Exception types for MLMD errors.
class AbortedError
: The operation was aborted, typically due to a concurrent action.
class AlreadyExistsError
: Raised when an entity that we attempted to create already exists.
class CancelledError
: Raised when an operation or step is cancelled.
class DataLossError
: Raised when unrecoverable data loss or corruption is encountered.
class DeadlineExceededError
: Raised when a deadline expires before an operation could complete.
class FailedPreconditionError
: Raised when the system is not in a state to execute an operation.
class InternalError
: Raised when the system experiences an internal error.
class InvalidArgumentError
: Raised when an operation receives an invalid argument.
class NotFoundError
: Raised when a requested entity was not found.
class OutOfRangeError
: Raised when an operation iterates past the valid input range.
class PermissionDeniedError
: Raised when the caller does not have permission to run an operation.
class ResourceExhaustedError
: Some resource has been exhausted.
class StatusError
: A general error class that cast maps Status to typed errors.
class UnauthenticatedError
: The request does not have valid authentication credentials.
class UnavailableError
: Raised when the runtime is currently unavailable.
class UnimplementedError
: Raised when an operation has not been implemented.
class UnknownError
: Raised when an operation failed reason is unknown.
: Returns error class w.r.t. the error_code.
: Makes an exception with the MLMD error code.