ) e outra com imagens ( image ).

Os conjuntos de dados seguem o formato RLDS para representar etapas e episódios.

Dividir Exemplos
'train' 300
={What Matters in Learning from Offline Human Demonstrations for Robot Manipulation},
={Ajay Mandlekar and Danfei Xu and Josiah Wong and Soroush Nasiriany
and Chen Wang and Rohun Kulkarni and Li Fei-Fei and Silvio Savarese
and Yuke Zhu and Roberto Mart\'{i}n-Mart\'{i}n},
  booktitle={Conference on Robot Learning},

robomimic_mh/lift_mh_image (configuração padrão)

  • Tamanho do download : 2.50 GiB

  • Tamanho do conjunto de dados : 363.18 MiB

  • Armazenado em cache automaticamente ( documentação ): Não

  • Estrutura de recursos :

'20_percent': bool,
'20_percent_train': bool,
'20_percent_valid': bool,
'50_percent': bool,
'50_percent_train': bool,
'50_percent_valid': bool,
'better': bool,
'better_operator_1': bool,
'better_operator_1_train': bool,
'better_operator_1_valid': bool,
'better_operator_2': bool,
'better_operator_2_train': bool,
'better_operator_2_valid': bool,
'better_train': bool,
'better_valid': bool,
'episode_id': string,
'horizon': int32,
'okay': bool,
'okay_better': bool,
'okay_better_train': bool,
'okay_better_valid': bool,
'okay_operator_1': bool,
'okay_operator_1_train': bool,
'okay_operator_1_valid': bool,
'okay_operator_2': bool,
'okay_operator_2_train': bool,
'okay_operator_2_valid': bool,
'okay_train': bool,
'okay_valid': bool,
'steps': Dataset({
'action': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'discount': int32,
'is_first': bool,
'is_last': bool,
'is_terminal': bool,
'observation': FeaturesDict({
'agentview_image': Image(shape=(84, 84, 3), dtype=uint8),
'object': Tensor(shape=(10,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_pos': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_quat': Tensor(shape=(4,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_ang': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_lin': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eye_in_hand_image': Image(shape=(84, 84, 3), dtype=uint8),
'robot0_gripper_qpos': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_gripper_qvel': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_cos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_sin': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_vel': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'reward': float64,
'states': Tensor(shape=(32,), dtype=float64),
'train': bool,
'valid': bool,
'worse': bool,
'worse_better': bool,
'worse_better_train': bool,
'worse_better_valid': bool,
'worse_okay': bool,
'worse_okay_train': bool,
'worse_okay_valid': bool,
'worse_operator_1': bool,
'worse_operator_1_train': bool,
'worse_operator_1_valid': bool,
'worse_operator_2': bool,
'worse_operator_2_train': bool,
'worse_operator_2_valid': bool,
'worse_train': bool,
'worse_valid': bool,
  • Documentação do recurso :
Recurso Aula Forma Tipo D Descrição
20 porcento tensor bool
20_percent_train tensor bool
20_percent_valid tensor bool
50 por cento tensor bool
50_percent_train tensor bool
50_percent_valid tensor bool
melhorar tensor bool
better_operator_1 tensor bool
better_operator_1_train tensor bool
better_operator_1_valid tensor bool
better_operator_2 tensor bool
better_operator_2_train tensor bool
better_operator_2_valid tensor bool
better_train tensor bool
melhor_válido tensor bool
episódio_id tensor corda
horizonte tensor int32
OK tensor bool
ok_better tensor bool
ok_better_train tensor bool
ok_better_valid tensor bool
ok_operator_1 tensor bool
ok_operator_1_train tensor bool
ok_operator_1_valid tensor bool
ok_operator_2 tensor bool
ok_operator_2_train tensor bool
ok_operator_2_valid tensor bool
ok_train tensor bool
ok_valid tensor bool
passos conjunto de dados
passos/ação tensor (7,) float64
passos/desconto tensor int32
passos/é_primeiro tensor bool
passos/é_último tensor bool
passos/is_terminal tensor bool
passos/observação RecursosDict
passos/observação/agentview_image Imagem (84, 84, 3) uint8
passos/observação/objeto tensor (10,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_eef_pos tensor (3,) float64 Posição do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_quat tensor (4,) float64 Orientação do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_vel_ang tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade angular do efetor final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_vel_lin tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade cartesiana do efetor final
passos/observação/robot0_eye_in_hand_image Imagem (84, 84, 3) uint8
passos/observação/robot0_gripper_qpos tensor (2,) float64 Posição da garra
passos/observação/robot0_gripper_qvel tensor (2,) float64 Velocidade da pinça
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos tensor (7,) float64 7DOF posições conjuntas
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos_cos tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos_sin tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_joint_vel tensor (7,) float64 7DOF velocidades conjuntas
passos/recompensa tensor float64
passos/estados tensor (32,) float64
trem tensor bool
válido tensor bool
pior tensor bool
pior_melhor tensor bool
pior_melhor_trem tensor bool
pior_melhor_válido tensor bool
pior_ok tensor bool
pior_ok_trem tensor bool
pior_ok_válido tensor bool
pior_operador_1 tensor bool
pior_operador_1_trem tensor bool
pior_operador_1_válido tensor bool
pior_operador_2 tensor bool
pior_operador_2_trem tensor bool
pior_operador_2_válido tensor bool
trem_pior tensor bool
pior_válido tensor bool


