Types used in Google Cloud AI Platform under experimental stage.
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Keys to the items in custom_config of Bulk Inferrer for passing bulkinferrer args to AI Platform.
Keys to the items in custom_config of Pusher/BulkInferrer for optional endpoint override (CAIP).
Keys to the items in custom_config of Bulk Inferrer for passing bulkinferrer args to AI Platform.
Keys to the items in custom_config of Tuner for specifying a working dir for remote trial.
Keys to the items in custom_config of Tuner for passing training_job to AI Platform, and the GCP project under which the training job will be executed. In Vertex AI, this corresponds to a CustomJob as defined in:https://cloud.google.com/vertex-ai/docs/reference/rest/v1/projects.locations.customJobs#CustomJob.In CAIP, this corresponds to TrainingInputs as defined in:https://cloud.google.com/ml-engine/reference/rest/v1/projects.jobs#TrainingInput