Libraries for extending the TensorFlow Federated core library.
class AsyncContext
: An asynchronous context to evaluate of computations.
class AsyncExecutionContext
: An asynchronous execution context backed by an executor_base.Executor
class Block
: A representation of a block of code in TFF's internal language.
class Call
: A representation of a function invocation in TFF's internal language.
class CardinalityCarrying
: Asbtract interface for objects that carry information about cardinality.
class CardinalityFreeDataDescriptor
: Represent data-yielding computations with unspecified cardinalities.
class CompiledComputation
: A representation of a fully constructed and serialized computation.
class ComputationBuildingBlock
: The abstract base class for abstractions in the TFF's internal language.
class ConcreteComputation
: A representation of a pb.Computation
in the tff.Computation
class ContextStack
: An interface to a context stack for the API to run against.
class Data
: A representation of data (an input pipeline).
class DataDescriptor
: Represents fully-specified data-yielding computations.
class ExecutorFactory
: Interface defining executor factories.
class Ingestable
: Abstract interface for objects able to ingest themselves in an executor.
class Intrinsic
: A representation of an intrinsic in TFF's internal language.
class Lambda
: A representation of a lambda expression in TFF's internal language.
class Literal
: A representation of a literal in TFF's internal language.
class MergeableCompExecutionContext
: Context which executes mergeable computations in subrounds.
class MergeableCompForm
: A data class for computations containing a single logical aggregation.
class Placement
: A representation of a placement literal in TFF's internal language.
class Reference
: A reference to a name defined earlier in TFF's internal language.
class RemoteExecutor
: The remote executor is a local proxy for a remote executor instance.
class RemoteExecutorGrpcStub
: A stub connects to a remote executor service over gRPC.
class RemoteExecutorStub
: Represents the interface of stubs call to an remote executor instance.
class ResourceManagingExecutorFactory
: Implementation of executor factory holding an executor per cardinality.
class RetryableError
: Raised when execution fails and can be retried.
class Selection
: A selection by name or index from a struct-typed value in TFF's language.
class Struct
: A struct with named or unnamed elements in TFF's internal language.
class SyncContext
: A synchronous context to evaluate of computations.
class SyncExecutionContext
: A synchronous execution context backed by an executor_base.Executor
class UnexpectedBlockError
: Inappropriate argument type.
: Constructs a DataDescriptor
instance targeting a tff.DataBackend
: Deserializes 'tff.Computation' as a pb.Computation.
: Deserializes a value (of any type) from executor_pb2.Value
: Returns the context stack.
: Returns an execution context backed by C++ runtime.
: Merges dicts existing
and to_add
, checking for conflicts.
: Serializes 'tff.Computation' as a pb.Computation.
: Serializes a value into executor_pb2.Value
: Places ctx
at the bottom of the stack.
: Transforms local (non-federated) computations into call-dominant form.
: Traverses comp
recursively postorder and replaces its constituents.
: Walks the AST of comp
preorder, calling transform
on the way down.
: Yields a new unique name that does not exist in comp