  • Tamanho do download : 45.73 MiB

  • Tamanho do conjunto de dados : 27.26 MiB

  • Cache automático ( documentação ): Sim

  • Estrutura de recursos :

'20_percent': bool,
'20_percent_train': bool,
'20_percent_valid': bool,
'50_percent': bool,
'50_percent_train': bool,
'50_percent_valid': bool,
'better': bool,
'better_operator_1': bool,
'better_operator_1_train': bool,
'better_operator_1_valid': bool,
'better_operator_2': bool,
'better_operator_2_train': bool,
'better_operator_2_valid': bool,
'better_train': bool,
'better_valid': bool,
'episode_id': string,
'horizon': int32,
'okay': bool,
'okay_better': bool,
'okay_better_train': bool,
'okay_better_valid': bool,
'okay_operator_1': bool,
'okay_operator_1_train': bool,
'okay_operator_1_valid': bool,
'okay_operator_2': bool,
'okay_operator_2_train': bool,
'okay_operator_2_valid': bool,
'okay_train': bool,
'okay_valid': bool,
'steps': Dataset({
'action': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'discount': int32,
'is_first': bool,
'is_last': bool,
'is_terminal': bool,
'observation': FeaturesDict({
'object': Tensor(shape=(10,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_pos': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_quat': Tensor(shape=(4,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_ang': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_lin': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_gripper_qpos': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_gripper_qvel': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_cos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_sin': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_vel': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'reward': float64,
'states': Tensor(shape=(32,), dtype=float64),
'train': bool,
'valid': bool,
'worse': bool,
'worse_better': bool,
'worse_better_train': bool,
'worse_better_valid': bool,
'worse_okay': bool,
'worse_okay_train': bool,
'worse_okay_valid': bool,
'worse_operator_1': bool,
'worse_operator_1_train': bool,
'worse_operator_1_valid': bool,
'worse_operator_2': bool,
'worse_operator_2_train': bool,
'worse_operator_2_valid': bool,
'worse_train': bool,
'worse_valid': bool,
  • Documentação do recurso :
Recurso Aula Forma Tipo D Descrição
20 porcento tensor bool
20_percent_train tensor bool
20_percent_valid tensor bool
50 por cento tensor bool
50_percent_train tensor bool
50_percent_valid tensor bool
melhorar tensor bool
better_operator_1 tensor bool
better_operator_1_train tensor bool
better_operator_1_valid tensor bool
better_operator_2 tensor bool
better_operator_2_train tensor bool
better_operator_2_valid tensor bool
better_train tensor bool
melhor_válido tensor bool
episódio_id tensor corda
horizonte tensor int32
OK tensor bool
ok_better tensor bool
ok_better_train tensor bool
ok_better_valid tensor bool
ok_operator_1 tensor bool
ok_operator_1_train tensor bool
ok_operator_1_valid tensor bool
ok_operator_2 tensor bool
ok_operator_2_train tensor bool
ok_operator_2_valid tensor bool
ok_train tensor bool
ok_valid tensor bool
passos conjunto de dados
passos/ação tensor (7,) float64
passos/desconto tensor int32
passos/é_primeiro tensor bool
passos/é_último tensor bool
passos/is_terminal tensor bool
passos/observação RecursosDict
passos/observação/objeto tensor (10,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_eef_pos tensor (3,) float64 Posição do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_quat tensor (4,) float64 Orientação do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_vel_ang tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade angular do efetor final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_vel_lin tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade cartesiana do efetor final
passos/observação/robot0_gripper_qpos tensor (2,) float64 Posição da garra
passos/observação/robot0_gripper_qvel tensor (2,) float64 Velocidade da garra
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos tensor (7,) float64 7DOF posições conjuntas
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos_cos tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos_sin tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_joint_vel tensor (7,) float64 7DOF velocidades conjuntas
passos/recompensa tensor float64
passos/estados tensor (32,) float64
trem tensor bool
válido tensor bool
pior tensor bool
pior_melhor tensor bool
pior_melhor_trem tensor bool
pior_melhor_válido tensor bool
pior_ok tensor bool
pior_ok_trem tensor bool
pior_ok_válido tensor bool
pior_operador_1 tensor bool
pior_operador_1_trem tensor bool
pior_operador_1_válido tensor bool
pior_operador_2 tensor bool
pior_operador_2_trem tensor bool
pior_operador_2_válido tensor bool
trem_pior tensor bool
pior_válido tensor bool


