
Transforms client data, potentially expanding by adding pseudo-clients.

Inherits From: ClientData

Each client of the base_client_data is "expanded" into some number of pseudo-clients. A serializable function fn(x) maps datapoint x to a new datapoint, where the constructor of fn is parameterized by the expanded client_id. For example if the client_id "client_A" has two expansions, "client_A-0" and "client_A-1" then make_transform_fn("client_A-0")(x) might be the identity, while make_transform_fn("client_A-1")(x) could be a random rotation of the image with the angle determined by a hash of the string "client_A-1".

base_client_data A ClientData to expand.
make_transform_fn A function to be called as make_transform_fn(client_id), where client_id is the expanded client id, which should return a function transform_fn that maps a datapoint x whose element type structure correspondes to base_client_data to a new datapoint x'. It must be traceable as a tf.function.
expand_client_id An optional function that maps a client id of base_client_data to a list of expanded client ids. If None, the transformed data will have the same size and ids as the original.
reduce_client_id An function that maps an expanded client id back to the raw client id. Must be traceable as a tf.function. Must be specified if and only if expand_client_id is.

client_ids A list of string identifiers for clients in this dataset.
dataset_computation A tff.Computation accepting a client ID, returning a dataset.

element_type_structure The element type information of the client datasets.

elements returned by datasets in this ClientData object.

serializable_dataset_fn A callable accepting a client ID and returning a

Note that this callable must be traceable by TF, as it will be used in the context of a tf.function.



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Creates a new containing the client training examples.

This function will create a dataset for a given client, given that client_id is contained in the client_ids property of the ClientData. Unlike create_dataset, this method need not be serializable.

client_id The string client_id for the desired client.

A object.


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Creates a new containing all client examples.

This function is intended for use training centralized, non-distributed models (num_clients=1). This can be useful as a point of comparison against federated models.

Currently, the implementation produces a dataset that contains all examples from a single client in order, and so generally additional shuffling should be performed.

seed Optional, a seed to determine the order in which clients are processed in the joined dataset. The seed can be any nonnegative 32-bit integer, an array of such integers, or None.

A object.


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Yields the for each client in random order.

This function is intended for use building a static array of client data to be provided to the top-level federated computation.

limit_count Optional, a maximum number of datasets to return.
seed Optional, a seed to determine the order in which clients are processed in the joined dataset. The seed can be any nonnegative 32-bit integer, an array of such integers, or None.


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Constructs a ClientData based on the given function.

client_ids A non-empty list of strings to use as input to create_dataset_fn.
serializable_dataset_fn A function that takes a client_id from the above list, and returns a This function must be serializable and usable within the context of a tf.function and tff.Computation.

TypeError If serializable_dataset_fn is a tff.Computation.

A ClientData object.


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Applies preprocess_fn to each client's data.

preprocess_fn A callable accepting a and returning a preprocessed This function must be traceable by TF.

IncompatiblePreprocessFnError If preprocess_fn is a tff.Computation.


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Returns a pair of (train, test) ClientData.

This method partitions the clients of client_data into two ClientData objects with disjoint sets of ClientData.client_ids. All clients in the test ClientData are guaranteed to have non-empty datasets, but the training ClientData may have clients with no data.

client_data The base ClientData to split.
num_test_clients How many clients to hold out for testing. This can be at most len(client_data.client_ids) - 1, since we don't want to produce empty ClientData.
seed Optional seed to fix shuffling of clients before splitting. The seed can be any nonnegative 32-bit integer, an array of such integers, or None.

A pair (train_client_data, test_client_data), where test_client_data has num_test_clients selected at random, subject to the constraint they each have at least 1 batch in their dataset.

ValueError If num_test_clients cannot be satistifed by client_data, or too many clients have empty datasets.