
Stateful observer for writing fixed length trajectories to Reverb.

Main aliases


Used in the notebooks

This observer should be called at every environment step. It does not support batched trajectories.

Steps are cached until sequence_length steps are gathered. At which point an item is created. From there on a new item is created every stride_length observer calls.

If an episode terminates before enough steps are cached, the data is discarded unless pad_end_of_episodes is set.

py_client Python client for the reverb replay server.
table_name The table name(s) where samples will be written to.
sequence_length The sequence_length used to write to the given table.
stride_length The integer stride for the sliding window for overlapping sequences. The default value of 1 creates an item for every window. Using L = sequence_length this means items are created for times {0, 1, .., L-1}, {1, 2, .., L}, .... In contrast, stride_length = L will create an item only for disjoint windows {0, 1, ..., L-1}, {L, ..., 2 * L - 1}, ....
priority Initial priority for new samples in the RB.
pad_end_of_episodes At the end of an episode, the cache is dropped by default. When pad_end_of_episodes = True, the cache gets padded with boundary steps (last->first) with 0 values everywhere and padded items of sequence_length are written to Reverb.
tile_end_of_episodes If pad_end_of_episodes is True then, the last padded item starts with a boundary step from the episode. When this option is True the following items will be generated: F, M, L, P M, L, P, P L, P, P, P If False, only a single one will be generated: F, M, L, P For training recurrent models on environments where required information is only available at the start of the episode it is useful to set tile_end_of_episodes=False and the sequence_length to be the length of the longest episode.

ValueError If tile_end_of_episodes is set without pad_end_of_episodes.




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Closes the writer of the observer.


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Ensures that items are pushed to the service.


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Open the writer of the observer.


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Resets the state of the observer.

write_cached_steps boolean flag indicating whether we want to write the cached trajectory. When this argument is True, the function attempts to write the cached data before resetting (optionally with padding). Otherwise, the cached data gets dropped.


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Writes the trajectory into the underlying replay buffer.

Allows trajectory to be a flattened trajectory. No batch dimension allowed.

trajectory The trajectory to be written which could be (possibly nested) trajectory object or a flattened version of a trajectory. It assumes there is no batch dimension.