  • Tamanho do download : 5.05 GiB

  • Tamanho do conjunto de dados : 1.23 GiB

  • Armazenado em cache automaticamente ( documentação ): Não

  • Estrutura de recursos :

'20_percent': bool,
'20_percent_train': bool,
'20_percent_valid': bool,
'50_percent': bool,
'50_percent_train': bool,
'50_percent_valid': bool,
'better': bool,
'better_operator_1': bool,
'better_operator_1_train': bool,
'better_operator_1_valid': bool,
'better_operator_2': bool,
'better_operator_2_train': bool,
'better_operator_2_valid': bool,
'better_train': bool,
'better_valid': bool,
'episode_id': string,
'horizon': int32,
'okay': bool,
'okay_better': bool,
'okay_better_train': bool,
'okay_better_valid': bool,
'okay_operator_1': bool,
'okay_operator_1_train': bool,
'okay_operator_1_valid': bool,
'okay_operator_2': bool,
'okay_operator_2_train': bool,
'okay_operator_2_valid': bool,
'okay_train': bool,
'okay_valid': bool,
'steps': Dataset({
'action': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'discount': int32,
'is_first': bool,
'is_last': bool,
'is_terminal': bool,
'observation': FeaturesDict({
'agentview_image': Image(shape=(84, 84, 3), dtype=uint8),
'object': Tensor(shape=(14,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_pos': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_quat': Tensor(shape=(4,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_ang': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_lin': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eye_in_hand_image': Image(shape=(84, 84, 3), dtype=uint8),
'robot0_gripper_qpos': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_gripper_qvel': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_cos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_sin': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_vel': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'reward': float64,
'states': Tensor(shape=(71,), dtype=float64),
'train': bool,
'valid': bool,
'worse': bool,
'worse_better': bool,
'worse_better_train': bool,
'worse_better_valid': bool,
'worse_okay': bool,
'worse_okay_train': bool,
'worse_okay_valid': bool,
'worse_operator_1': bool,
'worse_operator_1_train': bool,
'worse_operator_1_valid': bool,
'worse_operator_2': bool,
'worse_operator_2_train': bool,
'worse_operator_2_valid': bool,
'worse_train': bool,
'worse_valid': bool,
  • Documentação do recurso :
Recurso Aula Forma Tipo D Descrição
20 porcento tensor bool
20_percent_train tensor bool
20_percent_valid tensor bool
50 por cento tensor bool
50_percent_train tensor bool
50_percent_valid tensor bool
melhorar tensor bool
better_operator_1 tensor bool
better_operator_1_train tensor bool
better_operator_1_valid tensor bool
better_operator_2 tensor bool
better_operator_2_train tensor bool
better_operator_2_valid tensor bool
better_train tensor bool
melhor_válido tensor bool
episódio_id tensor corda
horizonte tensor int32
OK tensor bool
ok_better tensor bool
ok_better_train tensor bool
ok_better_valid tensor bool
ok_operator_1 tensor bool
ok_operator_1_train tensor bool
ok_operator_1_valid tensor bool
ok_operator_2 tensor bool
ok_operator_2_train tensor bool
ok_operator_2_valid tensor bool
ok_train tensor bool
ok_valid tensor bool
passos conjunto de dados
passos/ação tensor (7,) float64
passos/desconto tensor int32
passos/é_primeiro tensor bool
passos/é_último tensor bool
passos/is_terminal tensor bool
passos/observação RecursosDict
passos/observação/agentview_image Imagem (84, 84, 3) uint8
passos/observação/objeto tensor (14,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_eef_pos tensor (3,) float64 Posição do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_quat tensor (4,) float64 Orientação do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_vel_ang tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade angular do efetor final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_vel_lin tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade cartesiana do efetor final
passos/observação/robot0_eye_in_hand_image Imagem (84, 84, 3) uint8
passos/observação/robot0_gripper_qpos tensor (2,) float64 Posição da garra
passos/observação/robot0_gripper_qvel tensor (2,) float64 Velocidade da pinça
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos tensor (7,) float64 7DOF posições conjuntas
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos_cos tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos_sin tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_joint_vel tensor (7,) float64 7DOF velocidades conjuntas
passos/recompensa tensor float64
passos/estados tensor (71,) float64
trem tensor bool
válido tensor bool
pior tensor bool
pior_melhor tensor bool
pior_melhor_trem tensor bool
pior_melhor_válido tensor bool
pior_ok tensor bool
pior_ok_trem tensor bool
pior_ok_válido tensor bool
pior_operador_1 tensor bool
pior_operador_1_trem tensor bool
pior_operador_1_válido tensor bool
pior_operador_2 tensor bool
pior_operador_2_trem tensor bool
pior_operador_2_válido tensor bool
trem_pior tensor bool
pior_válido tensor bool


