Computes PCA on the dataset using biased covariance.
x: tf.Tensor, output_dim: int, dtype: tf.DType, name: Optional[str] = None
) -> tf.Tensor
The PCA analyzer computes output_dim orthonormal vectors that capture
directions/axes corresponding to the highest variances in the input vectors of
. The output vectors are returned as a rank-2 tensor with shape
(input_dim, output_dim)
, where the 0th dimension are the components of each
output vector, and the 1st dimension are the output vectors representing
orthogonal directions in the input space, sorted in order of decreasing
The output rank-2 tensor (matrix) serves a useful transform purpose. Formally,
the matrix can be used downstream in the transform step by multiplying it to
the input tensor x
. This transform reduces the dimension of input vectors to
output_dim in a way that retains the maximal variance.
Below are a couple intuitive examples of PCA.
Consider a simple 2-dimensional example:
Input x is a series of vectors [e, e]
where e
is Gaussian with mean 0,
variance 1. The two components are perfectly correlated, and the resulting
covariance matrix is
[[1 1],
[1 1]].
Applying PCA with output_dim = 1
would discover the first principal
component [1 / sqrt(2), 1 / sqrt(2)]
. When multipled to the original
example, each vector [e, e]
would be mapped to a scalar sqrt(2) * e
. The
second principal component would be [-1 / sqrt(2), 1 / sqrt(2)]
and would
map [e, e]
to 0, which indicates that the second component captures no
variance at all. This agrees with our intuition since we know that the two
axes in the input are perfectly correlated and can be fully explained by a
single scalar e
Consider a 3-dimensional example:
Input x
is a series of vectors [a, a, b]
, where a
is a zero-mean, unit
variance Gaussian and b
is a zero-mean, variance 4 Gaussian and is
independent of a
. The first principal component of the unnormalized vector
would be [0, 0, 1]
since b
has a much larger variance than any linear
combination of the first two components. This would map [a, a, b]
onto b
asserting that the axis with highest energy is the third component. While this
may be the desired output if a
and b
correspond to the same units, it is
not statistically desireable when the units are irreconciliable. In such a
case, one should first normalize each component to unit variance first, i.e.
b := b / 2
. The first principal component of a normalized vector would yield
[1 / sqrt(2), 1 / sqrt(2), 0]
, and would map [a, a, b]
to sqrt(2) * a
The second component would be [0, 0, 1]
and map [a, a, b]
to b
. As can
be seen, the benefit of normalization is that PCA would capture highly
correlated components first and collapse them into a lower dimension.
Returns | |
A 2D Tensor (matrix) M of shape (input_dim, output_dim).