The returned TFF computation broadcasts model weights from tff.SERVER to
tff.CLIENTS. Each client evaluates the personalization strategies given in
personalize_fn_dict. Evaluation metrics from at most max_num_clients
participating clients are collected to the server.
A no-arg function that returns a
tff.learning.models.VariableModel. This method must not capture
TensorFlow tensors or variables and use them. The model must be
constructed entirely from scratch on each invocation, returning the same
pre-constructed model each call will result in an error.
An OrderedDict that maps a string (representing a
strategy name) to a no-argument function that returns a tf.function.
Each tf.function represents a personalization strategy - it accepts a
tff.learning.models.VariableModel (with weights already initialized to
the given model weights when users invoke the returned TFF computation),
an unbatched for train, and an unbatched for test, trains a personalized model, and returns the
evaluation metrics. The evaluation metrics are represented as an
OrderedDict (or a nested OrderedDict) of string metric names to
scalar tf.Tensors.
A tf.function that accepts a
tff.learning.models.VariableModel (with weights already initialized to
the provided model weights when users invoke the returned TFF
computation), and an unbatched, evaluates the model on
the dataset, and returns the evaluation metrics. The evaluation metrics
are represented as an OrderedDict (or a nested OrderedDict) of
string metric names to scalar tf.Tensors. This function is only used
to compute the baseline metrics of the initial model.
A positive int specifying the maximum number of clients
to collect metrics in a round (default is 100). The clients are sampled
without replacement. For each sampled client, all the personalization
metrics from this client will be collected. If the number of participating
clients in a round is smaller than this value, then metrics from all
clients will be collected.
A federated tff.Computation with the functional type signature
(<model_weights@SERVER, input@CLIENTS> -> personalization_metrics@SERVER):
Each client's input is an OrderedDict of two required keys
train_data and test_data; each key is mapped to an unbatched
personalization_metrics is an OrderedDict that maps a key
'baseline_metrics' to the evaluation metrics of the initial model
(computed by baseline_evaluate_fn), and maps keys (strategy names) in
personalize_fn_dict to the evaluation metrics of the corresponding
personalization strategies.
If arguments are of the wrong types.
If baseline_metrics is used as a key in personalize_fn_dict.