  • Tamanho do download : 107.28 MiB

  • Tamanho do conjunto de dados : 75.19 MiB

  • Cache automático ( documentação ): Sim

  • Estrutura de recursos :

'20_percent': bool,
'20_percent_train': bool,
'20_percent_valid': bool,
'50_percent': bool,
'50_percent_train': bool,
'50_percent_valid': bool,
'better': bool,
'better_operator_1': bool,
'better_operator_1_train': bool,
'better_operator_1_valid': bool,
'better_operator_2': bool,
'better_operator_2_train': bool,
'better_operator_2_valid': bool,
'better_train': bool,
'better_valid': bool,
'episode_id': string,
'horizon': int32,
'okay': bool,
'okay_better': bool,
'okay_better_train': bool,
'okay_better_valid': bool,
'okay_operator_1': bool,
'okay_operator_1_train': bool,
'okay_operator_1_valid': bool,
'okay_operator_2': bool,
'okay_operator_2_train': bool,
'okay_operator_2_valid': bool,
'okay_train': bool,
'okay_valid': bool,
'steps': Dataset({
'action': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'discount': int32,
'is_first': bool,
'is_last': bool,
'is_terminal': bool,
'observation': FeaturesDict({
'object': Tensor(shape=(14,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_pos': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_quat': Tensor(shape=(4,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_ang': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_lin': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_gripper_qpos': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_gripper_qvel': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_cos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_sin': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_vel': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'reward': float64,
'states': Tensor(shape=(71,), dtype=float64),
'train': bool,
'valid': bool,
'worse': bool,
'worse_better': bool,
'worse_better_train': bool,
'worse_better_valid': bool,
'worse_okay': bool,
'worse_okay_train': bool,
'worse_okay_valid': bool,
'worse_operator_1': bool,
'worse_operator_1_train': bool,
'worse_operator_1_valid': bool,
'worse_operator_2': bool,
'worse_operator_2_train': bool,
'worse_operator_2_valid': bool,
'worse_train': bool,
'worse_valid': bool,
  • Documentação do recurso :
Recurso Aula Forma Tipo D Descrição
20 porcento tensor bool
20_percent_train tensor bool
20_percent_valid tensor bool
50 por cento tensor bool
50_percent_train tensor bool
50_percent_valid tensor bool
melhorar tensor bool
better_operator_1 tensor bool
better_operator_1_train tensor bool
better_operator_1_valid tensor bool
better_operator_2 tensor bool
better_operator_2_train tensor bool
better_operator_2_valid tensor bool
better_train tensor bool
melhor_válido tensor bool
episódio_id tensor corda
horizonte tensor int32
OK tensor bool
ok_better tensor bool
ok_better_train tensor bool
ok_better_valid tensor bool
ok_operator_1 tensor bool
ok_operator_1_train tensor bool
ok_operator_1_valid tensor bool
ok_operator_2 tensor bool
ok_operator_2_train tensor bool
ok_operator_2_valid tensor bool
ok_train tensor bool
ok_valid tensor bool
passos conjunto de dados
passos/ação tensor (7,) float64
passos/desconto tensor int32
passos/é_primeiro tensor bool
passos/é_último tensor bool
passos/is_terminal tensor bool
passos/observação RecursosDict
passos/observação/objeto tensor (14,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_eef_pos tensor (3,) float64 Posição do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_quat tensor (4,) float64 Orientação do efetuador final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_vel_ang tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade angular do efetor final
passos/observação/robot0_eef_vel_lin tensor (3,) float64 Velocidade cartesiana do efetor final
passos/observação/robot0_gripper_qpos tensor (2,) float64 Posição da garra
passos/observação/robot0_gripper_qvel tensor (2,) float64 Velocidade da garra
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos tensor (7,) float64 7DOF posições conjuntas
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos_cos tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_joint_pos_sin tensor (7,) float64
passos/observação/robot0_joint_vel tensor (7,) float64 7DOF velocidades conjuntas
passos/recompensa tensor float64
passos/estados tensor (71,) float64
trem tensor bool
válido tensor bool
pior tensor bool
pior_melhor tensor bool
pior_melhor_trem tensor bool
pior_melhor_válido tensor bool
pior_ok tensor bool
pior_ok_trem tensor bool
pior_ok_válido tensor bool
pior_operador_1 tensor bool
pior_operador_1_trem tensor bool
pior_operador_1_válido tensor bool
pior_operador_2 tensor bool
pior_operador_2_trem tensor bool
pior_operador_2_válido tensor bool
trem_pior tensor bool
pior_válido tensor bool


