


TFDS এ এই ডেটাসেট লোড করতে নিম্নলিখিত কমান্ডটি ব্যবহার করুন:

ds = tfds.load('huggingface:kilt_tasks/triviaqa_support_only')
  • বর্ণনা :
KILT tasks training and evaluation data.
- [FEVER]( | Fact Checking | fever
- [AIDA CoNLL-YAGO]( | Entity Linking | aidayago2
- [WNED-WIKI]( | Entity Linking | wned
- [WNED-CWEB]( | Entity Linking | cweb
- [T-REx]( | Slot Filling | trex
- [Zero-Shot RE]( | Slot Filling | structured_zeroshot
- [Natural Questions]( | Open Domain QA  | nq
- [HotpotQA]( | Open Domain QA | hotpotqa
- [TriviaQA]( | Open Domain QA | triviaqa
- [ELI5]( | Open Domain QA | eli5
- [Wizard of Wikipedia]( | Dialogue | wow

To finish linking TriviaQA questions to the IDs provided, follow the instructions [here](
  • লাইসেন্স : কোনো পরিচিত লাইসেন্স নেই
  • সংস্করণ : 1.0.0
  • বিভাজন :
বিভক্ত উদাহরণ
'test' 6586
'train' 61844
'validation' 5359
  • বৈশিষ্ট্য :
    "id": {
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    "input": {
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    "output": [
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                "id": null,
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            "meta": {
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                    "id": null,
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TFDS এ এই ডেটাসেট লোড করতে নিম্নলিখিত কমান্ডটি ব্যবহার করুন:

ds = tfds.load('huggingface:kilt_tasks/fever')
  • বর্ণনা :
KILT tasks training and evaluation data.
- [FEVER]( | Fact Checking | fever
- [AIDA CoNLL-YAGO]( | Entity Linking | aidayago2
- [WNED-WIKI]( | Entity Linking | wned
- [WNED-CWEB]( | Entity Linking | cweb
- [T-REx]( | Slot Filling | trex
- [Zero-Shot RE]( | Slot Filling | structured_zeroshot
- [Natural Questions]( | Open Domain QA  | nq
- [HotpotQA]( | Open Domain QA | hotpotqa
- [TriviaQA]( | Open Domain QA | triviaqa
- [ELI5]( | Open Domain QA | eli5
- [Wizard of Wikipedia]( | Dialogue | wow

To finish linking TriviaQA questions to the IDs provided, follow the instructions [here](
  • লাইসেন্স : কোনো পরিচিত লাইসেন্স নেই
  • সংস্করণ : 1.0.0
  • বিভাজন :
বিভক্ত উদাহরণ
'test' 10100
'train' 104966
'validation' 10444
  • বৈশিষ্ট্য :
    "id": {
        "dtype": "string",
        "id": null,
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    "input": {
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        "template_questions": [
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    "output": [
            "answer": {
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                "id": null,
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            "meta": {
                "score": {
                    "dtype": "int32",
                    "id": null,
                    "_type": "Value"
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                        "id": null,
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                        "id": null,
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                        "id": null,
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                            "dtype": "string",
                            "id": null,
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TFDS এ এই ডেটাসেট লোড করতে নিম্নলিখিত কমান্ডটি ব্যবহার করুন:

ds = tfds.load('huggingface:kilt_tasks/aidayago2')
  • বর্ণনা :
KILT tasks training and evaluation data.
- [FEVER]( | Fact Checking | fever
- [AIDA CoNLL-YAGO]( | Entity Linking | aidayago2
- [WNED-WIKI]( | Entity Linking | wned
- [WNED-CWEB]( | Entity Linking | cweb
- [T-REx]( | Slot Filling | trex
- [Zero-Shot RE]( | Slot Filling | structured_zeroshot
- [Natural Questions]( | Open Domain QA  | nq
- [HotpotQA]( | Open Domain QA | hotpotqa
- [TriviaQA]( | Open Domain QA | triviaqa
- [ELI5]( | Open Domain QA | eli5
- [Wizard of Wikipedia]( | Dialogue | wow

