tensorflow:: ops:: MatrixSetDiagV3:: Attrs

#include <array_ops.h>

Optional attribute setters for MatrixSetDiagV3 .

Public attributes

align_ = "RIGHT_LEFT"

Public functions

Align (StringPiece x)
Some diagonals are shorter than max_diag_len and need to be padded.

Public attributes


StringPiece tensorflow::ops::MatrixSetDiagV3::Attrs::align_ = "RIGHT_LEFT"

Public functions


TF_MUST_USE_RESULT Attrs tensorflow::ops::MatrixSetDiagV3::Attrs::Align(
  StringPiece x

Some diagonals are shorter than max_diag_len and need to be padded.

align is a string specifying how superdiagonals and subdiagonals should be aligned, respectively. There are four possible alignments: "RIGHT_LEFT" (default), "LEFT_RIGHT", "LEFT_LEFT", and "RIGHT_RIGHT". "RIGHT_LEFT" aligns superdiagonals to the right (left-pads the row) and subdiagonals to the left (right-pads the row). It is the packing format LAPACK uses. cuSPARSE uses "LEFT_RIGHT", which is the opposite alignment.

Defaults to "RIGHT_LEFT"