  • Tamanho do download : 6.48 GiB

  • Tamanho do conjunto de dados : 1.07 GiB

  • Armazenado em cache automaticamente ( documentação ): Não

  • Estrutura de recursos :

'20_percent': bool,
'20_percent_train': bool,
'20_percent_valid': bool,
'50_percent': bool,
'50_percent_train': bool,
'50_percent_valid': bool,
'better': bool,
'better_operator_1': bool,
'better_operator_1_train': bool,
'better_operator_1_valid': bool,
'better_operator_2': bool,
'better_operator_2_train': bool,
'better_operator_2_valid': bool,
'better_train': bool,
'better_valid': bool,
'episode_id': string,
'horizon': int32,
'okay': bool,
'okay_better': bool,
'okay_better_train': bool,
'okay_better_valid': bool,
'okay_operator_1': bool,
'okay_operator_1_train': bool,
'okay_operator_1_valid': bool,
'okay_operator_2': bool,
'okay_operator_2_train': bool,
'okay_operator_2_valid': bool,
'okay_train': bool,
'okay_valid': bool,
'steps': Dataset({
'action': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'discount': int32,
'is_first': bool,
'is_last': bool,
'is_terminal': bool,
'observation': FeaturesDict({
'agentview_image': Image(shape=(84, 84, 3), dtype=uint8),
'object': Tensor(shape=(14,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_pos': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_quat': Tensor(shape=(4,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_ang': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_lin': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eye_in_hand_image': Image(shape=(84, 84, 3), dtype=uint8),
'robot0_gripper_qpos': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_gripper_qvel': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_cos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_sin': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_vel': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'reward': float64,
'states': Tensor(shape=(45,), dtype=float64),
'train': bool,
'valid': bool,
'worse': bool,
'worse_better': bool,
'worse_better_train': bool,
'worse_better_valid': bool,
'worse_okay': bool,
'worse_okay_train': bool,
'worse_okay_valid': bool,
'worse_operator_1': bool,
'worse_operator_1_train': bool,
'worse_operator_1_valid': bool,
'worse_operator_2': bool,
'worse_operator_2_train': bool,
'worse_operator_2_valid': bool,
'worse_train': bool,
'worse_valid': bool,
  • Documentação do recurso :
Recurso Aula Forma Tipo D Descrição
20 porcento tensor bool
20_percent_train tensor bool
20_percent_valid tensor bool
50 por cento tensor bool
50_percent_train tensor bool
50_percent_valid tensor bool
melhorar tensor bool
better_operator_1 tensor bool
better_operator_1_train Tensor bool
better_operator_1_valid Tensor bool
better_operator_2 Tensor bool
better_operator_2_train Tensor bool
better_operator_2_valid Tensor bool
better_train Tensor bool
better_valid Tensor bool
episode_id Tensor string
horizon Tensor int32
okay Tensor bool
okay_better Tensor bool
okay_better_train Tensor bool
okay_better_valid Tensor bool
okay_operator_1 Tensor bool
okay_operator_1_train Tensor bool
okay_operator_1_valid Tensor bool
okay_operator_2 Tensor bool
okay_operator_2_train Tensor bool
okay_operator_2_valid Tensor bool
okay_train Tensor bool
okay_valid Tensor bool
steps Dataset
steps/action Tensor (7,) float64
steps/discount Tensor int32
steps/is_first Tensor bool
steps/is_last Tensor bool
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steps/observation FeaturesDict
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steps/observation/object Tensor (14,) float64
steps/observation/robot0_eef_pos Tensor (3,) float64 End-effector position
steps/observation/robot0_eef_quat Tensor (4,) float64 End-effector orientation
steps/observation/robot0_eef_vel_ang Tensor (3,) float64 End-effector angular velocity
steps/observation/robot0_eef_vel_lin Tensor (3,) float64 End-effector cartesian velocity
steps/observation/robot0_eye_in_hand_image Image (84, 84, 3) uint8
steps/observation/robot0_gripper_qpos Tensor (2,) float64 Gripper position
steps/observation/robot0_gripper_qvel Tensor (2,) float64 Gripper velocity
steps/observation/robot0_joint_pos Tensor (7,) float64 7DOF joint positions
steps/observation/robot0_joint_pos_cos Tensor (7,) float64
steps/observation/robot0_joint_pos_sin Tensor (7,) float64
steps/observation/robot0_joint_vel Tensor (7,) float64 7DOF joint velocities
steps/reward Tensor float64
steps/states Tensor (45,) float64
train Tensor bool
valid Tensor bool
worse Tensor bool
worse_better Tensor bool
worse_better_train Tensor bool
worse_better_valid Tensor bool
worse_okay Tensor bool
worse_okay_train Tensor bool
worse_okay_valid Tensor bool
worse_operator_1 Tensor bool
worse_operator_1_train Tensor bool
worse_operator_1_valid Tensor bool
worse_operator_2 Tensor bool
worse_operator_2_train Tensor bool
worse_operator_2_valid Tensor bool
worse_train Tensor bool
worse_valid Tensor bool