To finish linking TriviaQA questions to the IDs provided, follow the instructions [here](
  • লাইসেন্স : কোনো পরিচিত লাইসেন্স নেই
  • সংস্করণ : 1.0.0
  • বিভাজন :
বিভক্ত উদাহরণ
'test' 4463
'train' 18395
'validation' 4784
  • বৈশিষ্ট্য :
    "id": {
        "dtype": "string",
        "id": null,
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    "output": [
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                "id": null,
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            "meta": {
                "score": {
                    "dtype": "int32",
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TFDS এ এই ডেটাসেট লোড করতে নিম্নলিখিত কমান্ডটি ব্যবহার করুন:

ds = tfds.load('huggingface:kilt_tasks/wned')
  • বর্ণনা :
KILT tasks training and evaluation data.
- [FEVER]( | Fact Checking | fever
- [AIDA CoNLL-YAGO]( | Entity Linking | aidayago2
- [WNED-WIKI]( | Entity Linking | wned
- [WNED-CWEB]( | Entity Linking | cweb
- [T-REx]( | Slot Filling | trex
- [Zero-Shot RE]( | Slot Filling | structured_zeroshot
- [Natural Questions]( | Open Domain QA  | nq
- [HotpotQA]( | Open Domain QA | hotpotqa
- [TriviaQA]( | Open Domain QA | triviaqa
- [ELI5]( | Open Domain QA | eli5
- [Wizard of Wikipedia]( | Dialogue | wow

To finish linking TriviaQA questions to the IDs provided, follow the instructions [here](
  • লাইসেন্স : কোনো পরিচিত লাইসেন্স নেই
  • সংস্করণ : 1.0.0
  • বিভাজন :
বিভক্ত উদাহরণ
'test' 3376
'validation' ৩৩৯৬
  • বৈশিষ্ট্য :
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        "id": null,
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    "output": [
            "answer": {
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                "id": null,
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            "meta": {
                "score": {
                    "dtype": "int32",
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                        "id": null,
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                        "id": null,
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                        "annotation_id": {
                            "dtype": "string",
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TFDS এ এই ডেটাসেট লোড করতে নিম্নলিখিত কমান্ডটি ব্যবহার করুন:

ds = tfds.load('huggingface:kilt_tasks/cweb')
  • বর্ণনা :
KILT tasks training and evaluation data.
- [FEVER]( | Fact Checking | fever
- [AIDA CoNLL-YAGO]( | Entity Linking | aidayago2
- [WNED-WIKI]( | Entity Linking | wned
- [WNED-CWEB]( | Entity Linking | cweb
- [T-REx]( | Slot Filling | trex
- [Zero-Shot RE]( | Slot Filling | structured_zeroshot
- [Natural Questions]( | Open Domain QA  | nq
- [HotpotQA]( | Open Domain QA | hotpotqa
- [TriviaQA]( | Open Domain QA | triviaqa
- [ELI5]( | Open Domain QA | eli5
- [Wizard of Wikipedia]( | Dialogue | wow

To finish linking TriviaQA questions to the IDs provided, follow the instructions [here](
  • লাইসেন্স : কোনো পরিচিত লাইসেন্স নেই
  • সংস্করণ : 1.0.0
  • বিভাজন :
বিভক্ত উদাহরণ
'test' 5543
'validation' 5599
  • বৈশিষ্ট্য :
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TFDS এ এই ডেটাসেট লোড করতে নিম্নলিখিত কমান্ডটি ব্যবহার করুন:

ds = tfds.load('huggingface:kilt_tasks/trex')
  • বর্ণনা :
KILT tasks training and evaluation data.
- [FEVER]( | Fact Checking | fever
- [AIDA CoNLL-YAGO]( | Entity Linking | aidayago2
- [WNED-WIKI]( | Entity Linking | wned
- [WNED-CWEB]( | Entity Linking | cweb
- [T-REx]( | Slot Filling | trex
- [Zero-Shot RE]( | Slot Filling | structured_zeroshot
- [Natural Questions]( | Open Domain QA  | nq
- [HotpotQA]( | Open Domain QA | hotpotqa
- [TriviaQA]( | Open Domain QA | triviaqa
- [ELI5]( | Open Domain QA | eli5
- [Wizard of Wikipedia]( | Dialogue | wow

