
Describes a numpy array or scalar shape and dtype.

Main aliases


An ArraySpec allows an API to describe the arrays that it accepts or returns, before that array exists. The equivalent version describing a tf.Tensor is TensorSpec.

shape An iterable specifying the array shape.
dtype numpy dtype or string specifying the array dtype.
name Optional string containing a semantic name for the corresponding array. Defaults to None.

TypeError If the shape is not an iterable or if the dtype is an invalid numpy dtype.

dtype Returns a numpy dtype specifying the array dtype.
name Returns the name of the ArraySpec.
shape Returns a tuple specifying the array shape.



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Return whether the given NumPy array conforms to the spec.

array A NumPy array or a scalar. Tuples and lists will not be converted to a NumPy array automatically; they will cause this function to return false, even if a conversion to a conforming array is trivial.

True if the array conforms to the spec, False otherwise.


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Construct a spec from the given array or number.


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Construct a spec from the given spec.


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Checks if the shape and dtype of two specs are equal.


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Return self!=value.