  • Download size : 118.13 MiB

  • Dataset size : 80.37 MiB

  • Auto-cached ( documentation ): Yes

  • Feature structure :

'20_percent': bool,
'20_percent_train': bool,
'20_percent_valid': bool,
'50_percent': bool,
'50_percent_train': bool,
'50_percent_valid': bool,
'better': bool,
'better_operator_1': bool,
'better_operator_1_train': bool,
'better_operator_1_valid': bool,
'better_operator_2': bool,
'better_operator_2_train': bool,
'better_operator_2_valid': bool,
'better_train': bool,
'better_valid': bool,
'episode_id': string,
'horizon': int32,
'okay': bool,
'okay_better': bool,
'okay_better_train': bool,
'okay_better_valid': bool,
'okay_operator_1': bool,
'okay_operator_1_train': bool,
'okay_operator_1_valid': bool,
'okay_operator_2': bool,
'okay_operator_2_train': bool,
'okay_operator_2_valid': bool,
'okay_train': bool,
'okay_valid': bool,
'steps': Dataset({
'action': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'discount': int32,
'is_first': bool,
'is_last': bool,
'is_terminal': bool,
'observation': FeaturesDict({
'object': Tensor(shape=(14,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_pos': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_quat': Tensor(shape=(4,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_ang': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_lin': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_gripper_qpos': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_gripper_qvel': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_cos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_sin': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_vel': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'reward': float64,
'states': Tensor(shape=(45,), dtype=float64),
'train': bool,
'valid': bool,
'worse': bool,
'worse_better': bool,
'worse_better_train': bool,
'worse_better_valid': bool,
'worse_okay': bool,
'worse_okay_train': bool,
'worse_okay_valid': bool,
'worse_operator_1': bool,
'worse_operator_1_train': bool,
'worse_operator_1_valid': bool,
'worse_operator_2': bool,
'worse_operator_2_train': bool,
'worse_operator_2_valid': bool,
'worse_train': bool,
'worse_valid': bool,
  • Feature documentation :
Feature Class Shape Dtype Description
20_percent Tensor bool
20_percent_train Tensor bool
20_percent_valid Tensor bool
50_percent Tensor bool
50_percent_train Tensor bool
50_percent_valid Tensor bool
better Tensor bool
better_operator_1 Tensor bool
better_operator_1_train Tensor bool
better_operator_1_valid Tensor bool
better_operator_2 Tensor bool
better_operator_2_train Tensor bool
better_operator_2_valid Tensor bool
better_train Tensor bool
better_valid Tensor bool
episode_id Tensor string
horizon Tensor int32
okay Tensor bool
okay_better Tensor bool
okay_better_train Tensor bool
okay_better_valid Tensor bool
okay_operator_1 Tensor bool
okay_operator_1_train Tensor bool
okay_operator_1_valid Tensor bool
okay_operator_2 Tensor bool
okay_operator_2_train Tensor bool
okay_operator_2_valid Tensor bool
okay_train Tensor bool
okay_valid Tensor bool
steps Dataset
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steps/observation FeaturesDict
steps/observation/object Tensor (14,) float64
steps/observation/robot0_eef_pos Tensor (3,) float64 End-effector position
steps/observation/robot0_eef_quat Tensor (4,) float64 End-effector orientation
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steps/observation/robot0_eef_vel_lin Tensor (3,) float64 End-effector cartesian velocity
steps/observation/robot0_gripper_qpos Tensor (2,) float64 Gripper position
steps/observation/robot0_gripper_qvel Tensor (2,) float64 Gripper velocity
steps/observation/robot0_joint_pos Tensor (7,) float64 7DOF joint positions
steps/observation/robot0_joint_pos_cos Tensor (7,) float64
steps/observation/robot0_joint_pos_sin Tensor (7,) float64
steps/observation/robot0_joint_vel Tensor (7,) float64 7DOF joint velocities
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steps/states Tensor (45,) float64
train Tensor bool
valid Tensor bool
worse Tensor bool
worse_better Tensor bool
worse_better_train Tensor bool
worse_better_valid Tensor bool
worse_okay Tensor bool
worse_okay_train Tensor bool
worse_okay_valid Tensor bool
worse_operator_1 Tensor bool
worse_operator_1_train Tensor bool
worse_operator_1_valid Tensor bool
worse_operator_2 Tensor bool
worse_operator_2_train Tensor bool
worse_operator_2_valid Tensor bool
worse_train Tensor bool
worse_valid Tensor bool


