догадайся что

Использованная литература:

вычислить, что-оригинал

Используйте следующую команду, чтобы загрузить этот набор данных в TFDS:

ds = tfds.load('huggingface:compguesswhat/compguesswhat-original')
  • Описание :
CompGuessWhat?! is an instance of a multi-task framework for evaluating the quality of learned neural representations,
        in particular concerning attribute grounding. Use this dataset if you want to use the set of games whose reference
        scene is an image in VisualGenome. Visit the website for more details: https://compguesswhat.github.io
  • Лицензия : Нет известной лицензии.
  • Версия : 0.2.0
  • Расколы :
Расколоть Примеры
'test' 9621
'train' 46341
'validation' 9738
  • Функции :
    "id": {
        "dtype": "int32",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"
    "target_id": {
        "dtype": "int32",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"
    "timestamp": {
        "dtype": "string",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"
    "status": {
        "dtype": "string",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"
    "image": {
        "id": {
            "dtype": "int32",
            "id": null,
            "_type": "Value"
        "file_name": {
            "dtype": "string",
            "id": null,
            "_type": "Value"
        "flickr_url": {
            "dtype": "string",
            "id": null,
            "_type": "Value"
        "coco_url": {
            "dtype": "string",
            "id": null,
            "_type": "Value"
        "height": {
            "dtype": "int32",
            "id": null,
            "_type": "Value"
        "width": {
            "dtype": "int32",
            "id": null,
            "_type": "Value"
        "visual_genome": {
            "width": {
                "dtype": "int32",
                "id": null,
                "_type": "Value"
            "height": {
                "dtype": "int32",
                "id": null,
                "_type": "Value"
            "url": {
                "dtype": "string",
                "id": null,
                "_type": "Value"
            "coco_id": {
                "dtype": "int32",
                "id": null,
                "_type": "Value"
            "flickr_id": {
                "dtype": "string",
                "id": null,
                "_type": "Value"
            "image_id": {
                "dtype": "string",
                "id": null,
                "_type": "Value"
    "qas": {
        "feature": {
            "question": {
                "dtype": "string",
                "id": null,
                "_type": "Value"
            "answer": {
                "dtype": "string",
                "id": null,
                "_type": "Value"
            "id": {
                "dtype": "int32",
                "id": null,
                "_type": "Value"
        "length": -1,
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Sequence"
    "objects": {
        "feature": {
            "id": {
                "dtype": "int32",
                "id": null,
                "_type": "Value"
            "bbox": {
                "feature": {
                    "dtype": "float32",
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                "id": null,
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            "category": {
                "dtype": "string",
                "id": null,
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            "area": {
                "dtype": "float32",
                "id": null,
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            "category_id": {
                "dtype": "int32",
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                "length": -1,
                "id": null,
                "_type": "Sequence"
        "length": -1,
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Sequence"


Используйте следующую команду, чтобы загрузить этот набор данных в TFDS:

ds = tfds.load('huggingface:compguesswhat/compguesswhat-zero_shot')
  • Описание :
CompGuessWhat?! is an instance of a multi-task framework for evaluating the quality of learned neural representations,
        in particular concerning attribute grounding. Use this dataset if you want to use the set of games whose reference
        scene is an image in VisualGenome. Visit the website for more details: https://compguesswhat.github.io
  • Лицензия : Нет известной лицензии.
  • Версия : 0.2.0
  • Расколы :
Расколоть Примеры
'nd_test' 13836
'nd_valid' 5343
'od_test' 13300
'od_valid' 5372
  • Функции :
    "id": {
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        "id": null,
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        "dtype": "string",
        "id": null,
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    "status": {
        "dtype": "string",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"
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            "id": null,
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