


Use o seguinte comando para carregar este conjunto de dados no TFDS:

ds = tfds.load('huggingface:so_stacksample/Answers')
  • Descrição :
Dataset with the text of 10% of questions and answers from the Stack Overflow programming Q&A website.

This is organized as three tables:

Questions contains the title, body, creation date, closed date (if applicable), score, and owner ID for all non-deleted Stack Overflow questions whose Id is a multiple of 10.
Answers contains the body, creation date, score, and owner ID for each of the answers to these questions. The ParentId column links back to the Questions table.
Tags contains the tags on each of these questions
  • Licença : Todas as contribuições do usuário Stack Overflow são licenciadas sob CC-BY-SA 3.0 com atribuição necessária.
  • Versão : 1.1.0
  • Divisões :
Dividir Exemplos
'Answers' 2014516
  • Características :
    "Id": {
        "dtype": "int32",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"
    "OwnerUserId": {
        "dtype": "int32",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"
    "CreationDate": {
        "dtype": "string",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"
    "ParentId": {
        "dtype": "int32",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"
    "Score": {
        "dtype": "int32",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"
    "Body": {
        "dtype": "string",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"


Use o seguinte comando para carregar este conjunto de dados no TFDS:

ds = tfds.load('huggingface:so_stacksample/Questions')
  • Descrição :
Dataset with the text of 10% of questions and answers from the Stack Overflow programming Q&A website.

This is organized as three tables:

Questions contains the title, body, creation date, closed date (if applicable), score, and owner ID for all non-deleted Stack Overflow questions whose Id is a multiple of 10.
Answers contains the body, creation date, score, and owner ID for each of the answers to these questions. The ParentId column links back to the Questions table.
Tags contains the tags on each of these questions
  • Licença : Todas as contribuições do usuário Stack Overflow são licenciadas sob CC-BY-SA 3.0 com atribuição necessária.
  • Versão : 1.1.0
  • Divisões :
Dividir Exemplos
'Questions' 1264216
  • Características :
    "Id": {
        "dtype": "int32",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"
    "OwnerUserId": {
        "dtype": "int32",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"
    "CreationDate": {
        "dtype": "string",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"
    "ClosedDate": {
        "dtype": "string",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"
    "Score": {
        "dtype": "int32",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"
    "Title": {
        "dtype": "string",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"
    "Body": {
        "dtype": "string",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"


Use o seguinte comando para carregar este conjunto de dados no TFDS:

ds = tfds.load('huggingface:so_stacksample/Tags')
  • Descrição :
Dataset with the text of 10% of questions and answers from the Stack Overflow programming Q&A website.

This is organized as three tables:

Questions contains the title, body, creation date, closed date (if applicable), score, and owner ID for all non-deleted Stack Overflow questions whose Id is a multiple of 10.
Answers contains the body, creation date, score, and owner ID for each of the answers to these questions. The ParentId column links back to the Questions table.
Tags contains the tags on each of these questions
  • Licença : Todas as contribuições do usuário Stack Overflow são licenciadas sob CC-BY-SA 3.0 com atribuição necessária.
  • Versão : 1.1.0
  • Divisões :
Dividir Exemplos
'Tags' 3750994
  • Características :
    "Id": {
        "dtype": "int32",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"
    "Tag": {
        "dtype": "string",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"