
The remote executor is a local proxy for a remote executor instance.

stub An instance of stub used for communication with the remote executor service.
dispose_batch_size The batch size for requests to dispose of remote worker values. Lower values will result in more requests to the remote worker, but will result in values being cleaned up sooner and therefore may result in lower memory usage on the remote worker.
stream_structs The flag to enable decomposing and streaming struct values.



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Release resources associated with this Executor, if any.

If the executor has one or more target Executors, implementation of this method must close them.


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A coroutine that creates a call to comp with optional argument arg.

comp The computation to invoke. It must have been first embedded in the executor by calling create_value() on it first.
arg An optional argument of the call, or None if no argument was supplied. If it is present, it must have been embedded in the executor by calling create_value() on it first.

An instance of ExecutorValue that represents the constructed call.


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A coroutine that creates a selection from source.

source The source to select from. The source must have been embedded in this executor by invoking create_value() on it first.
index An integer index to select.

An instance of ExecutorValue that represents the constructed selection.


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A coroutine that creates a tuple of elements.

elements A collection of ExecutorValues to create a tuple from. The collection may be of any kind accepted by structure.from_container, including dictionaries and lists. The ExecutorValues in the container must have been created by calling create_value on this executor.

An instance of ExecutorValue that represents the constructed tuple.


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A coroutine that creates embedded value from value of type type_spec.

This function is used to embed a value within the executor. The argument can be one of the plain Python types, a nested structure, a representation of a TFF computation, etc. Once embedded, the value can be further passed around within the executor. For functional values, embedding them prior to invocation potentially allows the executor to amortize overhead across multiple calls.

value An object that represents the value to embed within the executor.
type_spec An optional tff.Type of the value represented by this object, or something convertible to it. The type can only be omitted if the value is a instance of tff.TypedObject.

An instance of ExecutorValue that represents the embedded value.


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