To finish linking TriviaQA questions to the IDs provided, follow the instructions [here](
  • লাইসেন্স : কোনো পরিচিত লাইসেন্স নেই
  • সংস্করণ : 1.0.0
  • বিভাজন :
বিভক্ত উদাহরণ
'test' 5000
'train' 2284168
'validation' 5000
  • বৈশিষ্ট্য :
    "id": {
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    "input": {
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    "output": [
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                "id": null,
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TFDS এ এই ডেটাসেট লোড করতে নিম্নলিখিত কমান্ডটি ব্যবহার করুন:

ds = tfds.load('huggingface:kilt_tasks/structured_zeroshot')
  • বর্ণনা :
KILT tasks training and evaluation data.
- [FEVER]( | Fact Checking | fever
- [AIDA CoNLL-YAGO]( | Entity Linking | aidayago2
- [WNED-WIKI]( | Entity Linking | wned
- [WNED-CWEB]( | Entity Linking | cweb
- [T-REx]( | Slot Filling | trex
- [Zero-Shot RE]( | Slot Filling | structured_zeroshot
- [Natural Questions]( | Open Domain QA  | nq
- [HotpotQA]( | Open Domain QA | hotpotqa
- [TriviaQA]( | Open Domain QA | triviaqa
- [ELI5]( | Open Domain QA | eli5
- [Wizard of Wikipedia]( | Dialogue | wow

To finish linking TriviaQA questions to the IDs provided, follow the instructions [here](
  • লাইসেন্স : কোনো পরিচিত লাইসেন্স নেই
  • সংস্করণ : 1.0.0
  • বিভাজন :
বিভক্ত উদাহরণ
'test' 4966
'train' 147909
'validation' 3724
  • বৈশিষ্ট্য :
    "id": {
        "dtype": "string",
        "id": null,
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    "input": {
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    "output": [
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                "id": null,
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            "meta": {
                "score": {
                    "dtype": "int32",
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                        "dtype": "int32",
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                            "dtype": "string",
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TFDS এ এই ডেটাসেট লোড করতে নিম্নলিখিত কমান্ডটি ব্যবহার করুন:

ds = tfds.load('huggingface:kilt_tasks/nq')
  • বর্ণনা :
KILT tasks training and evaluation data.
- [FEVER]( | Fact Checking | fever
- [AIDA CoNLL-YAGO]( | Entity Linking | aidayago2
- [WNED-WIKI]( | Entity Linking | wned
- [WNED-CWEB]( | Entity Linking | cweb
- [T-REx]( | Slot Filling | trex
- [Zero-Shot RE]( | Slot Filling | structured_zeroshot
- [Natural Questions]( | Open Domain QA  | nq
- [HotpotQA]( | Open Domain QA | hotpotqa
- [TriviaQA]( | Open Domain QA | triviaqa
- [ELI5]( | Open Domain QA | eli5
- [Wizard of Wikipedia]( | Dialogue | wow

To finish linking TriviaQA questions to the IDs provided, follow the instructions [here](
  • লাইসেন্স : কোনো পরিচিত লাইসেন্স নেই
  • সংস্করণ : 1.0.0
  • বিভাজন :
বিভক্ত উদাহরণ
'test' 1444
'train' 87372
'validation' 2837
  • বৈশিষ্ট্য :
    "id": {
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        "id": null,
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    "input": {
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    "output": [
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                "id": null,
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                        "dtype": "int32",
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                            "dtype": "string",
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TFDS এ এই ডেটাসেট লোড করতে নিম্নলিখিত কমান্ডটি ব্যবহার করুন:

ds = tfds.load('huggingface:kilt_tasks/hotpotqa')
  • বর্ণনা :
KILT tasks training and evaluation data.
- [FEVER]( | Fact Checking | fever
- [AIDA CoNLL-YAGO]( | Entity Linking | aidayago2
- [WNED-WIKI]( | Entity Linking | wned
- [WNED-CWEB]( | Entity Linking | cweb
- [T-REx]( | Slot Filling | trex
- [Zero-Shot RE]( | Slot Filling | structured_zeroshot
- [Natural Questions]( | Open Domain QA  | nq
- [HotpotQA]( | Open Domain QA | hotpotqa
- [TriviaQA]( | Open Domain QA | triviaqa
- [ELI5]( | Open Domain QA | eli5
- [Wizard of Wikipedia]( | Dialogue | wow