  • Download size : 31.47 GiB

  • Dataset size : 7.69 GiB

  • Auto-cached ( documentation ): No

  • Feature structure :

'20_percent': bool,
'20_percent_train': bool,
'20_percent_valid': bool,
'50_percent': bool,
'50_percent_train': bool,
'50_percent_valid': bool,
'better': bool,
'better_train': bool,
'better_valid': bool,
'episode_id': string,
'horizon': int32,
'okay': bool,
'okay_better': bool,
'okay_better_train': bool,
'okay_better_valid': bool,
'okay_train': bool,
'okay_valid': bool,
'steps': Dataset({
'action': Tensor(shape=(14,), dtype=float64),
'discount': int32,
'is_first': bool,
'is_last': bool,
'is_terminal': bool,
'observation': FeaturesDict({
'object': Tensor(shape=(41,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_pos': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_quat': Tensor(shape=(4,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_ang': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_lin': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eye_in_hand_image': Image(shape=(84, 84, 3), dtype=uint8),
'robot0_gripper_qpos': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_gripper_qvel': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_cos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_sin': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_vel': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_eef_pos': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_eef_quat': Tensor(shape=(4,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_eef_vel_ang': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_eef_vel_lin': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_eye_in_hand_image': Image(shape=(84, 84, 3), dtype=uint8),
'robot1_gripper_qpos': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_gripper_qvel': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_joint_pos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_joint_pos_cos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_joint_pos_sin': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_joint_vel': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'shouldercamera0_image': Image(shape=(84, 84, 3), dtype=uint8),
'shouldercamera1_image': Image(shape=(84, 84, 3), dtype=uint8),
'reward': float64,
'states': Tensor(shape=(115,), dtype=float64),
'train': bool,
'valid': bool,
'worse': bool,
'worse_better': bool,
'worse_better_train': bool,
'worse_better_valid': bool,
'worse_okay': bool,
'worse_okay_train': bool,
'worse_okay_valid': bool,
'worse_train': bool,
'worse_valid': bool,
  • Feature documentation :
Feature Class Shape Dtype Description
20_percent Tensor bool
20_percent_train Tensor bool
20_percent_valid Tensor bool
50_percent Tensor bool
50_percent_train Tensor bool
50_percent_valid Tensor bool
better Tensor bool
better_train Tensor bool
better_valid Tensor bool
episode_id Tensor string
horizon Tensor int32
okay Tensor bool
okay_better Tensor bool
okay_better_train Tensor bool
okay_better_valid Tensor bool
okay_train Tensor bool
okay_valid Tensor bool
steps Dataset
steps/action Tensor (14,) float64
steps/discount Tensor int32
steps/is_first Tensor bool
steps/is_last Tensor bool
steps/is_terminal Tensor bool
steps/observation FeaturesDict
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steps/observation/robot0_eef_pos Tensor (3,) float64 End-effector position
steps/observation/robot0_eef_quat Tensor (4,) float64 End-effector orientation
steps/observation/robot0_eef_vel_ang Tensor (3,) float64 End-effector angular velocity
steps/observation/robot0_eef_vel_lin Tensor (3,) float64 End-effector cartesian velocity
steps/observation/robot0_eye_in_hand_image Image (84, 84, 3) uint8
steps/observation/robot0_gripper_qpos Tensor (2,) float64 Gripper position
steps/observation/robot0_gripper_qvel Tensor (2,) float64 Gripper velocity
steps/observation/robot0_joint_pos Tensor (7,) float64 7DOF joint positions
steps/observation/robot0_joint_pos_cos Tensor (7,) float64
steps/observation/robot0_joint_pos_sin Tensor (7,) float64
steps/observation/robot0_joint_vel Tensor (7,) float64 7DOF joint velocities
steps/observation/robot1_eef_pos Tensor (3,) float64 End-effector position
steps/observation/robot1_eef_quat Tensor (4,) float64 End-effector orientation
steps/observation/robot1_eef_vel_ang Tensor (3,) float64 End-effector angular velocity
steps/observation/robot1_eef_vel_lin Tensor (3,) float64 End-effector cartesian velocity
steps/observation/robot1_eye_in_hand_image Image (84, 84, 3) uint8
steps/observation/robot1_gripper_qpos Tensor (2,) float64 Gripper position
steps/observation/robot1_gripper_qvel Tensor (2,) float64 Gripper velocity
steps/observation/robot1_joint_pos Tensor (7,) float64 7DOF joint positions
steps/observation/robot1_joint_pos_cos Tensor (7,) float64
steps/observation/robot1_joint_pos_sin Tensor (7,) float64
steps/observation/robot1_joint_vel Tensor (7,) float64 7DOF joint velocities
steps/observation/shouldercamera0_image Image (84, 84, 3) uint8
steps/observation/shouldercamera1_image Image (84, 84, 3) uint8
steps/reward Tensor float64
steps/states Tensor (115,) float64
train Tensor bool
valid Tensor bool
worse Tensor bool
worse_better Tensor bool
worse_better_train Tensor bool
worse_better_valid Tensor bool
worse_okay Tensor bool
worse_okay_train Tensor bool
worse_okay_valid Tensor bool
worse_train Tensor bool
worse_valid Tensor bool


