
  • Description:

A collection of 3 referring expression datasets based off images in the COCO dataset. A referring expression is a piece of text that describes a unique object in an image. These datasets are collected by asking human raters to disambiguate objects delineated by bounding boxes in the COCO dataset.

RefCoco and RefCoco+ are from Kazemzadeh et al. 2014. RefCoco+ expressions are strictly appearance based descriptions, which they enforced by preventing raters from using location based descriptions (e.g., "person to the right" is not a valid description for RefCoco+). RefCocoG is from Mao et al. 2016, and has more rich description of objects compared to RefCoco due to differences in the annotation process. In particular, RefCoco was collected in an interactive game-based setting, while RefCocoG was collected in a non-interactive setting. On average, RefCocoG has 8.4 words per expression while RefCoco has 3.5 words.

Each dataset has different split allocations that are typically all reported in papers. The "testA" and "testB" sets in RefCoco and RefCoco+ contain only people and only non-people respectively. Images are partitioned into the various splits. In the "google" split, objects, not images, are partitioned between the train and non-train splits. This means that the same image can appear in both the train and validation split, but the objects being referred to in the image will be different between the two sets. In contrast, the "unc" and "umd" splits partition images between the train, validation, and test split. In RefCocoG, the "google" split does not have a canonical test set, and the validation set is typically reported in papers as "val*".

Stats for each dataset and split ("refs" is the number of referring expressions, and "images" is the number of images):

dataset partition split refs images
refcoco google train 40000 19213
refcoco google val 5000 4559
refcoco google test 5000 4527
refcoco unc train 42404 16994
refcoco unc val 3811 1500
refcoco unc testA 1975 750
refcoco unc testB 1810 750
refcoco+ unc train 42278 16992
refcoco+ unc val 3805 1500
refcoco+ unc testA 1975 750
refcoco+ unc testB 1798 750
refcocog google train 44822 24698
refcocog google val 5000 4650
refcocog umd train 42226 21899
refcocog umd val 2573 1300
refcocog umd test 5023 2600
  1. Follow the instructions of PythonAPI in to get pycocotools and the instances_train2014 annotations file from

  2. Add both from (1) and pycocotools from (2) to your PYTHONPATH.

  3. Run to generate refcoco.json, replacing ref_data_root, coco_annotations_file, and out_file with the values corresponding to where you have downloaded / want to save these files. Note that can be found in the TFDS repository.

  4. Download the COCO training set from and stick it into a folder called coco_train2014/. Move refcoco.json to the same level as coco_train2014.

  5. Follow the standard manual download instructions.

    'coco_annotations': Sequence({
        'area': int64,
        'bbox': BBoxFeature(shape=(4,), dtype=float32),
        'id': int64,
        'label': int64,
    'image': Image(shape=(None, None, 3), dtype=uint8),
    'image/id': int64,
    'objects': Sequence({
        'area': int64,
        'bbox': BBoxFeature(shape=(4,), dtype=float32),
        'gt_box_index': int64,
        'id': int64,
        'label': int64,
        'mask': Image(shape=(None, None, 3), dtype=uint8),
        'refexp': Sequence({
            'raw': Text(shape=(), dtype=string),
            'refexp_id': int64,
  • Feature documentation:
Feature Class Shape Dtype Description
coco_annotations Sequence
coco_annotations/area Tensor int64
coco_annotations/bbox BBoxFeature (4,) float32
coco_annotations/id Tensor int64
coco_annotations/label Tensor int64
image Image (None, None, 3) uint8
image/id Tensor int64
objects Sequence
objects/area Tensor int64
objects/bbox BBoxFeature (4,) float32
objects/gt_box_index Tensor int64
objects/id Tensor int64
objects/label Tensor int64
objects/mask Image (None, None, 3) uint8
objects/refexp Sequence
objects/refexp/raw Text string
objects/refexp/refexp_id Tensor int64
  title={Referitgame: Referring to objects in photographs of natural scenes},
  author={Kazemzadeh, Sahar and Ordonez, Vicente and Matten, Mark and Berg, Tamara},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 2014 conference on empirical methods in natural language processing (EMNLP)},
  title={Modeling context in referring expressions},
  author={Yu, Licheng and Poirson, Patrick and Yang, Shan and Berg, Alexander C and Berg, Tamara L},
  booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision},
  title={Generation and Comprehension of Unambiguous Object Descriptions},
  author={Mao, Junhua and Huang, Jonathan and Toshev, Alexander and Camburu, Oana and Yuille, Alan and Murphy, Kevin},
  title={Modeling context between objects for referring expression understanding},
  author={Nagaraja, Varun K and Morariu, Vlad I and Davis, Larry S},
  booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision},

ref_coco/refcoco_unc (default config)

  • Dataset size: 3.29 GiB

  • Splits:

Split Examples
'testA' 750
'testB' 750
'train' 16,994
'validation' 1,500



  • Dataset size: 4.65 GiB

  • Splits:

Split Examples
'test' 4,527
'train' 19,213
'validation' 4,559



  • Dataset size: 3.29 GiB

  • Splits:

Split Examples
'testA' 750
'testB' 750
'train' 16,992
'validation' 1,500



  • Dataset size: 4.64 GiB

  • Splits:

Split Examples
'train' 24,698
'validation' 4,650



  • Dataset size: 4.08 GiB

  • Splits:

Split Examples
'test' 2,600
'train' 21,899
'validation' 1,300