To finish linking TriviaQA questions to the IDs provided, follow the instructions [here](
  • লাইসেন্স : কোনো পরিচিত লাইসেন্স নেই
  • সংস্করণ : 1.0.0
  • বিভাজন :
বিভক্ত উদাহরণ
'test' 5569
'train' 88869
'validation' 5600
  • বৈশিষ্ট্য :
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        "id": null,
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    "input": {
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                "id": null,
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    "output": [
            "answer": {
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                "id": null,
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            "meta": {
                "score": {
                    "dtype": "int32",
                    "id": null,
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                        "id": null,
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                        "id": null,
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                    "start_paragraph_id": {
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                        "dtype": "int32",
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                        "annotation_id": {
                            "dtype": "string",
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                        "evidence_span": [
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TFDS এ এই ডেটাসেট লোড করতে নিম্নলিখিত কমান্ডটি ব্যবহার করুন:

ds = tfds.load('huggingface:kilt_tasks/eli5')
  • বর্ণনা :
KILT tasks training and evaluation data.
- [FEVER]( | Fact Checking | fever
- [AIDA CoNLL-YAGO]( | Entity Linking | aidayago2
- [WNED-WIKI]( | Entity Linking | wned
- [WNED-CWEB]( | Entity Linking | cweb
- [T-REx]( | Slot Filling | trex
- [Zero-Shot RE]( | Slot Filling | structured_zeroshot
- [Natural Questions]( | Open Domain QA  | nq
- [HotpotQA]( | Open Domain QA | hotpotqa
- [TriviaQA]( | Open Domain QA | triviaqa
- [ELI5]( | Open Domain QA | eli5
- [Wizard of Wikipedia]( | Dialogue | wow

To finish linking TriviaQA questions to the IDs provided, follow the instructions [here](
  • লাইসেন্স : কোনো পরিচিত লাইসেন্স নেই
  • সংস্করণ : 1.0.0
  • বিভাজন :
বিভক্ত উদাহরণ
'test' 600
'train' 272634
'validation' 1507
  • বৈশিষ্ট্য :
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                            "_type": "Value"
                        "annotation_id": {
                            "dtype": "string",
                            "id": null,
                            "_type": "Value"
                        "yes_no_answer": {
                            "dtype": "string",
                            "id": null,
                            "_type": "Value"
                        "evidence_span": [
                                "dtype": "string",
                                "id": null,
                                "_type": "Value"
                    "section": {
                        "dtype": "string",
                        "id": null,
                        "_type": "Value"
                    "title": {
                        "dtype": "string",
                        "id": null,
                        "_type": "Value"
                    "wikipedia_id": {
                        "dtype": "string",
                        "id": null,
                        "_type": "Value"


TFDS এ এই ডেটাসেট লোড করতে নিম্নলিখিত কমান্ডটি ব্যবহার করুন:

ds = tfds.load('huggingface:kilt_tasks/wow')
  • বর্ণনা :
KILT tasks training and evaluation data.
- [FEVER]( | Fact Checking | fever
- [AIDA CoNLL-YAGO]( | Entity Linking | aidayago2
- [WNED-WIKI]( | Entity Linking | wned
- [WNED-CWEB]( | Entity Linking | cweb
- [T-REx]( | Slot Filling | trex
- [Zero-Shot RE]( | Slot Filling | structured_zeroshot
- [Natural Questions]( | Open Domain QA  | nq
- [HotpotQA]( | Open Domain QA | hotpotqa
- [TriviaQA]( | Open Domain QA | triviaqa
- [ELI5]( | Open Domain QA | eli5
- [Wizard of Wikipedia]( | Dialogue | wow

To finish linking TriviaQA questions to the IDs provided, follow the instructions [here](
  • লাইসেন্স : কোনো পরিচিত লাইসেন্স নেই
  • সংস্করণ : 1.0.0
  • বিভাজন :
বিভক্ত উদাহরণ
'test' 2944
'train' 63734
'validation' 3054
  • বৈশিষ্ট্য :
    "id": {
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    "input": {
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    "meta": {
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                "id": null,
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    "output": [
            "answer": {
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                "id": null,
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            "meta": {
                "score": {
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                    "id": null,
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