
#include <sparse_ops.h>

Split a SparseTensor into num_split tensors along one dimension.


If the shape[split_dim] is not an integer multiple of num_split. Slices [0 : shape[split_dim] % num_split] gets one extra dimension. For example, if split_dim = 1 and num_split = 2 and the input is

input_tensor = shape = [2, 7]
[    a   d e  ]
[b c          ]

Graphically the output tensors are:

output_tensor[0] = shape = [2, 4]
[    a  ]
[b c    ]

output_tensor[1] = shape = [2, 3]
[ d e  ]
[      ]


  • scope: A Scope object
  • split_dim: 0-D. The dimension along which to split. Must be in the range [0, rank(shape)).
  • indices: 2-D tensor represents the indices of the sparse tensor.
  • values: 1-D tensor represents the values of the sparse tensor.
  • shape: 1-D. tensor represents the shape of the sparse tensor. output indices: A list of 1-D tensors represents the indices of the output sparse tensors.
  • num_split: The number of ways to split.


  • OutputList output_indices
  • OutputList output_values: A list of 1-D tensors represents the values of the output sparse tensors.
  • OutputList output_shape: A list of 1-D tensors represents the shape of the output sparse tensors.

Constructors and Destructors

SparseSplit(const ::tensorflow::Scope & scope, ::tensorflow::Input split_dim, ::tensorflow::Input indices, ::tensorflow::Input values, ::tensorflow::Input shape, int64 num_split)

Public attributes


Operation operation


::tensorflow::OutputList output_indices


::tensorflow::OutputList output_shape


::tensorflow::OutputList output_values

Public functions


  const ::tensorflow::Scope & scope,
  ::tensorflow::Input split_dim,
  ::tensorflow::Input indices,
  ::tensorflow::Input values,
  ::tensorflow::Input shape,
  int64 num_split