  • Download size : 607.47 MiB

  • Dataset size : 434.43 MiB

  • Auto-cached ( documentation ): No

  • Feature structure :

'20_percent': bool,
'20_percent_train': bool,
'20_percent_valid': bool,
'50_percent': bool,
'50_percent_train': bool,
'50_percent_valid': bool,
'better': bool,
'better_train': bool,
'better_valid': bool,
'episode_id': string,
'horizon': int32,
'okay': bool,
'okay_better': bool,
'okay_better_train': bool,
'okay_better_valid': bool,
'okay_train': bool,
'okay_valid': bool,
'steps': Dataset({
'action': Tensor(shape=(14,), dtype=float64),
'discount': int32,
'is_first': bool,
'is_last': bool,
'is_terminal': bool,
'observation': FeaturesDict({
'object': Tensor(shape=(41,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_pos': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_quat': Tensor(shape=(4,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_ang': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_eef_vel_lin': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_gripper_qpos': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_gripper_qvel': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_cos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_pos_sin': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot0_joint_vel': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_eef_pos': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_eef_quat': Tensor(shape=(4,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_eef_vel_ang': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_eef_vel_lin': Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_gripper_qpos': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_gripper_qvel': Tensor(shape=(2,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_joint_pos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_joint_pos_cos': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_joint_pos_sin': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
'robot1_joint_vel': Tensor(shape=(7,), dtype=float64),
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'states': Tensor(shape=(115,), dtype=float64),
'train': bool,
'valid': bool,
'worse': bool,
'worse_better': bool,
'worse_better_train': bool,
'worse_better_valid': bool,
'worse_okay': bool,
'worse_okay_train': bool,
'worse_okay_valid': bool,
'worse_train': bool,
'worse_valid': bool,
  • Feature documentation :
Feature Class Shape Dtype Description
20_percent Tensor bool
20_percent_train Tensor bool
20_percent_valid Tensor bool
50_percent Tensor bool
50_percent_train Tensor bool
50_percent_valid Tensor bool
better Tensor bool
better_train Tensor bool
better_valid Tensor bool
episode_id Tensor string
horizon Tensor int32
okay Tensor bool
okay_better Tensor bool
okay_better_train Tensor bool
okay_better_valid Tensor bool
okay_train Tensor bool
okay_valid Tensor bool
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steps/discount Tensor int32
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steps/observation FeaturesDict
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steps/observation/robot0_joint_pos_cos Tensor (7,) float64
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worse_valid Tensor bool