Parsing Ops



tensorflow:: ops:: DecodeCSV

Convert CSV records to tensors.

tensorflow:: ops:: DecodeCompressed

Decompress strings.

tensorflow:: ops:: DecodeJSONExample

Convert JSON-encoded Example records to binary protocol buffer strings.

tensorflow:: ops:: DecodePaddedRaw

Reinterpret the bytes of a string as a vector of numbers.

tensorflow:: ops:: DecodeRaw

Reinterpret the bytes of a string as a vector of numbers.

tensorflow:: ops:: ParseExample

Transforms a vector of brain.Example protos (as strings) into typed tensors.

tensorflow:: ops:: ParseExampleV2

Transforms a vector of tf.Example protos (as strings) into typed tensors.

tensorflow:: ops:: ParseSequenceExample

Transforms a vector of brain.SequenceExample protos (as strings) into typed tensors.

tensorflow:: ops:: ParseSequenceExampleV2

Transforms a vector of protos (as strings) into typed tensors.

tensorflow:: ops:: ParseSingleExample

Transforms a tf.Example proto (as a string) into typed tensors.

tensorflow:: ops:: ParseSingleSequenceExample

Transforms a scalar brain.SequenceExample proto (as strings) into typed tensors.

tensorflow:: ops:: ParseTensor

Transforms a serialized tensorflow.TensorProto proto into a Tensor .

tensorflow:: ops:: SerializeTensor

Transforms a Tensor into a serialized TensorProto proto.

tensorflow:: ops:: StringToNumber

Converts each string in the input Tensor to the specified numeric type.